Tuesday, October 28, 2014



WHEN:  Friday - October 31, 2014  -  8:30pm-12/midnight

WHERE:  San Jose - Bar Lobo Estepario
Hector Gomez - 8-318-6524  Elsecuaz@gmail.com
Dennis - 8-383-7098

LOCATION:    Cuesta de Moras, frente al costado norte de la Plaza de la Democracia) - Avenida Central


NOTE that SPACE IS LIMITED so get there early!!!

Once again, the Lobo Estepario Bar in San José will host a very special presentation of the film in it's full audience participation version.

The WILDLY FUN CAMPY cult film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” (1975), was directed by Jim Sharman and starring Tim Curry, Barry Bostwick, Susan Sarandon and Meatloaf.

For 37 years, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” (FYI - it is NOT a “horror film”. It is a “campy” rock-musical•parody of old B-Movie, Science Ficture and Horror Films of the late 1940s through early 1970s) has been the first and only true audience partici-(SAY IT!)-pation movie. People yell back lines at the screen during the extended pauses between dialogue, dress up in costume and act out the film like they were in it - doing things like when it was raining - spraying spray bottles/water guns in the audience, or in the wedding scene - throwing rice or “toast” when they made a toast, laugh, dancing, warning characters before something was going to happen, singing along and shout insults to the screen mid-film.  Some people dress up in costume/drag (hence the popularity of it on Halloween).

In the states this movie has a campy “cult following” and is usually held at a midnight showing!  People came back over and over and over again!!!

NOTE:  Audience participation is NOT “mandatory” (though it SOOOO adds to the MEGA FUN!! factor here!!!).

Organizer Hector Gomez Hertz, said that TMC is showing it in October!

All proceeds raised from the screening will go to the Nephrology Foundation / Fundacion de Nefrologia (facebook.com/FundacionDeNefrologia) for kidney/dialysis patients at Hospital San Juan de Dios.

For this, they'll be selling special bags of props full of goodies to be used during the movie (some will have a hat or newspaper, rubber gloves, glow stick, confetti) - for just 2,500-c
(I’m sure additional ¢¢ donations will be welcome)

They'll also have some special surprises and raffles for those who attend!

I hear that Bar Lobo Estepario is a funky bar that caters to the more artsy/avante garde crowd which means they serve cheap drinks (Cervezas - 1,100, Johnny Walker Red - 1,500, JW Black 2,200) and their food Menu has 48 items to choose from ranging from just 2,000-4,000-c and INCLUDES all taxes/tips - so come hungry/thirsty!!!

Having seen the moving MANY MANY TIMES (ahhhh the '70s!!) - 
THIS sounds like THE EVENT in CR to celebrate Halloween!! It is TRULY an EXPERIENCE!!!! I'm SERIOUSLY considering going!!


You might want to prepare a bit before you go - either to be reminded of what to bring or learn just the heck this movie is about!!!

INTRO:   youtube.com/watch?v=G5MHNvOVl8Y
"Sweet Transvestite"  -  youtube.com/watch?v=lwUjJXxoGy4
“Time Warp”  -   youtube.com/watch?v=Rtkdo7bOmJc  AND  youtube.com/watch?v=w_Svq_ks3_Y
“I Can Make You a Man”  -  http://youtube.com/watch?v=P27au5OicbI
“Damn It Janet”  -  youtube.com/watch?v=NBjVBbeqf7E&playnext=1&list=PL59359C6E865E9FD8
“Toucha Toucha Toucha Touch Me”  -  youtube.com/watch?v=XyUmIrdeVv4
RHPS Halloween Horror Nights Universal Studios Hollywood:  youtube.com/watch?v=tfCkdu6_KAE 

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rocky_Horror_Picture_Show__(soundtrack)  •    youtube.com/watch?v=57eixw4Q-pw


(you might want to print this up and bring them):





(Mark your calendars now for NEXT years)


PLEASE "SHARE" this link with ALL your FUN ADVENTUROUS friends!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


REMEMBRANCE DAY (British - Canadian - Trinity/Tobago) CEREMONY


The purpose of this day is to honor all living veterans and to commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and of civilians that have lost their lives in time of war.

Everyone is invited to attended, especially all former British Commonwealth country military veterans and all United States of America military veterans, their families and widows, and children of veterans.

The Ceremony will be led by Pastor Stacey Steck during their 5pm service.

Refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Sunday - November 9, 2014 - 5-7:30pm

Escazu Christian Fellowship (in English) - Baptist Church in Guachepelin, Escazu.

From the AutoPista Route #27 (the new highway from Escazu to the Pacific) get off at the Guachepelin - ConstruPlaza Exit (1 mile West of MultiPlaza)
•  Turn RIGHT and
•  Follow the road as it bears left and you’ll see the church on the hill on your LEFT.


to play Assembly & Taps for the Commonwealth


Mel Goldberg - 8-870-6756  •  CineramaVideo@gmail.com



Friday, October 24, 2014

"YOGA FLOW" con Patty Arroyo en ValoArte - Avenida Escazu

Música en vivo por
Gabriel Wiernik
maravilloso arte en las paredes y la hermosa vista de las montañas de Escazú alrededor.....

Sunday - October 26, 2014 - 10:30am-12pm/noon-mid-day

Avenida Escazú - Torre Lexus, 7mo. piso


Quienes no deseen hacer la práctica de asanas podrán disfrutar de la música curativa de Gabriel.

Valor de la entrada $20

Luego del evento, se podrá admirar la exposición de arte que se exhibe en esa sala.

Evento es a beneficio de Hogar Siembra, organización no gubernamental que desde 1983 brinda apoyo a niñas y a adolescentes en riesgo social.

Obra del fondo Swadhisthana (*) por Joan Martha
* 2do. chakra : Influencia el gozo en todas sus expresiones.
The work of the fund swadhisthana (*) By Joan Martha
* 2do. Chakra: to influence the joy in all its forms.

Nos vemos domingo a las 10:30 am para una maravillosa sesión de yoga + arte y música fb.com/musicacurativagw
10:30 o'clock AM for a wonderful session of yoga + art and music fb.com/musicacurativagw

Live music by Gabriel Wiernik, wonderful art on the walls and the beautiful view of the mountains of Escazú around .....


Those who do not wish to make the practice of asanas will enjoy the healing music of Gabriel.

Input value $ 20

After the event, you can admire the art exhibit on display in that room.

The event is a benefit of Home Seeding, nongovernmental organization that since 1983 provides support to girls and adolescents at social risk.

Work Swadhisthana Fund (*) by Joan Martha
* 2do. chakra: Influence joy in all its expressions.
The work of the fund swadhisthana (*) By Joan Martha
* 2do. Chakra: to Influence the joy in all its forms.



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

U.S. Embassy•Embajada USA in Costa Rica - Final Opportunities to Return Voted Ballots

Seal with blue background

U.S. Embassy San Jose, Costa Rica
Message for U.S. Citizens
Final Opportunities to Return Voted Ballots
22 October 2014

Embassies and consulates are not polling places.  The majority of states require voted ballots to reach local election officials by the close of polls on Tuesday, November 4.  U.S. citizens who want to participate in the 2014 U.S. elections should already have returned their absentee ballots to their local election officials.  U.S. embassies and consulates are not polling places; same-day in-person voting is not available outside the United States.

Never received your ballot?  If you have registered to vote and requested your absentee ballot prior to your state’s registration and absentee ballot request deadlines but have not yet received your ballot, you should immediately complete and return a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot to ensure your vote reaches election officials by your state’s deadline.  If your regular ballot arrives later, go ahead and complete and return it as well.  Your Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot will only be counted if your regular ballot does not reach local election officials by your state’s deadline.  Your vote will not be counted twice.

Ballot not yet sent to local election officials?  If you wish to participate in this election and have not yet sent your ballot to your local election official, you should consider returning your ballot to the United States via an express courier service such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL.  Some states or counties may allow you to return your voted ballot electronically.  Ballots sent to local election officials via express courier service do not receive standard postmarks, so voters using this method should confirm delivery on or before November 4 prior to payment and shipment.  Check your state’s voting procedures at www.FVAP.gov for guidance.

Returning your Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot by email or fax.  If you have previously registered to vote and requested an absentee ballot but it has not yet arrived, the following states allow voters to use email or fax to send signed, voted Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots to local election officials:  Arizona, California (fax only), Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii (fax only), Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska (paper copy must also be mailed), Nevada, New Jersey (paper copy must also be mailed), New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon (paper copy must also be mailed), South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia.  Check your state’s voting procedures at www.FVAP.gov for guidance.

Returning your ballot by mail.  Ballots sent via regular international mail at this late date are unlikely to reach local election officials by state ballot receipt deadlines.  If you still wish to send your voted ballot via mail, place your voted ballot in a U.S. postage-paid envelope addressed to your local election officials.  Drop it off at the Embassy, and we’ll send it back home for you without the need to pay international postage.  If you can’t visit the Embassy in person, ask a friend or colleague to drop it off for you.  If it’s easier for you to use Costa Rica's postal system, be sure to affix sufficient international postage, and allow sufficient time for international mail delivery. 

You can get voting assistance from the embassy or drop off your completed voting forms and ballots, addressed to your local election officials, during the following hours:

Monday-Friday 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Normal transit time from San Jose to the United States is 10 days.

HELP SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT OVERSEAS VOTING.  Please help spread the word to your friends, family, and colleagues that now is the time to start thinking about overseas voting.  Consider posting to your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or other social media account that you are an active voter and will be dropping off or mailing your Federal Post Card Application or completed ballot.  Use #ProudOverseasVoter to help get the word out about voting.
Have Questions?  Please contact Embassy San Jose’s Voting Assistance Officer at 2519-2590 or at ACSSanJose@state.gov. 
Confirm your registration and ballot delivery online.  Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) website at www.FVAP.gov.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tempo RUN for KIDS•Carrera de niños - para la prevencion del abuso infantil y Bullyng - 2km - Noviembre 1, 2014

 Carrera de niños, para la prevencion del abuso infantil y Bullyng en Plaza Tempo, Escazu // Kids Race, for the prevention of child abuse and Bullyng in Plaza Tempo, Escazu

 Carrera de niños, para la prevencion del abuso infantil y Bullyng Noviembre 1

1.Circuito 2km en Laureles recomendado para niños de 7 a 14 años.
2. Circuito Interno en Tempo recomendado para niños de 3 a 6 años.
Del dinero recaudado con las inscripciones que resultan como ganancia, será donado en materiales a la Escuela de Bello Horizonte de Escazú para contribuir con el programa de prevención y lucha contra el Bullying, programa que emprende la Municipalidad de Escazú.
Carolina Rudin
Markteting & Communication Coordinator


Race of children, for the prevention of child abuse and Bullyng November 01

1.Circuito 2km in Laureles recommended for children 7 to 14 years.

2 Internal Circuit Tempo recommended for ages 3-6 years.
The money raised with the inscriptions are as profit will be donated materials to the School of Bello Horizonte de Escazú to contribute to the program of prevention and fight against Bullying program undertaken by the Municipality of Escazú.

Rudin Carolina
Markteting & Communication Coordinator

Thursday, October 16, 2014


WOW!! Know any WOMEN in the U.S. going through CANCER TREATMENT??
Check this AWESOME SERVICE that provides
FREE HOUSE CLEANING once a month for 4 months 
while she's going through treatment!!


I'm sharing this because MANY people know someone that could use this help!!
(PLEASE "SHARE" & SAVE this!!!!!)



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

EXPO SOLAR de Costa Rica - Octubre 31-Noviembre 1, 2014


Asociación Costarricense de Energía Solar (acesolar)

Octubre 31-Noviembre 1, 2014

San Jose, Costa Rica - Cenac - Antigua Fanal

Little Theatre Group - LTG - November - SHOWS & AUDITIONS - 2014

UPCOMING Little Theatre Group

The Little Theatre Group
Insane Domain Events, Inc.
a HALLOWEEN Murder Mystery•Celebrity Psycho Dinner
“Come Dine ON Me”
with Hannibal Spectre

A Halloween Murder Mystery Dinner for the Halloween madness this year.
The Bamboo Room Tin Jo will host COME DINE ON ME...featuring special celebrity psychopath HANNIBAL SPECTOR and a host of zany Halloween characters.
Murder is on the menu so beware...
Reservations are required as Seating is limited...
There is safety in numbers so be sure to invite your friends!!!!!

 Saturday  -  November 1st  -   starting at 6:30pm

(includes a delicious 3-course Asian Style Dinner from Tin Jo and Entertainment. 
Drinks NOT included)

Tin Jo Restaurant
San Jose-Downtown - Calle 11, between Avenidas 6 and 8

Seating will be limited and must be reserved in advance and are ONLY obtainable from LTG by calling:
online at - LittleTheatreGroup.org/reservations.html

by Juan Carlos Rubio.

Friday - Sunday  -  Nov 21st, 22nd & 23rd, 2014

La Asuncion de Belen, Heredia
ADILA - Asociación Desarrollo La Asunción
(Adila is a community center located behind the football field in Belen -
50 meters NorthEast of the Sports Field

This is the play that was performed at the recent Feria de Libros to an audience of over 200. It was so well received that we are re-staging it for our members/the public.

Juan Carlos Rubio
Born in Montilla, Córdoba, in 1992 Juan Carlos began to combine his work as an actor with television screenwriting and writing plays for the stage.
He has premiered his works in many Spanish speaking countries including Costa Rica.
(100M2 NTC March 2014), and has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes both as a director and as a writer.
TRES is just one of 20 scripts to his credit

Roger Pettitt
Roger started translating with two long novels by Luis Murillo of Madrid, and then he saw a play in Cordoba, Spain, by Juan Carlos Rubio called “Tres”.
The play ran for three days to packed houses and the audience were laughing their socks off nearly all the way through.  Roger contacted Juan Carlos and offered to translate it into English.  There followed two other translations and all three have been accepted by a theatre agency in London.

Juan Carlos is continually writing, when he is not directing something, so Roger is looking forward very much to the next one!

Asociación Desarrollo La Asunción
This a new venue for LTG, It is an active community center located behind the football field in Belen
We recommend you visit their website LaAsuncion.org for further information 


Little Theatre Group is holding auditions for their February 2015 production

2 One Act Plays:

Gnadiges Fraulein by Tennessee Williams 
The Dumb Waiter By Harold Pinter

Auditions will be held at ADILA in La Asuncion de Belen
Saturday 22nd of November 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sunday 23rd of November 11:00 am - 1:00pm

and in


Tuesday 25th of November 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Saturday 29th of November (call backs only)

 For an appointment to audition, and for further information please contact LTG through their reservations page at LittleTheatreGroup.org or 8-858-1446

Please note:
LTG is an Amateur Theatre Company



5,000-c/solo.  8,000-c/couple/family
(even though I'm [Vicki] not much of a theatre goer [think about it - Vicki sitting in one place for 2 hours with her mouth shut???? NOT!!!], I still joined as I feel what they offer is VERY IMPORTANT for our community [English-speaking Cultural things] and it's only $10!!  A small "investment" in our community!!)


Thursday, October 9, 2014

AMERICAN CITIZEN SERVICES NEWSLETTER - Fall 2014 - from the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica

Seal with blue background
Embassy of the United States of America


U.S. Embassy Welcomes New Consul General and Deputy Consul General

Ravi S. Candadai, a career Foreign Service Officer, took charge as Consul General on August 4, 2014.  Most recently he was the Deputy Chief of the Consular Section at the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany.  Prior to that, he served consecutively as the Chief of American Citizen Services and as the Visa Branch Chief.  His preceding tour was in Chennai, India where he was the Public Affairs Officer and Acting Consul General.  Earlier, he was the Deputy Economic Counselor in Islamabad, Pakistan.  His other tours have been in Santiago, Chile, where he was the Deputy Consul General; Cairo, Egypt, as the Chief of American Citizen Services, London and Monterrey, Mexico.  Deputy Consul General Margaret Pride served most recently as the Visa Chief in Cairo, Egypt, and served as the Consular Section Chief in Bermuda and in St. Petersburg, Russia.

ACS In the Field: Let us speak to your student groups

Consular Officers at the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica look forward to opportunities to speak to U.S. citizen students who are studying in Costa Rica.  Presenters provide tips to help students avoid becoming victims of crime, outline potential dangers, and provide information on services provided by the U.S. Embassy to U.S. citizens.  If you are expecting a group of students and you would like them to receive a security briefing, please email ACSSanJose@state.gov

Obtaining Your State Vital Records

Three moves equal one house fire.  How many times have you moved, and do you know where your birth certificates and marriage certificates are?  Has the Costa Rican humidity gotten to them?  Given that the United States comprises fifty states and many other territories, obtaining original copies of your vital records can be difficult.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has created a portal with links to the offices of the fifty states and other territories where you can request copies of your vital records.  Each state has its own set of requirements, but the online portal can help direct you to the appropriate state office. 

Education Exchange

In 2011, President Barack Obama launched an initiative to increase education exchanges between the United States and Latin America, 100,000 Strong.  In this initiative, the U.S. government aims “to work with partners in the region, including the private sector, to increase the number of U.S. students studying in Latin America to 100,000 and the number of Latin American students studying in the United States to 100,000.”  The U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica is working to fulfill this goal, providing scholarships to some Costa Ricans to study in the United States.  If you know any students who would like to study in the United States, encourage them to investigate all of the great opportunities.

Combating Trafficking and Increasing Security

The U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica is committed to assisting the Costa Rican government combat narcotics trafficking and improve domestic security.  In July, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Gonzalo R. Gallegos, inaugurated a new border checkpoint located at Kilometer 35 on the Southern Inter-American Highway.  The U.S. Government donated one million dollars to the construction of the checkpoint, which will assist the Costa Ricans to interdict narcotics and other illegal items transiting the country.

Riptide Warning

Sadly, several U.S. citizen families have returned from their vacation to Costa Rica without a loved family member who was lost in a drowning.  This year, more than a dozen U.S. citizens have died as a result of drowning.  Several of the victims were young, in good health, and strong swimmers.  Riptides are often to blame, pulling otherwise good swimmers away from shore and under the water.  Please be mindful of riptides and warn your guests of the dangers of the ocean. 


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Professional Women's Group (PWG) of Costa Rica's Monthly Meeting - October 2014

The Women's Club of Costa Rica's
Special Interest group
Professional Women's Group of Costa Rica - PWG
has NOW branched off to:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

SAN RAMON - HOUSE FOR RENT - 3-bedroom PLUS a 1-bedroom InLaw Cottage WAY WAY WAY AWAY from it all - near Piedades de Sur in the Mountains of SAN RAMON, Costa Rica

This 3-bedroom PLUS a 1-bedroom InLaw Cottage

It probably won't be available to rent till around the beginning of 2015 (unless there's sudden incentive like a definite tenant) as it's not been occupied in 4 years so there's LOTS of work to do here.

It's WAYYYYYYYYY out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains & up some heavy duty bumpy dirt roads.

See Photos at:


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the city of San Ramon as it seems like THE BEST city in Costa Rica with a balance of Gringos and Ticos interacting thanx to
 The Community Action Alliance of San Ramon which brings ExPats and Tico's together to help their community!!!
ActionAllianceCR.com  • 

San Ramon is about 1-1/2 hours West of San Jose and about 30 minutes from the nearest Pacific beach.

The weather is more in balance than most area around Costa Rica since it's a higher elevation (3,468 feet•1,057 meters) - similar to Escazu, San Jose, the Central Valley - so it's pretty much in the mid-high 70's year-around (it can get warmer in the lower areas and it can get lots cooler in the mountains)!

San Ramon also has LOTS of free and/or cheap CULTURAL ACTIVITIES through their Museum and a good size ExPat community (if that's what you're looking for)

e-newsletter keeps the community connected on what's going on, what's for sale, rent, to buy and more!

They also have:
Celebrating MANY holidays from St Patrick's Day to 4th of July

•  Spanish Conversation Group
•  Fiesta Festejos Patronales
•  Oxcart Parade
•  Community Chorus
•  Gringo Connections women's group on Thursdays at Cafe Delicias
•  Yoga - All levels of Vinyasa and Therapeutic Yoga (a blend of Yin Yoga, Svaroopa, Restorative Yoga and exercises to support proper alignment)
•  They have a MOPT office (for all things legal vehicle related) and many other governmental offices which have LOTS LESS people than in San Jose
•  Numerous people organize gatherings like to the beach, into San Jose for some culture, shopping trips
•  Paul and Gloria Yeatman with Retire For Less In Costa Rica
RetireForLessInCostaRica.com  •  Facebook.com/pages/Retire-for-Less-in-Costa-Rica/130115227033561
(I think hiring them to introduce you to San Ramon and Life in Costa Rica is a WISE INVESTMENT on your part!!)
and LOTS MORE!!!

 Women's Gathering at Cafe Delicias
 Yoga Classes
Feria•Farmers Market
Bus into San Jose • Alajuela (near airport) or
San Ramon-San Jose Bus - Empresarios Unidos (2-222-0064) - departs every 30 minutes between 5:50am-11pm for the 1 hour bus ride to San Jose (at Calle 16 between Avenida 10-12)
Paul Yeatman with
Retire For Less In Costa Rica
RetireForLessInCostaRica.com  •  Facebook.com/pages/Retire-for-Less-in-Costa-Rica/130115227033561
toured me around showing me San Ramon!
Here we're at the HUB of activities in San Ramon - their main museum -
Museo de San Ramon
facebook.com/Museo.regional.SanRamon.UCR  •  So.UCR.AC.CR/museo-regional-de-san-ram%C3%B3n
(I think hiring them to introduce you to San Ramon and Life in Costa Rica is a WISE INVESTMENT on your part!!)




Thursday, October 2, 2014

Women's Club of Costa Rica (WCCR) Annual General Meeting at the Jade & Pre-Columbian Culture Museum - San Jose, Costa Rica - October 8, 2014

 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 2014 at 9:30 AM

Where: Museum of Jade and Pre-Columbian Culture in San José
Time:    9:30 am – socialize with other members. Meeting starts at 10:00 am

Business meeting: Reports and Election of 2015 Board of Directors and Fiscales

Program:   A Museum representative will give an overview of the museum.  The Museum will waive the entrance fee so that attendees can visit the Museum following the meeting.  
RSPV:   Jeannine   jeannine.wccr@gmail.com   2239-8428  by October 6th
  (In order to ensure we have bocas and coffee for everyone, we need to confirm the number of attendees)
 VOLUNTEER BAKERS NEEDED:  WCCR will supply the bocas and coffee/beverages -- therefore, we need volunteers to prepare sweet and savory bocas.  Please e-mail Jeannine Hurd, jeannine.wccr@gmail.com if you can help.  Since the Club is providing the bocas, coffee and other beverages, please reserve by October 6th so that we can ensure that there is enough for everyone.

  •  The corner of Central Avenue and 13th Street, next to La Plaza de la Democracia / en la esquina de la Av Central y Calle 13, a la par de la Plaza de la Democracia
Two parking lots within a block:
    1)   “Estacionamiento El Museo” – on the right side of 2nd Ave., between 13th and 15th Streets

     2)    Paking lot / ”Parqueo” on the left side of 2nd Ave., 15 meters west of the corner of 2nd Ave &13th St.


WCCR - Women's Club Costa Rica


Know any women living in Costa Rica - or thinking to move here?  Please share this link with them!


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


in Costa Rica is not an easy task - especially since most of them can be found in the more upscale (like Escazu) and/or beach areas.

If you're not wanting to fork out a BUNCH of $$$, IF it were ME, the first thing I'd do is I would post my OWN listing of what I'M SEEKING on:
and I'd join and post also on:

OR - if you want to RE-COVER what you have (or find at the rare Garage Sale) - check out my listing on FABRIC STORES:


(I've seen people spell it Alyiss or Allys)
Costa Rica doesn't have many "department stores" but Aliss is MY FAV!!! They have many COOL/funky/unique things from bedding to furniture for inside and Outdoor•Patio Furniture (I think their selection is one of the largest), fountains to kitchen chachkee as well as clothing (downstairs) at decent prices and a GOOD SELECTION!! Every day of the week they have discounts on different types of items, too. Unique things I've found at Alyss - these really neat candle trees - a 3 1/2' metal shaped tree with 34 candle holders in it for just $16 each (in the states that would have been about $70+), sort of orange dishes with purple shiny stones in them (VERY festive!!), a multi-colored shower curtain and cool towels (including bright ORANGE ones!!), bright sheets (only one set as now I'm ordering them online and bringing them back on those trips though one day I'm going to try mailing them), rugs, etc., a bamboo room divider, rattan placemats and LOTS MORE!!). I've also found their things like kitchen chachkees like spatulas, serving spoons, etc. cheaper like I've found things overall there. THE BEST place I've found for the COOLEST Christmas decorations (which to me can make for FUN household decorative things year-round!!)
Cariari (2-239-1371 • 2-278-5917 • 2-278-5119) LOCATION:  Real Cariari Mall - off the main highway to the airportMultiplaza del EsteCurridabat  -  2-283-0164
Escazu - 2-289-7579 - LOCATION:  just south of MultiPlaza (where the old bowling alley used to be)
San Ramon:  2-445-1493
TerraMall - 2-278 -5117  -  LOCATION: the radial that takes you to San Pedro.

Pacific Home Furnishings
(PacificHomeFurnishing.com/Outdoor-Furniture  •  facebook.com/PacificHome   •  2-665-1750  •  8-342-8528  •  8-395-7328)
They even have Eco-Friendly furniture.
LOCATION:  Liberia - Our office is located 2.5 Km. West from Burger King Liberia Villa de Guanacaste Office Building #10

One of my FAVORITE STORES for everything from Furniture, Fountains (I’ve bought 2 there) to Decorative things. Mainly things with an Indonesian look. Still good prices overall.
HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm
LOCATIONS: San Jose  (2-296-2480 / 2-296-2473 / 8-827-3433) - 50 mts South of McDonald’s in Sabana sur - in front of the side of Universal
Escazu  (2-288-6069  /  2-288-6071)  -  100 meters south of BAC San Jose
Liberia  (2-668-1240 / 2-668-1239) - Local #7B and #12D. Solarium. Opposite the Daniel Oduber International Airport in Liberia.

Not much furniture (other than quite a few Outdoor•Patio Furniture things) but a REALLY GOOD place for decorative household things, good style, wide array of kitchen items, bed and bath things, state of the art items such as new type pressure cookers, espresso makers, lemon zesters. FOUNTAINS here for $25-$35!!
Alajuela – De McDonald’s Tropicana – 475 mts. Sur/South – a Mano Isq. (2-443-1880 / 2-443-1780 / 2-443-3543). HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10am-8pm. Sat. 9:30am-8pm. Sun. 10am-6:30pm
Escazu – MultiPlaza (2-201-6363 / 2-201-6262) – HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10am-8pm. Sun. 10am-7pm
Pavas – De Canal 7 350 mts. Oeste/West – Carretera a Pavas Contiguo a Pali (2-296-3711). HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10am-8pm. Sat. 9:30am-8pm. Sun. 10am-6:30pm
Zapote - De La Rotonda de La Garantias Sociales, 25 mts. Norte (2-280-2112 / 2-280-0710 / 280-0508 / 280-0608). HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10am-8pm. Sat. 9:30am-8pm. Sun. 10am-6:30pm.

1/2 decent small department store with a little furniture but mainly housewares, rugs, upholstery / fabric material
SAN JOSE (2-258-3337) – Sabana Park – Avenida 10 near the old gym just east of Sabana Park – the Gimnacio Nacional (get off at first bus stop and walk up 2 blocks).
SAN PEDRO near Mc Donalds of Curridabat.

(LaArtistica.net/en •  facebook.com/LaArtistica  •  2-296-2590)
Some pretty expensive stuff but also a few good buys (especially if you pay by cash). The place is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside and inventory moves quickly. As close to Ikea as we have seen here but LOTS more $$$. Be sure to check out their outlet store Downtown. DELIVERY!
OUTLET - SAN JOSE - Downtown (2-223-5544) - HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6:30pm, Sat. 9:30am-6pm. DIRECTIONS: Avenida 2nd between Calles 7 and 9.
PAVAS/ROHRMOSER (2-296-2590) - HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30am-7:30pm, Sun. 10am-6pm. DIRECTIONS: On the main road in Pavas, across the street from Octubre 54 and just East of Jiron mattress store, close to Cemaco (just West of Sabana Park, North of Escazu)
CURRIDABAT (2-272-8787) - HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm. DIRECTIONS: Diagonal to Hipermas.
WAREHOUSE - LIBERIA (2-668-1313) - HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8am-5:30pm. DIRECTIONS: Calle 4 and 5




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