Thursday, December 24, 2009

What Restaurants are open Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve & New Years Day in Escazu, Costa Rica

I've STARTED compiling a list for the ESCAZU area (after learning the hard way that NOTHING was open on New Years Day 2 years ago & I had NOTHING appealing in my home!!). I'll be enhance it as I find more so keep checking back :

Antojitos Mexican - 1-9pm
Villa Rey Chinese - 11am-3pm & 6-11pm
Time Out Tavern - 11am-late afternoon or early evening
The Pub - 11am-5pm

Antojitos Mexican - 1-9pm
Villa Rey Chinese - 11am-11pm
Time Out Tavern - 5pm-11/mid.-ish (till the paying people leave) (no special Christmas meal)
Rock & Roll Bar & Grill

Antojitos Mexican - 1-9pm
Villa Rey Chinese - 11am-3pm & 6-11pm.
Time Out Tavern - some sort of New Years Party
The Pub - 11am-mid.
Rock & Roll Bar & Grill - I can't remember what he said his opening hours were but I think it's 11am-1am. Since he's just re-opened (Paul), he's doing more of a "soft opening" with LIVE MUSIC, sit-down dinner probably grilled steak dinner (price tba) & not a crazy party environment.

Time Out Tavern - 11am-1am
Rock & Roll Bar & Grill - 11am-mid - Kitchen

(from my newly being created/updated site

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Need to convert your U.S. Dollars into Colones when banks aren't open? Pay a Utility Bill or Receive Western Union in Costa Rica

Need to convert your U.S. dollars into colones & don’t want to stand in a LONG line like you often find (especially in the national banks in Costa Rica) or don't have time to do it during regular banking business hours?

Need to pay your Utility Bills?

Or Receive a money transfer from Western Union in Costa Rica???

Costa Rica offers a GREAT option!!


They’re GREAT for EXCHANGE YOUR U.S. $s INTO COLONES (the ONLY place I’ve found to give you dollars is a regular bank!!) withOUT a service fee & at a pretty decent rate (MY experience over the past 4-1/2 years using it has been typically it’s a MUCH better rate than at a bank. Make sure to bring your ORIGINAL Passport (thanx to Bush EVERY DOLLAR we convert IS reported back [since you know we're all terrorists & drug dealers!!]).

Here you can PAY YOUR UTILITY BILLS - Water (AyA - Acueductos y Alcantarrillados), Electricity (Fuerza y Luz), Phone/Cell (ICE), Racsa, CableTica & Amnet tv/internet bills or INS. Note that on the day bills are due there can be LONG lines!!!

You can also Send/Receive WESTERN UNION in Costa Rica(be FOREWARNED about receiving large/thousands of dollars worth of money coming TO you as OFTEN they don’t have large amounts of cash lying around. IF I were to receive a chunk of change, I’d go in the late afternoon to a HiperMas so they have time to get more money in (HiperMas is the Super Wally World [WalMart] of Costa Rica). Also, they ALWAYS give your money to you in COLONES - NOT U.S. Dollars!!).

HOURS: Most are open Mon.-Sat. 8am-8pm. Sun. 9am-5pm

LOCATIONS: Throughout Costa Rica you can find SERVIMAS Booths in most HiperMas, Mas x Menos, Perimercado (the one in Escazu does NOT have a ServiMas) & Pali.

CORPORATE #: 2-210-8500

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

CHRISTMAS PRESENT & FOOD BANK DONATIONS NEEDED for local charities (Gail Nystrom's CR Humanitarian Foundation)

It’s CHRISTMAS TIME & Costa Rica has MANY people that are "less fortunate" - ESPECIALLY this year!!!

Though my home (the House of Self Empowerment) is a DONATION DROP-OFF POINT for MANY charities - the main one I focus on is Gail Nystrom's Costa Rica HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (


To me - Ms. Volunteer Costa Rica (because she works on helping people in many areas throughout CR) - Gail Nystrom with the CR HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION ( / 8-390-4192 / is a GREAT person/group to donate your time/money to!!

Though the majority of the holiday parties are over for this year (she still has one on Dec. 29), there’s always need as throughout the year she gives gifts, food, clothes, shoes, school supplies, medicine++ to HUNDREDS of kids from some very poor families where this is often the only time of the year they receive a new toy!!

SUGGESTED GIFTS (this is a good tool for most groups/year-round):
Things like EDUCATIONAL TOYS, ART SUPPLIES, Soccer Balls (& soccer socks & soccer shoes [used as well]), Books in Spanish, Puzzles & things to help with logic & coordination, Lego's, little Cars, Games like Chess, Uno, Scrabble, Parcheesy, Checkers [NOT Chinese checkers], Colored Chalks, Number & Alphabet matching cards & games, puppets, frisbees, jump ropes, Jacks, hair barretts/rubber bands/head bands+, Stuffed Animals, fantasy jewelry, dolls.

Please, NOTHING with batteries & give gifts UNwrapped.

One non-Christmas item that is MEGA needed by MOST kids are SOCKS (even used ones) as MANY of these kids don't even have socks & it can get pretty chilly this time of year. Clothes are always needed as well & in January - OFFICIAL UNIFORMS are REALLY REALLY NEEDED!!!)

All money donations can be deposited with ease by going to any branch of Scotia Bank into their “Fundacion de Humanitaria charity account (yes - it's just 4 numbers):
After you’ve made a donation, PLEASE email her to let her know - (for her records).
Unfortunately at this time she is not set up to receive international donations but it’s in the works.



Gail has now created a WONDERFUL FOOD BANK twice a month feeding 100+ families of some of the poorest of the poor people in La Carpio.

This is an especially WONDERFUL PROGRAM because it’s NOT a hand-out. Each family pays just 5,000-c for a bag of the basic staples (the value of the bag is about 13,000-c), PLUS the whole family gets a FREE Hot Meal & they have a BUNCH of clothes/shoes people can buy for DIRT CHEAP (like 500-2,000-colones)!!!

The next few months is basically THE time of the year she needs the MOST HELP!!!

Either donate ANY of the following items &/or donate 13,000-colones per bag (or ANYTHING). She can use any clothing & shoe donations as well!!

The items are brand specific for consistency:
- 100 und. Aceite Clover litro
- 100 und. Arroz Tio Pelon azul
- 100 und. Atun pescador con vegetales grande
- 50 und. Bebida royal melocoton
- 50 und. Bebida Royal Ponche de Frutas
- 50 und. Cereal K.Corn Flakes
- 50 und. Cereal K. Zucaritas
- 100 und. Spaguetti Roma
- 100 und. Frijol Tio Pelon
- 100 und. Leche Pinito 400 gr
- 100 und. Sal solar
- 200 und. Salsa Naturas c/carne 106gr
- 100 und. Sopa Maggi casera pollo

Due to financial challenges, she's not able to do any more Food Banks for this year (UNLESS someone's willing to donate $1,000 for that to happen) so the NEXT ONE will be Sunday January 10


PIEDADES - Unity Costa Rica or Gail's house.
ESCAZU - House of Self Empowerment - / 8-378-6679 - ON Calle Vieja - near Calle Country Club (email or call for directions)

Gail Nystrom - (the BEST way) / 8-390-4192

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

THANKSGIVING in Costa Rica - 2009

The 2014 site for listings of LOTS of U.S. Thanksgiving Dinners around Costa Rica:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

SUPER SONY - FABULOUS Asian Grocery Store / Market in Costa Rica

The most current version of this information on
where to get those hard to find Asian (Thailand / Thai, China / Chinese, Japan / Japanese, Taiwanese, Philippine / Filipino, Indonesian, India / Indian and Middle Eastern) Spices / Ingredients / Products in Costa Rica
Go to:

Friday, August 7, 2009


For the updated list of ENGLISH SPEAKING TAXI DRIVERS go to


This list is CURRENTLY predominately for the Escazu area (but we're starting a list for other areas around Costa Rica so if you have someone to add, info on what to do is below). Their level of English is of varying levels so do yourself a favor & speak SLOWLY (challenging for me to do as I get SOOOO EXCITED!!). Some don't speak English but they are often available & or just GOOD/trustworthy people!

I ONLY use LEGAL RED TAXI's & Tourism Vans as they are the ONLY ones that are insured to carry paying passengers plus, if the cops pull them over (& they DO), you're stuck in the middle of no where as the driver can NOT go on!!!

ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE DRIVER TURNS THE MARIA•METER ON (it starts at 570-colones though it reads 570.0 which can be VERY misleading!!!)

HOURS: The hours indicated are the TYPICAL hours they work BUT almost ALL can be flexible by advanced appointment. They can drive you wherever you want to go but you may want to hire ones that have experience/knowledge of an area.

2-289-0826 / 2-289-0026 - HOURS: 24/7 now. (if I'm just going around Escazu area, I call them & usually Dispatch [below]. They're located in Centro Escazu by the church)

We're constantly enhancing/add to this list (we'd like names for English-speaking drivers THROUGHOUT Costa Rica!!) so if you have a LEGAL RED taxi driver or LEGAL Tourism Van (ONLY - PERIOD!!!) to add, please email us at:
Please provide the following info in this order:
Phone Number/Email Address/Website:
Level of English/any comments:

AIRPORT GREETS•RETURNS to/from the Escazu (San Rafael) area
Greet - $30+. Returns - $25+ (plus tip)
FYI - Hiring a Red Taxi to pick you up at the airport or return you is more expensive than Airport Taxi's because they spend time waiting for you (time is $$) as well as Greet you with a sign with YOUR name on it, plus they have to pay for parking which ain't cheap at SJO. They also legally can NOT pick up anyone that's not their customer at the airport [they deadhead] so they loose money there.
Airport Taxi's are cheaper [around $18 I believe] but my experience is FEW speak English let alone know a lot about areas.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE “Vicki” referred ya!!!

# # #

Sunday, August 2, 2009

HUGE Changes in new Transit/Driving Laws in Costa Rica 9/23/09 - EDUCATE YOURSELF!

This was shared with me per Amy/cstrcstamyst. She's been SOOOO CONSIDERATE as to translate the new laws into English which you can purchase at

I understand her concerns - especially light of the potential problems for more pressure for bribes but I VERY MUCH agree with some of the new laws (I've had NUMEROUS friends, lovers & family DIE from IDIOT drivers which is prolific in CR hence I can't see owning a car here!! I live in the MOST convenient area so I can walk, bus (ok - rarely) or my preferred - taxi which is pretty cheap & SANER!!).

THANX Amy for helping to educate us & make OUR lives easier!!!! I think this is WELL worth the investment if you drive or intend on driving in Costa Rica!!


Amy Stivers (Shorty) here. Most of you know, I rarely send a mass email. Today is different, as I’m sending you some information on the new changes to the Ley de Transito that will be very very important to you as of September 23rd, 2009. On that date, a sweeping change in the Transit Law takes effect, and all of us need to be prepared. I’ve lived here over 15 years, and this might be the most dramatic change in law that Costa Rica’s attempted in a long while.

Although COSEVI (Consejo de Seguridad Vial) is obligated by law to inform all residents of the new changes, thoroughly enough for everyone to have a full understanding, nothing has been distributed to the English speaking population that lets this sector know what they’re really in for. Following are some highlights which should get your attention:

* 400 new Transito Officers will hit the streets in September 23rd, a 50% increase over the=2 0800 already on the roadways.
* All drivers’ licenses will be computerized, and accredited 50 points. When you commit an infraction, you’re issued a $$ fine, but also you get points deducted. The new system is so strict, that running a stop sign only twice can leave you with a suspended license for TWO YEARS. Transito Officials will be communicating to Cosevi central via radio and computer every time someone gets pulled over. It’s expected that citations will be issued following transit accidents as well. A simple fender bender could end up with serious fines issued, and possibly loss of license if you have more than one such situation.
* Parents and people who transport children under 12 must have safety seats, and the areas where a child may be seated will be restricted. No more children in the front seat, and no booster seats in the middle area of the back seat, no infant seats in the middle. Does your car support the new regulations? Many par ents are finding that NO, their car won’t be legal to transport all their kids any more. Not complying can get a parent’s license suspended for TWO YEARS, with the first infraction.
* You’ll be required to carry a number of new devices in your car at all times, and use reflective vests and triangles any time you perform roadway maintenance, or risk half your license points on the first infraction. Even bicyclists will have to carry new devices, so even if you don’t drive, you really need to inform yourself.
* There’s going to be a host of new infractions possible for everyone, including not yielding to a pedestrian in the crosswalk, which will cost you half your license points with one citation. It will take at least one year and possibly up to four years to recover those license points, if you do not commit any new infractions AT ALL.
* Foreigners who don’t get a National driver’s license within 90 days of last entry will be fined c68,100 colones now. If you drive a car or motorcycle and haven’t gotten your CR license yet, now is the time to plan it.

Needless to say, common sense and first-world driving experience will NOT get you through the new changes without risking some serious fines, and even suspension of your license. Costa Rica has never before REQUIRED any type of training or education to issue their licenses, and now with this law, Costa Rica’s President and Minister of Transport aim to rectify the ignorance, make everyone learn very fast, at the risk of very high fines and of easily losing your license. All Costa Ricans are rapidly re-educating themselves, as should the rest of us. Please inform yourself now, and get prepared so that you are not one of those who falls through the cracks come September.

Many people are voicing concerns that so many new officers, so many new infractions, and so much at stake is the perfe ct storm for having Transito Officers running rampant with the solicitation & nbsp;of bribes, and committing abuses. This is a valid concern, and provisions are in place with the new law for appeals an complaints, without all the previous legal legwork that used to be required. We all need to be prepared to know how to appeal citations, how to report abuse by officers, buses, and taxis, and how to pay citations an d renew our licenses.

In cooperation with, I’ve compiled an ebook in English with all this information for use by the English speaking residents here in Costa Rica, as well as those who are researching and planning moving to Costa Rica. You may find it for sale at or at for $9.95. Subsequent editions will likely be released as the inevitable legal challenges to the law mount, and adaptations to the law are constructed. There is 50 pages if explanation and illustration of the new changes, new devices, explanation o f the new system, statistics, driving times, and more. Also included is an Annex with the complete Reforma de Ley de Transito translated into English, followed by the complete original document in Spanish. Please inform yourself, and get prepared.

It’s called “Shorty’s Guide to the New Ley de Transito 2009”, and in addition, will be running weekly articles with overviews of different aspects of the new law. InsideCostaRica is a free daily English newsletter and site for Costa Rica, with free daily newsletter emails. You may sign up for the free newsletter with the link towards the top rig ht of the home page, and keep up with the situation.

Thank you to all of you for taking the time to read this. I have not put you on a mailing list of any kind, and won't be sending any other emails besides this one. I hope everyone gets themselves informed and prepared for September, so that you suffer no surprises on the roadways.

Happy Motoring!

Amy (Shorty)

(tell her Vicki referred ya!!)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm starting a list of some Acupuncturists as well as other Alternative Therapists+. Do you have someone to add to this upcoming site? Please e- me at 

Escazu (Centro)
(I'm sad to report that Gene passed away on November 16, 2011 ACUPUNCTURE and AuriculoTherapy*


(2-288-4658-Appointment-Spanish  •  8-857-4656-English  • )

I've only heard REALLY POSITIVE things about Ruth and that she spends one-on-one time with you and utilizes other techniques like color therapy.  A Holistic approach / healing treatment that includes acupuncture.  Sessions last about 1 hour. When calling for an appointment with her assistant - make SURE it is WITH Ruth and not an other practitioner!!!

LOCATION:  Escazu (San Rafael) - A bright yellow building - Natural Sofia (in front of Lotus Restaurant) - on Calle Viejo.  125 meters West of Paco Plaza - on the north side of the street.

INVESTMENT IN YOUR BODY: 38,000/session.
(make sure to tell Ruth [my old neighbor] Vicki with the blog Connected you!!)


She also has brought an AMAZING product from Ecuador - ME SECRETO NATURAL!!
It's a natural product to regulate the digestive system and helps to eliminate fats through the urine and stools and lowers cholesterol (hence results in weight loss for many).  Legally registered natural medicinal product with the Ministerio de Salud in Costa Rica.

WHERE TO FIND:  Bio Salud and Farma Natura (the macrobiotic at WalMart [except Heredia])


Dr. Kim Ok Gwan, Ph.D, OMD
(  •  DrKimCostaRica.com2-231-6361 • 8-725-5024 •


Dr. Kim is a really nice Acupuncturist (I've been to him in the past) that many clients have good results from. He does many clients at one time. He is a master of acupuncture & oriental medicine certified by California Oriental Medical Association & NCCAOM (The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine) in the United States. Dr. Kim also holds Doctor of Naturopathy & Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Counselling.
LANGUAGE:  He speaks good English

PERK:  He often entertains people with his flute in between sessions!

LOCATION:  GPS Coordinates - 9.949224,-84.128018


Daniel Frankson
Los Yoses - near the Subaru Dealer
He speaks both English and Spanish - Besides being a certified acupuncturist he is also a chiropractor. I have yet to hear of a single complaint- only praise.


If you visit one of the people mentioned here - PLEASE make sure you tell them Vicki Connected you!


Please have them fill out and send me their details to :



PHONE #s (especially give a contact # for someone that can speak English):





MODALITY (type of holistic treatments you do):

DETAILS (I LOVE DETAILS - whatever other info you'd like to share):

If you get any clients from it - Donations back to my blog to show your appreciation is GREATLY appreciated!


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you time and/or $$$/¢¢¢¢?

Please consider showing your appreciation for and helping keep this detailed blog going by making a

ANY amount is appreciated since this is my ONLY source of "income" and VERY FEW people give back/donate!!!

Go to the top LEFT corner of the blog for details.


.3453 10/3/15


Sunday, June 14, 2009

VEGETARIAN, ORGANIC, RAW, JUICE BAR Restaurants in Costa Rica (UPDATED April 2014)

The concept of VEGETARIAN, ORGANIC, RAW, JUICE BAR restaurants in Costa Rica is SLOWLY catching on. I've JUST started this list so PLEASE share any new ones you have!!!!

There are more choices of vegetarian•conscious dining restaurants in the San Pedro•UCR university area.

This is the BEST LIST of VEGETARIAN RESTAURANTS for Costa Rica.  I'm slowly working on updating•enhancing this!!:

BUENA TIERRA Coffee Shop/Organic Cafeteria & Market
(  •  • 2-288-0342-restaurant • 8-950-5930-if no one speaks English •
In their COOL UNIQUE PLACE (the tables are made out of tree stumps!!)/coffee shop they serve breakfasts and lunches all made with high quality ingredients, organic and natural. Home made cakes, organic coffees and teas, take-home our gourmets dishes or just order them, buy cosmetics and biodegradable cleaning products. TASTY, GOOD, HEALTHY FOOD with NICE presentation!!
The are the organizers of the ORGANIC FERIA•FARMERS MARKET in Escazu and they also do DELIVERY for the groceries.  Send orders Friday-Sunday (before 6pm) for Wednesday afternoon delivery.  CONTACT:
DAILY SPECIALS includes soup, rice, beans, salad and an entrée & Natural drink. All our ingredients are 99% ORGANIC.
HOURS: Mon-Thurs-8am-5pm, Fri-8-6pm, Sat-9am-2pm.
OWNERS:  Laura & Fiona (tell them Vicki with the blog Connected you!)
LOCATION: Escazu (Centro) - 1 block South/up the hill from the main entrance of San Miguel Catholic Church in Centro Escazu in the Plaza Buena Tierra. It is a green 2-story building decorated with amazing mosaics made by artist Rebeca Fernández.

GOKUL Restaurant
(  •  8-380-2042  •  2-280-5649  • 
Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian  A small AUTHENTIC INDIAN•Hindu outdoor patio restaurant connected to the theater. Short menu with authentic Indian cuisine. Menu items are mix and match, and the plate of the day is filling. ALFRESCO•Outdoor seating. Moderate.  Previously named Cafe Giratablas.
HOURS:  Mon-Sat 10am-8pm.
OWNERS:  Pramila Dasi & Mukunda Das•Sanjay Patel (BIG HUG from Vicki)
LOCATION:  San Pedro - Calle de la Amargura - in the Giratablas Theater (inside), in front of the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) - OR- across from the train rails, in front of bar-rest Omar Khayyan. Next to COASA photocopies. If coming from Los Yoses (ruta de San Pedro), near the corner of Calle 27)

OWNERS:  Pramila Dasi & Mukunda Das (BIG HUG from Vicki)
I hear the food is REALLY tasty and good sized (compared to most other Indian restaurants)
LOCATION:  San Jose•Sabana Sur - contiguo a edificio American Data, sobre carretera vieja a Escazu,  75 meters West of the Contraloria (parking is challenging so be prepared)

Mantras Veggie Cafe 
(2-253 6715 •
HOURS:  Monday-Friday - 8:30am-5pm. Saturday - 8:30am-3pm.  
LOCATION:  San Jose-Barrio Dent - 200 m. Norte del Centro Cultural Norteamericano por el Auto Mercado.
Tin Jo
(2-221-7605 / 2-257-3622 / [the English version] /
They're a mixed Asian restaurant (THAILAND, INDIA, CHINA, VIETNAM, FILIPINA & JAPAN,SUSHI & VEGETARIAN) with a HUGE menu hence LOTS of "Vegetarian" options! 10 dishes. DIM SUM all-day on Sun. VERY pricey. NOTE – their prices INCLUDE the 13% tax & 10% service. Many feel this is the best Asian restaurant in CR - I guess if that's what you're comparing it to but if you're used to REALLY GOOD Asian food - don't go with high expectations (as I did - hey I'm learnin' here. I lived in San Francisco for 17 years - I WAS spoiled!!).
HOURS: 11:30am-3pm, 5:30-10pm
LOCATION: San Jose – Downtown - Calle 11, Ave. 6-8

(  •  2-256-6063 / 2-222-2549 / 2-290-0119)
A fast food chain with 9 locations in food courts. Large space. Vegetarian menu includes veggie burgers, juices, sandwiches, soup, beans, & more. CC – MC/V
•  Vishnu Himalayas (2-256-6063 • 2-222-2549)  -  HOURS: 8am-10pm  -  LOCATION:  San Jose - Avenida 1 Calle 1 y 3 Frente al Edificio Cristal. 
Natural (2-223-3095) – HOURS: 8am-10pm  -  LOCATION:  San Jose – Avenida 4 & Calle 1
•  Vishnu Montaña (2-223-9976 • 2256-5786)  -  LOCATION:  San Jose – Avenida 3 between Calle 0 y 1 - Costado de la Iglesia del Carmen.
•  Vishnu Universidad Latina  (2-224-4845 • 2-283-0117)  -  LOCATION:  San Jose - Edificio Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Latina.
•  Vishnu Valle Verde  (2-223-4434 • 2-222-5785)  -  LOCATION:  San Jose – Calle 0•Central between Avenida 6 y 8 - frente al antiguo Cine Metropolitan.
•  Vishnu Nirvana (2
-221-3164) – HOURS: 8am-10pm  -  LOCATION:  San Jose – Costado Sur de la Corte • Avenida 8, Calle 9 & 11- Costado Banco Popular 
•  Vishnu Mango Verde (2-237-2526 / 2-560-0236) – HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-5pm  -  LOCATION:  Heredia - Avenida Central/1, Calle 7 - de la entrada principal de la Universidad Nacional 100 Oeste y 75 al Sur.

(2-296-6110 /
Tico Thai and Indonesian cuisine but one of the better I’ve found. MANY VEGETARIAN dishes. Beef Satay. spicy CC-MC/V.
HOURS: Wed.-Thurs. Noon-3pm & 6-10:30pm. Fri. Noon-3 & 6-11pm. Sat. noon-11pm. Sun. Noon-8pm.
LOCATIONS: San Jose - Sabana Oeste•West - 400m West of Pop's Sabana, by UCIMED University.

PU TI(  •  2-224-8952)
Taiwanese family-run, small vegetarian restaurant with vegan options. Soups, noodles, rice and many specialty dishes that are plant based such as eggplant with basil, bamboo and vegetable stir-fry and potato curry are also on the menu. Also sells mock pork and mock fish for home use. Price: Inexpensive Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Take-out, Taiwanese.  Vegetarian Sushi on weekends.
HOURS:  Closed on Thursdays
LOCATION: Guadalupe - In front of Pali NovaCentro

(2-248-0862 /
Yummmmy VEGETARIAN dishes at GOOD/CHEAP PRICES!! Kazzrie shared “Everyone that comes in to this special little place becomes a friend. The decor is simple yet cheery & colourful. The music is always interesting! The food is simply delicious. & best of all the prices are very affordable. Plato del dia with soup, drink & vegetarian casado - 1500 colones. OWNERS: Pedro & Marcela (or Simon Chen? / 8-820-5033)
HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm (on the weekends they do seminars).
LOCATION: San Jose-Sabana Este, on the east side from Soda Tapia, 100 meters south, 50 meters east. Directly behind ARCR/Casa Canada

Mantras Veggie Cafe and Tea
(  •  2-253-6715  •
Local restaurant serving fusion cuisine and some RAW FOOD choices. Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Caribbean, Costa Rican, Raw, crispy chicken salad and a vegan burger.  Take-out, Delivery.  PET-FRIENDLY area (double check on this) with ample parking. Price: Moderate
DELIVERY:  Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm, Sat 8:30am-3pm
LOCATION:  San Jose-Barrio Escalante - 200 este de la Rotonda del Farolito.     

(  •  2-221-4631 • 2-222-4475)
Matt says the best thing about them is their DAILY SPECIALS!!
LOCATION: San Jose - Avenida 8 and Calle 13 - next to the Turrialba bus station.

Naturama Uno
Avenida 1 / Calles 3/5

VEGETARIAN Chinese restaurant.
LOCATION: San Jose (Sabana West/Oeste) - 300 meters west of POP'S ice cream -

La Mazorca
LOCATION: San Pedro - near the University of CR

Restaurante Vegetariano
LOCATION: San Pedro - near the University of CR


TZU JAN Restaurante Vegetariano y Cafeteria  -  CLOSED


Have anyone to add? Info to change/enhance? E- me at

Saturday, May 2, 2009

TAXI DRIVERS - English Speaking- in the Central Valley, COSTA RICA

I've updated my list of English Speaking (on various levels) or just GOOD LEGAL Red Taxi Drivers around Costa Rica!!

Click on to:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

BOOK STORES (Libreria’s) with Books in English in Costa Rica - New, Used, Trade, Lending Library and large Used Book Sales

For the most updated list of BOOK STORES (Libreria’s) with Books in English in Costa Rica - Where to find New Books, Used Books, to Swap or Trade Books, Lending Libraries, and large Used Book Sales, check out: 


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do you live in Costa Rica and need to go back to the United States and need to stay connected with your peeps in the States via cell phone?

Going back to the United States & need to stay connected with your peeps in the states?

Renting a cell phone in the U.S. usually means 2 year contracts, expensive plans & if you get a Pre-Paid Phone - they can be EXPENSIVE . . . BUT - Net10 has a WONDERFUL plan that makes calls just 10¢ a minute & some of them INCLUDE a phone for just $30!!!

You can buy a brand new PrePaid Phone Card which comes WITH a Cell Phone it INCLUDES 300 minutes of airtime (at 10¢/minute withIN the U.S. )!!! The priced depends on which model you get but it ranges from just $30-$60 with

YOU designate where you want the phone number to be for (by area code)!

NO need for credit cards or additional purchases (other than additional minutes), NO activation fees, NO Annual Contracts, NO monthly charges, NO credit checks, NO PINs or cards to buy.

You can make international calls to many countries (unfortunatelycurrently not Costa Rica) for just 15¢/minute (the regular 10¢ call charge + 5¢). Their Net10 International Neighbors plan gives you up to 3 Canadian or Mexican phone #s that you can give family/friends in those countries to call you on your Net10 phone!
Want to stay in touch with your family/friends in Costa Rica (or other places not included)? They can get a U.S. number (of your choice) for just $18 for 3 months with & you can call them on it. They'll have to be online to make/receive calls (hence they must have high-speed internet access).

As is normal in the states YOU ARE charged for ALL INCOMING calls as well as outgoing.

I get their most basic/cheapest model (which I LOVE as it's REALLY compact & has a blue screen!) which is the BEST VALUE because it also INCLUDES a FREE Accessory Kit with car charger, power charger, headset & case (note that a headset is CRUCIAL in many states) for JUST $30 (probably + tax)!!!

You can pre-order one online at to be delivered (for free) within 3 days to you in the States (this is good if you need to forward any calls from here to the states when you activate) OR at:
Walmart, Walgreens, Target, Radio Shack, KMart, Family Dollars, Dollar General, Circuit City

They have other cell phone models including 2 that are a VGA Camera Phone & one with Bluetooth® Wireless Technology for just $40 & $60 at:

Note: The pre-paid card is ONLY GOOD FOR 60 days & the cheapest new card you can get is $30 (so I ended up not using/throwing away a BUNCH of $ that I didn't use) & to reactivate it costs more money than buying a new one.

I JUST noticed they also had an Easy Minute plan with 400 Easy Minutes for $40/month (this would have worked best for me but I didn't know about it) along with a 250 (just $25/month for 250 minutes) & 150 plan (just $15/month for 150 minutes) & a Net10 Unlimited plan for $80 for the month with unlimited local/long distance & text messaging & NO ANNUAL CONTRACT!!!

Chat away!!
