Thursday, September 29, 2011

FREE Kolbi DataCard for Internet Connection wherever you go - in Costa Rica

Get a FREE* Kolbi (Huawei E173 USB) DataCard Gizmo 

*When you sign up for their $27/month Extremo Plan for ONE YEAR!!!

You just plug this "gizmo"/Kolbi DataCard in a USB slot and GO!!!  The first day I got mine, I had to run down to the Apple store and I was actually ON my laptop - ON Skype TALKING while riding in a taxi!!!  Is that COOL or WHAT!!!!  It works in MANY areas that normally do not currently get internet coverage (I have friends in the jungle using it!!).  

You get unlimited internet connection withOUT having a hard-wired line (it's like WiFi but better)!

It is not perfect though!!!  It can OFTEN be pretty unstable so I sometimes get bad connections on Skype calls (just like my ICE cell) and I have not been able to watch a YouTube video without it breaking up since I got this.

But, hey - it's better most of the time than my Amnet was!!!!

The Koldbi DataCard Unit:

This unit (one of the few that works with a Mac/Apple computer) at Radio Shack was around 33,000-c!!

I bought my Kolbi DataCard at Radio Shack because ICE didn't have any of the units for sale at the time.  If ICE has it in stock, I would DEFINITELY buy it from ICE for that extra "protection" as when I was having problems with it - ICE was blaming the unit.  This way - the unit IS THEIRS & THEY'RE responsible!!

WARNING:  It's a wider unit than a basic USB thingie & on my MacBook, there are only 2 USB slots - right next to each other.  So when I have the Kolbi in, I can not use the other slot - like for my headset, pictures, speakers (for this I hold BOTH accountable.  As MUCH as I LOVE Apple - WHY would they put the slots so close together [my other laptop has one USB slot on each side]???  & Kolbi [made in CHINA] - why would you make it so wide????).  I can't use one of those USB extenders with the Kolbi either.  Luckily I can use WiFi also).

NOTE:  The Kolbi DataCard is ONLY available for people that have a Cedula or Corporation (WHY haven't they created a "Pre-Pay" plan so visitors/non-residents can have one!!!  That sure could bring them a LOT of $$$$!!)


alguien dijo GRATIS??? ... Ingresá al mundo del Internet con planes de datos especialmente diseñados para vos... Adquirí el USB Huawei E173 GRATIS y podrás conectarte todo el tiempo que querás pagando $27,1 mensuales.

Seen on their Facebook Page:

(please "Share" the link to this special with EVERYONE you know -


Friday, September 23, 2011

Democrats Abroad of Costa Rica's - USED BOOK SALE!

Democrats Abroad of Costa Rica's


Books, CDs, Cassettes, DVDs, Videos, Crafts

WHEN: Saturday - September 24th - 9am-1pm  (Rain or Shine)
(this is in place of the September meeting)

WHERE: Plaza Colonial – ESCAZU-San Rafael 
(Calle Vieja/Old road, 200 mts West of Scotiabank split

(no dealers please)

DONATIONS WELCOME. Bring to sale 7-8am or drop off in: 
Warren - 2253-8170 - Barrio Escalante area
David - 2203-8193 - Santa Ana


For more information on upcoming Democrats Abroad Meetings (held the last Saturday of each month [except in December] - 9:30am-noon) email or Nelleke at 2-279-3553.

U.S. Citizens can vote from abroad! Register to vote at the
book sale or on-line at


Please share this link with EVERYONE you know!

Facebook Event Invitation

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PC Computer Repair in Costa Rica - in English! FAVIO QUIROS

Favio Quiros
PC Repair person / technician EXTRAORDINAIRE in the San Jose/Central Valley area!!

Favio ("FaBio" as they pronounce it in Costa Rica) is a Tico that speaks GOOD English and KNOWs his stuff and does NOT charge gringo prices!

He'll travel wherever to help you (he is currently living in Alajuela but he's often on the South/West side) (though you may pay for the transportation time if it's out of the area)

I have shared his information with WELL over 50 people and he's been able to help just about every one (some computer [or owners] are just beyond help!!).

Do you have a WiFi Router and/or extenders and are clueless on how to set it up?  
Favio is your man!!!
I am now sharing WiFi with my neighbor and it's LOTS faster than that piece of @$#* Kolbi Datacard (hence it will save me LOTS of money each month even by gifting some money to my neighbor [I feel it's only fair since he's allowing me to save money - to do SOMETHING to gift back/show my appreciation])!!!  

He can help you clean your computer up, update programs - whatever you need!!!

LANGUAGE:  Spanish is his first language but he speaks GREAT English (with a GREAT sexy voice!!)

Favio Quiros
or email

PLEASE make sure to tell him that Vicki Skinner CONNECTED you 
(and if you find this information helpful to you, I welcome you to make a DONATION•GIFT to keep this site alive and active!!  See the top right corner of this blog!!) 

(and please SHARE this link with EVERYONE you think can benefit from this information!) -


For more current info on Costa Rica's
Celebrate Costa Rica's 
DIA de INDEPENDENCIA (Independence Day)
go to:

.333 9/14/15