Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Organic Gardening Course - November 2, 2013

Organic Gardening Course

Saturday - November 2, 2013 - 8am-2pm

San Luis Comprehensive Organic Farm near Sarchi/Grecia
 near Sarchi and Grecia
(directions on their website)

Organic Gardening - An opportunity for hands-on learning with the founder of San Luis Comprehensive Organic Farm.

This is a 6-hour course in organic gardening methods.

You will learn about:
• Organic fertilizers to improve your soil (+ recipes)

• Foliar feeding to protect, strengthen and feed your plants (+ recipes)

• Organic insect repellents (+ recipes)

• Optimal planting conditions, distances etc...

• Successful composting with kitchen waste

And more... This farm was one of the first in Grecia to be certified organic in 1999. They grow and sell vegetables, herbs and ornamentals.

The finca is beautiful and should make for an enjoyable day. Dress to garden and bring a snack to last you until 2 pm.

1-4 people it would be = 15,000 colones each
5-10 people  =  10,000 each

5,000 colones each - unless one of us can translate?!?

The restaurant will serve lunch at 2 pm - if you give advance notice. 3,500 colones each.

Email siggy.bonnevie@gmail.com and let me know if you plan on having lunch there. You can also call, text or voicemail at 8-631-3651 [there may be a lag time with messages].

PASTRIES - Where to find North American style • Favorite PASTRIES • PIES • CAKES • BROWNIES • CUPCAKES • CREME BRULLE • PUDDINGS • CHOCOLATE MOUSE • COOKIES & goodies in Costa Rica

So as I find people making such delicious items I'll add them here - as well as store bought make it yourself finds we know and love yet are a bit challenging to find!!

I have LOTS to be added SOON!!!

Ghiradelli TRIPLE Chocolate Brownies
at PriceSmart!!!! 

A box of them (with 6 packets in a box) is under $15 making it less than $3 a batch!!!!!!!!!!  I "doctor" mine up by adding walnuts, or swirling in slightly melted peanut butter (I can pretend it's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!!), or melt down Candy Canes or use Peppermint Extract (I actually use doTerra Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils which are ingestible and STRONG so you do not need much) and I also break a BUNCH up!!!  What else would you add???!!!!  Trust me - these usually make me one of the HITS of the party!!!



My FAV place I've found so far for good old basic PLAIN (NOT flavored) - just slightly warm Creme Brulee (ok - so it's not North Americana but it's DEFINITELY NOT Tico!):
Le Monastere Restaurant in Escazu
  http://facebook.com/LeMonastere  •  http://monastere-restaurant.com



So Atenas seems to have become THE HUB for all things sweet and delicious!!!  Off hand I know of 3 people/places:
Tomas's BUEN PAN
Bread is his PASSION! • Buen pan es nuestra pasión. 
Superb artisan breads (including Gluten-Free) like:
Gluten Free/Libre de Gluten- Rice Bread

Desserts • Pastries.
Innovative USA classics w/a Costa Rican twist.
Sabrosos panes artesanales salados y dulces. Novedosos clásicos de EEUU c/toque costarricense.
Apple Pie • Carrot Loaf • Apple Cake • Limon Cake (MY FAV!!) • Fruit Tart • Pecan Tart • Cinnamon Buns (MY other FAV!!!) • Apple Dumplings
(seasonal - Pumpkin and Chrismas Cakes•Queques Navideños)

Pie de Manzana • Queque de Zanahoria • Queque Manzana • Queque Limon • Tarta de Frutas • Tarta de Pecanas • Arrollados de Canela en bandeja

Make sure to ask him what his
(a "Zaguate" is a Heinz 57 type of dog- a mixture of all breeds. The zaguate muffin is a pineapple bread pudding muffin made with left over cinnamon buns, sticky buns, fruit buns, cobblestones- whatever!
A real "zaguate", but really good" El muffin zaguate es un tipo pudin de pan con piña y los restos de arrollados de canela, caramelo, adoquines, TODO- una rica mezcla de todo!)
 He has a shop now in Atenas plus he sells
Friday at the ATENAS FERIA and
Friday (he gets there and set up around 2pm) and Saturday at the GRECIA FERIA

(make sure to tell Tomas & Jan that Vicki with the Living Life in Costa Rica blog Connected you!!)

2-446-4764  •  8-306-9767  •  Tomyatsko@ice.co.cr



Their moto - “Basically they are trying to bring a little sweetness from their old home to their new one.”  Great down-home Americana style cooking (AMERICAN style).   I hear over and over that they make everyone who visits feel like family. They have yet to meet a stranger. 
MANY have share with me that they have the BEST North American PASTRIES (Brownies and Lemon Meringue Pie seem to be most popular.  Also Hersheys Chocolate Cake, Carrot Cake, Lemon Bars, Coconut Bars, Cheesecake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Apple Pie
[all subject to availability or PRE-ORDER!!!)!! 

CATERING and CAKES for special occasions!! 

HOURS:  Tuesday-Friday - 8am-5pm.  Saturday - 8am-4pm.  Sunday - Breakfast Buffet - 3 weeks per month (kitchen closes at 2:30pm)(note this is different than what their Facebook page is but it’s current from Kay)
OWNERS:  Tom and Kay Costello (from South Dakota - tell them "Hola from Vicki with the blog")

NEW LOCATION:  Atenas - 60 meters West•Oeste Cruz Roja Guisaro - next to the CAJA clinic (or if you knew their old location - From where she used to be located.  Right across the street is a road, turn up that and follow for a few blocks, the road curves a bit and stay to the right. You pass a red cross and a clinic. and she is just up ahead on your right.

Read more about the restaurant and other services at:



Baked Goods •  Pastries  •  Breads  •  Pizza Dough  •  Oreo Balls  •  Granola  •  Cookies  •  Pies and much more. 
Apple Pie  •  Ginger-Spice Cookies

You MUST give her at least 2 days notice since all items are made to order - using the freshest ingredients and you pick it up from her in El Cajon.

facebook.com/JensBakeShopCostaRica  •  CostaRicaChica.com/jens-bake-shop-2  •  JensBakeShop@yahoo.com






Sam sells her frozen Pies and other Frozen Desserts at her booth at the Thurs. and Friday Feria
PUMPKIN  =  6,000-c
PECAN  =  8,000-c


BUT - she's already sold out for Thanksgiving!!
Reserve your Christmas one NOW!!!

"Sam" (Suzette)  -  facebook.com/suzetta.harper.5  •  sharper59@gmail.com  •  2-770-3096
(tell her Vicki Connected you!!!)



has a pretty tasty Calabaza•Pumpkin Pie for a decent price (sorry - I can't remember it now)

Tomas's BUEN PAN

5,300 -c/$11.20-ish


and Chrismas Cakes•Queques Navideños


Where are some of YOUR FAVORITE PLACES to find the North American style PASTRIES • PIES • CAKES • BROWNIES • CUPCAKES • CREME BRULLE • PUDDINGS • CHOCOLATE MOUSE • COOKIES and goodies we're used to in Costa Rica??

Add DETAILS to "Comments" (ULTIMATELY where they can be found)



ACTIVACION del ADN deben manifestar con GUILLERMO FERRARA - Noviembre 29-30 y Diciembre 1, 2013 - en Escazu

deben manifestar


Autor de mas de 21 libros 

Noviembre 29-30 y Diciembre 1, 2013 
en Escazu


su intensión depositando la cuota de recuperación en la siguiente cuenta de BCR: 1 1 3096491 / Centro del Despertar Limitada / Cuenta Cliente 152 01 00103096491 0 / Cédula Jurídica 3-
102-670233 / Taller de Activación del ADN y enviando su comprobante de pago a la cuenta de correo aruiztheurel@hotmail.com con sus datos personales para anotarlos en la lista de reservaciones

Primera forma de Activación del ADN
Duración: 1 hora.

1. Siéntate cómodamente con la espalda recta en postura de meditación y coloca tus manos debajo del ombligo cómodamente con tu cuarzo personal. Puedes sentarte en una silla apoyando los pies en la Tierra. También puedes acostarte en el suelo con un cuarzo blanco colocado en el medio de tus cejas en el tercer ojo.
2. Pon sonido que emita las ondas Theta del cerebro para llegar desde las ondas Alpha habituales de 8 a 14 ciclos por segundo y bajar a las ondas Theta de 4 a 7 ciclos por segundo. Los pensamientos comenzarán a “flotar” en tu conciencia y perderás la sensación de tener cuerpo físico. Respira profundo por la nariz varios minutos para entrar más fácilmente.
3. Una vez que estés en ondas Theta enfoca tu atención a la glándula pineal en el medio del cerebro. Esto hará que te sincronices con el sonido, vibración y pulso de la Tierra, la resonancia Schumann.
4. Dirige desde la glándula pineal luz y energía radiante a la primer célula madre original de donde te has formado.
5. Distribuye la luz por los más de 100 billones de células en todo el cuerpo como si fuesen billones de soles encendidos.
6. Coordina tu presencia-conciencia divina con los latidos cardíacos.
7. Emite una orden desde tu sagrada intención para que tus células generen mayor impacto biofotónico comunicándose entre sí mediante chispazos de luz y conciencia.
8. Imagina que de la misma manera que nuestro sol en la galaxia, emite tormentas solares, sin olvidar que existen miles de millones más grandes, las células generan luz por todo tu ADN.
9. Ordena que todas las hebras de tu ADN inicien su activación total en armonía con el cosmos y el poder de la luz universal. Siente aquí la unión de la intención-imaginación-emoción.
10. Durante varios minutos distribuye toda esa luz biofotónica por los 7 chakras principales desde el sexo a la cabeza.
11. Visualízate como un guerrero de luz y conciencia hacia tu evolución, deja que la mente se sintonice con lo que surja, imágenes, símbolos, la estrella del Merkaba o cualquier imagen simbólica con la que quieras trabajar.
12. Impregna la Tierra con esta luz y siente como te atraes con los iguales de vibración energética.
13. Vuelve otra vez a enfocarte sólo en el tercer ojo en el asiento energético de la glándula pineal.
14. Toma varias respiraciones profundas y quédate inmóvil sintiendo tu campo de energía o aura en completa expansión lumínica.
15. Después de algunos minutos en meditación reactiva el movimiento del cuerpo físico.
16. Luego bebe bastante agua pranificada con tu botella especial donde tendrás cuarzos blancos dentro.
17. Comparte la luz que has generado con tu gente para provocar una reacción en cadena.

*Música para esta activación

© Del Libro "REDISEÑA TU VIDA", editorial Alamah, Guillermo Ferrara.
Comparte la información para activar a más gente. Gracias!



Sunday, October 27, 2013

DIGITAL SIGNATURE • FIRMA DIGITAL - Where•How to obtain a Digital Signature • Firma Digital in Costa Rica

Thanx to the beauty of modern technology coming to Costa Rica, SOMETIMES you can go online and do/search for/get MANY governmental and bank documents that before you'd have to pay a lawyer to or travel to and wait in long lines for!!!

Some require a "signature" - but something more "official" - a
in Spanish - a FIRMA DIGITAL

It's a Certificates authorizing SINPE Authority • Certificados de la Autoridad Certificadora del SINPE (CA SINPE - Persona Física).
Here's where you go to LEARN more about getting your OFFICIAL DIGITAL SIGNATURE - "Firma Digital" •  registered with the government in Costa Rica:
(note you MUST put the www. in with it as their programer didn't program it properly - or it shows as a bad address)

There IS a fee to get this Firma Digital and it varies a LOT by who you get it from.  I saw Full Certificates •  Certificado Completo ranged from FREE through Instituto Nacional de Seguros (INS - JUST for their CLIENTS [??  Does that mean anyone that is a member of INS??  If so and it's free, DEFINITELLY plan on bringing a NOVEL for this signup!!] and only at specific offices in San Jose, Alajuela and Cartago) to just $22 at Banco Nacional to whopping $95 at Banco BCT!!).  Examples from Banco Nacional (BNCR) and Banco San Jose (BAC):                                           Full Certificate•Certificado Completo:
BNCR - $22-U.S.  BAC - $35
                                           Change PIN•Cambio de PIN:
BNCR - $4.  BAC - TBD

                                           Certificate only•Solo certificado:
BNCR - $14.  BAC - $20

                                           Only card•Solo tarjeta:
BNCR - $14.  BAC - $20

                                           Reader only•Solo lector: BNCR - $12.  BAC - $35 
Here's the link to the list of PLACES TO OBTAIN it from (mainly banks), their prices, hours as you must go in since you need to sign up in person for this (so bring a book!), stipulations/conditions (some are ONLY for their customers), their locations (it looks like most are only issued at SPECIFIC branches and specific hours), and contact number:

Some banks only do it for their clients (BAC), some banks do it for everyone and have the same price for all (BNCR, Banco Popular y Desarrollo Comunal, Banco Credito Agricola de Cartago) and some banks do it for everyone and have a different prices for the general public (BCR and Banco Promerica is only a $10 difference)!

It looks like it is through the
SINPE system which might mean it's only for individuals that have ACTIVE Residency and/or corporations (anyone know and can help find out that knows Español really well??  Email me your finding at LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com)
You can get help at:  SoporteFirmaDigital.com/sfd

(it's part of the
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología - MICIT
 micit.go.cr  •  facebook.com/micitcr  •  twitter.com/micittcr

Friday, October 25, 2013

POWER OUTAGES in Costa Rica - Where to Check for upcoming ELECTRICITY Outages

AROUND COSTA RICA(since they don't notify you personally!!)


(NOTE you MUST have the www. first as their programmer didn't code it properly)



WATER OUTAGE IN ESCAZU - TODAY - Friday October 25 - 8am-3pm

Please note that part of Escazu and Santa Ana will not have water this Friday

Neighbors of Escazu and Santa Ana several sectors , water will run out Friday from 8 am to 3 pm

As reported by the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers cut due to the completion of emergency work in electrical repair Mulas Bridge 1 and 2 by the National Power and Light.

In the affected neighborhoods are Escazu centro, San Rafael, Guachipelín, Loma Real , Vista Real, Real de Pereira, Pinar del Río, Multiplaza, Cima, Office Depot, Price Smart, Corazón de Jesús, Carrizal, Pájara Pinta, Rosalinda, Bello Horizonte, Anonos, Trejos Montealegre, Maynard, Los Elíseos, Altos de Bello Horizonte, Santa Teresa, Profesores, Santa Eduviges y Vista de Oro.

While in Santa Ana , water will not have people living in Pozos, Bosques de Santa Ana, Condominio Montano, Urb. Honduras y Calle Cubilla.

THE Institution indicated that if possible the service will be restored before the set time.


Atención: Escazú y parte de Santa Ana no tendrán agua este viernes

Los vecinos de Escazú y varios sectores de Santa Ana, se quedarán sin agua potable este viernes desde las 8 a.m. hasta las 3 p.m.

Según informó el Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados el corte obedece a la realización de trabajos de emergencia en la reparación eléctrica en Puente Mulas 1 y 2 por parte de la Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz.

En Escazú los barrios afectados son el centro, San Rafael, Guachipelín, Loma Real , Vista Real, Real de Pereira, Pinar del Río, Multiplaza, Cima, Office Depot, Price Smart, Corazón de Jesús, Carrizal, Pájara Pinta, Rosalinda, Bello Horizonte, Anonos, Trejos Montealegre, Maynard, Los Elíseos, Altos de Bello Horizonte, Santa Teresa, Profesores, Santa Eduviges y Vista de Oro.

Mientras en Santa Ana, no tendrán líquido quienes viven en Pozos, Bosques de Santa Ana, Condominio Montano, Urb. Honduras y Calle Cubilla.

LA Institución indicó que ser posible el servicio se restablecerá antes de la hora establecida.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Next Freedom to Ask - Without Ordering, Begging, or Bribing - November 10

with Naomi Colb

Sunday - November 10th, 2013

Alajuela, Costa Rica

Graduates have found it to be a life-changing experience, bringing more ease and clarity to both personal and business conversations.

Click here for details  -  FreedomToAsk.eventbrite.com
(tell Naomi that Vicki Connected you!!!)



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Costa Rica EXTENDING the Amnesty for UnDocumented Workers•People with Expired Visas

Does this Amnesty INCLUDE to the bosses that hired these people illegally??  Are any of them having repercussions

Costa Rica Granting Visa Extensions for WORKERS

Costa Rica News - The Costa Rican government has passed an amnesty to provide working foreigners with a ten-month extension for them to get all their migratory paperwork in order.

This amnesty will apply to those undocumented visitors or those tourists who have an expired visa. Only those who can prove their working contribution to the country will benefit from this extension.

Vice minister of governance and police, Freddy Montero Mora expressed that this is a social justice act for those who are contributing to the country. The same laws that protect Costa Rican workers will protect anyone who qualifies for this amnesty. It is expected that many people including agriculture, domestic and construction workers will benefit from it.
Those who may qualify for this pardon must show proof that they have been working in the country from the 18 of September of this year (2013) and forward. People will be asked for their birth certificate and additional paperwork to proceed with the legal migratory process.

The last day to submit all paperwork is July 31, 2014. After July 31st, 2014 any undocumented workers or people with an expired visa working in Costa Rica will be given a fine of $100 dollars. Employers providing work for undocumented people will also be fine.
According to the 2011 census there is more than 250 thousand Nicaraguans living in Costa Rica and thousands more who are undocumented. This numbers does not include the large community of immigrants from other parts of Central America like Panama, El Salvador, Honduras and Colombia.

Costa Rica is one of the most diverse countries in the world due to the amount of foreigners living in the country. The natural beauty is paradise for many people. The number of visitors who decide to make Costa Rica their permanent home continues to increase; amnesties such as this one makes it easier for those searching of a way to stay in the country.

By Brenda Sotelo

SOURCE:  CostaRicanTimes.com/costa-rica-granting-visa-extensions/21758


Do you know any Migrant Workers?  Domestic Help that's not legal?  Please let them know about this asap!!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

VEHICLE TICKETS - How•Where to APPEAL•CHALLENGE Vehicle•Auto Tickets in Costa Rica

YIKES!!!  You got a ticket - but you want to APPEAL•CHALLENGE it.  Now what??


10 BUSINESS days
(IF it was not extended)
(counting starting the day AFTER the ticket was issued)



The appeal MUST be filed with the
Unidad de Impugnaciones de Boletas de Citación
at a COSEVI office
closest to where the infraction took place!! 
(this is a BIG DRAG if you got the ticket while you were driving somewhere not so close, a tourist, and/or on a weekend [doesn’t this practice open it up for the Transit Police to take bribes so you don’t have to deal with it?? ESPECIALLY since ticket in Costa Rica are OFTEN WAYYYY more expensive than in the U.S. I found when doing some research!!
FYI - the Transit Police are the ONLY Police that can give you a ticket involving a vehicle!!!])

COSEVI - Consejo de Seguridad Vial

(note you MUST have the www. first as their program didn't program it properly)

(located in the Limon Province - West of Limon towards San Jose)
2-710-4256 • 2-710-4258 • 2-710-4268
300 meters South/adjacent Transit Delegation to the Courts of Justice
(I've also seen - 250 meters South of Green Valley College)

(located in the Guanacaste Province - on the North/West side of Costa Rica)
2-665-5203 • 2-666-4301 • 2-666-2095
400 meters West of Cane League • Adjacent to MOPT

(located in the Limon Province - on the Atlantic Coast side of Costa Rica)
2-798-1183 • 2-798-4961
Route 32 versus Celdaca campus or adjacent to or adjoining the platel Tracasa MOPT in Sandoval (I've also seen - 100 meters South of Tomas Guardia Esquela/School near MOPT)

(located in the Puntarenas Province but on the Central Pacific Coast of Costa Rica)
West•Oeste side of MOPT

San Carlos
(located in the Alajuela Province but near the Arenal - central part of Costa Rica)
2-460-2450 • 2-460-4665
 50 meters North/East of Esquela San Martin school - Adjacent to the Transit office

San Isidro de General • Perez Zeledon
(located in the San Jose Province but in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica)
600 Meters South MOPT campus
(I've also seen 75 meters South of the Cemetery)

(San Jose) - La Uruca
(this office is the MAIN one for Costa Rica - located in the San Jose Province - in the Central Valley)
COSEVI is about 200 meters from the Shell gas station and about 100 meters West of the Banco Nacional on the main road through Uruca.

Enter through the gate

Go to the FIRST building on your Right as you enter

First go to the Information•Informacion desk
(the person at that desk MAY - or may NOT speak any English)
I don't have details on where to go from there as of now so you're on your own till I find out)

San Ramon
(located in the Alajuela Province - but heading West of San Jose - towards the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica)

225 meters east of the traffic lights of San Ramon Hospital
(I've also seen adjacent to San Ramon MOPT)



Monday-Friday - 7:30am - 3:30pm


YOU (the person that received the ticket) are the ONLY one that can complete this process (their website says something that translate to - unless company comes authenticated by an attorney??)!!  NOTE that EVERYTHING is in Spanish so if your Español is limited and you don't have someone to bring to help you, there are usually people hanging around out front that speak some/lots of English that are happy to help you (for a NICE tip [depending on how important it is to you - I'd do at LEAST $20 for their assistance])

YOU must indicate in your application:
Full Name.
Card number (Drivers License number??).
Citation number•Number of ballot subpoena
Date of the ticket: 
Your reasons for contesting it.
PROOF of the reason.
Where you want to receive notification of the challenge: currently there are only 2 authorized ways:
Physical address (ONLY if the place is within a 2 kilometer radius of this office) - OR
By fax - to anywhere WITHIN Costa Rica.

You must also bring a Legible COPY of the ticket to leave with them.

In the case of minors, the dispute may be submitted by him, by their parents or legal representatives.


 If your Español is limited/non-existent - you might SERIOUSLY consider taking someone with you that habla's Ingles y Español since it's ALL in Spanish!!! 
If you can not find anyone you trust to help you, you might consider hiring one of my English-Speaking Taxi Drivers I have listed at:
Depending on how complicated it is, I think they charge about $10-$15/hour (PLUS metered transportation rate and TIPS and I'd tip WELL as their job is to just drive you from Point A to Point B so they're going above and beyond to try to help save your tush!!!).

The main Red Taxi Driver's on my list that I HAVE used to help me translate basic things like this are:
Mauricio Flores • Jason Valverde • Jorge • Marlon • Rolando Vargas Montero

My MAIN guy I use is ABNER ARIAS - who is a legal Tourism Van Driver so he's a bit more ($15/hour) but he's worth it as he's LIVED in the U.S. and isn't afraid to ask questions some more timid Tico's don't like doing.  

ALL of these guys GET North American level of Customer Service!!
Just like at border crossings - there are usually people THERE at COSEVI that are more than happy to help you - for a NICE TIP!!! 
How much is a "Nice Tip"??  I'd say it depends on what all they're helping you with and how long they're helping you for!  Lines in Costa Rica CAN last HOURS (though I find OFTEN [NOT always] when I go mid-week - like Tuesday or Wednesday - especially late morning [like 10am-12pm/noon] or Early Afternoon [like 1-2:30pm] I OFTEN find lines less - be it banks, ICE, etc).  If someone was helping me from start to finish I'd probably Gift them $20+ - ESPECIALLY if they're trying to save me a bunch of money!!!


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you time and/or $$$/¢¢¢¢?

Please consider showing your appreciation for it by
making a
to keep this detailed blog going!

The easiest/best way is PayPal!
Go to the top LEFT corner of the blog for details.

ANY amount is helpful since this is my ONLY source of "income" and FEW have ever donated!!!


Share this post with anyone you know that has a car!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

ENVISION FESTIVAL 2014 in Costa Rica

FEBRUARY 20-23, 2014

Costa Rica

This is the BEST VIDEO I've seen on the 2013 Festival!
(do a search in YouTube.com for LOTS more videos!!)

Envision is not just another music festival, but a tropical adventure in Paradise that is sure to transform your mind, body and soul.

ENVISION yourself in the mystical Costa Rican jungle listening to diverse beats and enjoying VIP treatment. The vibe here is “Pura Vida” – The pure life.. and the energy that embraces the soul and recharges the mind and spirit. This is a world where time slows down, warm waves... embrace crimson sunsets and howler monkeys rule the canopy. The locals are friendly and the traditional cuisine is simple and delicious with something for every taste. Enjoy fresh squeezed juice from ripe fruit on the beach in the morning while your dinner arrives straight from the sea. Hike to an enchanted waterfall, zip-line through the rain forest or take a sea kayak out to greet migrating dolphins. Southern-Pacific Costa Rica is one of the most biologically diverse places in the world and the scenery is breath taking. Experience everything from sunrise yoga to fire belly dancing with countless opportunities for adventure and self exploration. This exotic and culturally rich experience is much more attainable than you may think… Be a part of the ENVISION Festival and let your imagination travel. Come join the adventure!




Especially since Costa Rica is Napoleanic Law - meaning you're considered Guilty until proven Innocent in Costa Rica - so even if you've done nothing - fools can create frivolous lawsuits here - you want to make sure that things have cleared!!

Where do you check?? 
(note you MUST have the www. first as their program didn't program it properly)



DRIVER'S LICENSES in Costa Rica - Have you CHECKED it lately???

Have you checked to make sure that there’s nothing against your
Costa Rica Driver’s License?
(ESPECIALLY make sure you've done this before renewing your Riteve or Marchamo or it ain't happening!!!)
Click here to do it at:
(note you MUST have the www. first as their program didn't program it properly)


Have you checked your Costa Rica Driver’s License SCORE lately?
Click here to do it at:
(note you MUST have the www. first as their program didn't program it properly)


ANOTHER REASON YOU WANT TO MAKE SURE ALL IS PAID UP AND CLEAR?They CAN - and DO - PREVENT people from either Leaving Costa Rica - OR Coming Back INTO Costa Rica till it's ALL paid up/cleared!!!
People HAVE been known to be taken OFF an airplane even!!!!


"Share" this reminder with EVERYONE you know that has a Costa Rican Driver's License!

VEHICLE TICKETS - Where to check for them & how to make sure that they cleared in Costa Rica

I would suggest at least once a year - or at least before it's time to pay your Marchamo &/or Riteveone should REALLY check their License Plate•"Placa" number every so often (if you're a speed queen like me [a BIG part of the reason I RARELY drive in Costa Rica and will NOT own a car here since I can't drive in Costa Rica like I like to!!!] - you might want to check it every MONTH or so) as the will NOT notify you of any infractions so you won't find out otherwise till you go to pay your Marchamo or Riteve and by then, there WILL be some NICE $$$$ FINES attached and you will NOT be able to renew either your Marchamo or Riteve till the fines have been paid (and of course you can not challenge it if it's expired)



Do you have any old Vehicle Tickets that you paid up or worked off? 
This IS Costa Rica and things do not always go as planned so you might SERIOUSLY want to make sure that it!!!

If you have the CITATION NUMBER check this link to see if it's cleared•it's status:


They CAN - and DO - PREVENT people from either Leaving Costa Rica - OR Coming Back INTO Costa Rica till it's ALL paid up/cleared!!!
People HAVE been known to be taken OFF an airplane even!!!!


"Share" this with EVERYONE you know that has a car - so they can be cautious!!!


TOUIT App - Learn about Costa Rica's Biodiversity at your fingertips (from your SmartPhone)

The Biodiversity of Costa Rica at your fingertips

Never before finding species of Costa Rica had been easier. Browse through the “Map”, “Areas”, “Species”, and “Did You Know?” icons, where you can find biodiversity of our country at a single touch.
Touit is a quick guide for those interested in learning more about biodiversity, allowing users to view information of about 500 species that are easily seen in the country, including images, text, distribution maps and georeference.

HALLOWEEN DOG AGILITY FESTIVAL - Pet Paradise - La Guacima - October 27, 2013

Pets Paradise Costa Rica

        Sunday, October 27, 2013
        4050 La Guácima, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Come and join us for this great event ...
     We will have a variety of tracks agilty,
     Fancy dress competition for dogs and their handlers,
     Fotoboot and more ...

Ven a disfrutar con nosotros de este grandioso evento...
    Tendremos una gran variedad de pistas de agilty,
    Concurso de disfrazes para los perros y sus manejadores,
    Fotoboot y mucho mas...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

El Club de Ponchinelo

Para todos los chic@s de 4 a 14 años los invitamos al taller "El Club de Punchinelo" donde Roca de Descanso y CBN estarán compartiendo sobre el tema "El enojo de Jonás", además se estará estrenando un capítulo de la nueva producción del Súper Libro. Una actividad súper dinámica y a la vez profunda. Los esperamos!! (Recuerden confirmar su asistencia)

RUNNING OF THE DOGS Dates with Territorio de Zaguates


Noviembre•November - 2, 3, 16, 17, 30 - 2013
Diciembre•December - 1, 7, 8, 14, 15 - 2013
Enero•January - 11, 12 - 2014

Está ubicada en las montañas de Santa Bárbara de Heredia, colindando con Carrizal de Alajuela. The farm is located in the mountains of Santa Bárbara de Heredia - Alajuela Carrizal-bordering.

Los paseos no tienen ningún costo.
There is no cost to the walks.

La finca está abierta al público únicamente los días de los paseos.
The farm is open to the public ONLY on the days of rides.

8am - McDonald's in Alajuela - el que está frente a la bomba La Tropicana, de ahí partimos juntos en caravana.  El recorrido es de aproximadamente unos 3 o 4 km por las montañas de Santa Bárbara de Heredia.
Todas las personas que gusten acompañarnos son super bienvenidas, igualmente sus mascotas.
Cuando vayan a asistir, por favor, envíen un mensaje de texto el día anterior al 8815-2514 para confirmar su asistencia y así esperarlos.
Por favor cualquier duda que tengan, consulten y con gusto se les aclara.

8am - McDonald's in Alajuela (opposite the pump/gas station? La Tropicana) and you follow/go together in a caravan.  The route is approximately 3-4 miles through the mountains of Santa Bárbara de Heredia.

All people who like to join them along with their pets.

To RSVP send a text message the day before to 8-815-2514
Mas/more information: TerritorioDeZaguates2013@gmail.com


Somos una casa de adopciones dedicada a ayudar animales que se encuentran en situaciones de riesgo. Nuestra labor es ubicarlos en hogares donde se les de el tiempo y el cariño que se merecen.

Si desean aportar su granito de arena se lo agradeceriamos muchisimo pues no hay ayuda pequeña ni colaboracion insignificante. Todo es bienvenido

Nuestra cuenta es en el banco BAC , cuenta de ahorro # 908905698 ,cuenta cliente # 10200009089056981 a nombre de Alvaro Enrique
Saumet Martinez , cedula # 117001646930

En TERRITORIO DE ZAGUATES nuestro objetivo es encontrar un hogar para todos los perros y gatos que se encuentran a nuestro cuidado.

Damos en adopción animales castrados por lo siguiente:

* Frenar la sobrepoblación de animales domésticos
* Reducir la enorme cantidad de animales en la calle
* Prevenir la aparición de tumores en hembras y machos

Las personas que deseen adoptar un perro y/o gato
deben comprometerse a brindarles los siguientes cuidados básicos:

* Alimento y agua
* Visitas al veterinario
* Cariño diario
* Protección del sol y de la lluvia

ENGLISH:AboutWe are an adoption home dedicated to helping animals that are at risk . Our job is to place them in homes where they are of the time and love they deserve.
DescriptionIf you wish to contribute their bit would appreciate it a lot because there is no help or collaboration negligible small . Everything is welcome
BAC - Savings account # 908905698, # 10200009089056981 - Customer account in the name of Alvaro Enrique
Saumet Martinez , identification card # 117001646930

TERRITORY ZAGUATES' goal is to find homes for all the dogs and cats that are in their care.
They castrated animals for adoption for the following:* Curbing pet overpopulation* Reduce the huge number of animals in the street* To prevent the appearance of tumors in females and males
Persons wishing to adopt a dog and/or cat must commit to provide the following basic care:* Food and water* Visits to the vet* Daily Love/Affection* Protection from sun and rain


Please "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that is seeking a new dog and/or wants to volunteer to help them!!!