Tuesday, May 26, 2015

BOOKS DONATIONS NEEDED in English & Spanish & ESPECIALLY KIDS for the Little Free Library Puriscal • DONACIONES LIBROS NECESARIOS en Inglés y Español y especialmente los niños para la pequeña biblioteca libre Puriscal


Little Free Library Puriscal

It’s a “take a book, return a book” gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share (a Book Exchange)

They are in need of Spanish novels and kids books.

Objetivo principal:
Proveer a los habitantes de Puriscal, acceso gratuito a diferentes tipos de libros, para fortalecer el desarrollo cultural y apreciación por la literatura del pueblo Puriscaleño, a través de un sistema de intercambio de libros. Este proyecto no significaría ningún costo a la Municipalidad o a los habitantes del cantón.

Propuesto por:
Jessica Tryon Peck​​​​
(tell Jessica Vicki with the blog connected you)

Hazel Mora Rodríguez
6-127-3870  •  hazelmora15@gmail.com



Sunday, May 24, 2015

WRITERS GROUPS • WRITING GROUPS in Costa Rica in English - & Writers Resources - Are YOU a Writer / Wanna-be Writer?

Costa Rica seems to be breeding grounds for aspiring and published writers - but it can be a lonely road & challenging to keep focused.  To say nothing about not being sure if what you have works or doesn't.  That's why many writers get involved with

or sites for writers!!

I've started a list of Writers Groups in English - so I'm sure that means they're mainly ExPats.

And I'm on a quest to find more groups which I'll share below and you PLEASE add more!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

NOTARY • LAWYER with LOW•Cheap Rates & OPEN Evenings, Saturdays & Sundays - in Escazu, Costa Rica - FLOR de MORENO MORA

(L-R - Flor and doTerra's Adele Notarizing some documents!)


FLOR de MORENO Mora is a NOTARY which UN-like in the U.S., a "NOTARY" in Costa Rica is a HIGHER form of a Lawyer • Abogado who has completed additional 2 years of training and are certified specifically as Notaries.  They are who you OFTEN MUST use to get LOTS of things done around here (hence you get to spend MUCH more $$$/colones to get things done in Costa Rica)(how DIFFERENT that is from the U.S.!!)!!

A few years ago I had her notarize some U.S. Inheritance Papers (never got anything from it - booo!!) for me (MEGA EASY) plus Adele to Flor at 7pm on a Friday evening to do Car Transfer papers (a bit complicated) and both times she charged just 10,000-colones (about $20 [NOTE rates have I'm sure gone up but )!!!   One guy DESPERATELY NEEDED some documents signed on a Sunday and she was there for him!!!

Plus she is REALLY SWEET!!! 

Flor does NOT SPEAK much English but I think she understands a LOT more than she lets on!
(Don't speak much Español?   Bring a friend - or have an English/Spanish speaking taxi driver bring you.  NOTE if you use them for anything more than a Point A to Point B ride, PLEASE be VERY GENEROUS with your tip to them and or ask what their hourly rate would be to help you!!
See my list of English-Speaking Taxi Drivers at: 
Rates vary by what she is doing and how long it takes but I can tell you, she had the CHEAPEST rates of any Notary I've encounters•heard of!!!.

Since she works from her house she is often available when others are not including evenings, Saturdays AND Sundays for emergencies!

Escazu (Centro)
a couple blocks West of the Beacon Hotel (she'll give you directions when you make an appointment)

2-228-1797 • 8-880-7983 • FMoreno@abagados.or.cr

PLEASE make sure to tell Flor that VICKI CONNECTED you 
(the BIG Beautiful Red Head gal with the blog!!)!!! 


If you find someone who's services you like, PLEASE do NOT hoard their information to yourself (often I find people are like this because they're afraid of them not having access to their service if/when they may need it again one day - or because they're afraid their prices will go up if they get busy -
what most likely will happen is they may HAVE to closer their business - because people did not share their info!!!)


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you time and/or $$$/¢¢¢¢?

Please consider showing your appreciation for and helping keep this detailed blog going by making a

You can do it via PAYPAL (you do NOT need to have a PayPal account.  Just give your credit card information and send it to me at
LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com) -

or I'd LOVE any denomination in an
Amazon.com Gift Card!!!
(account - SarongGoddess@gmail.com

ANY amount is appreciated since this is my ONLY source of "income" and VERY FEW people give back/donate!!!

Go to the top LEFT column of the blog for details.


PLEASE SHARE this link to EVERYONE you know that could use this information!

.307 5/22/15

Friday, May 22, 2015

FEMALE OB GYN in Costa Rica (that speaks GOOD English & has a good bedside manner)

I find it odd how MANY male OB-GYN's there are in the world.  I tend to normally favor male doctors (no particular reason other than it just happens like that a lot) but when it comes to gynecological issues, I don't get gals going to a male doctor because as much as I don't like to separate gender - there is NO WAY a guy can REALLY GET what I'm talking about when I talk about a certain pain, etc. "down there" - just like it's hard for us to get the pain they feel when they get kicked in the balls - right??  There's NO WAY he can "get" the concept of a Hot Flash or cramps now can he???

So I ONLY go to FEMALE DOCTORS for my pap smears, GYN Exams, Breast Exams or anything else dealing with female issues!!

This is a good FEMALE OB - GYN doctor at CIMA that speaks good ENGLISH, is VERY thorough, answers questions and has a good bedside manner.  I have been to her before and have shared her information with MANY people and EVERYONE's RAVED about her!!

Consultation  -  40,000
GYN Exam•Pap  -  50,000-gyn exam
Ultra Sound (breasts)  -  25,000
Cash only. 

Mon.-Fri. - 10am-6pm

Dr. Sae-Hui Kim
(2-208-1214 / SKim@HospitalCIMA.com [run it all together])

Escazu-CIMA's Medical Office Building-2nd floor - #14 (the building next to the hospital)

(please tell her that Vicki Skinner - the big red head gal with the blog Connected you)


Need help with
BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - BHRT  
Check out the MOST DETAILED list at:


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you time and/or $$$/¢¢¢¢?

Please consider showing your appreciation for it by
making a
to keep this detailed blog going!

The easiest/best way is PayPal!
Go to the top LEFT corner of the blog for details.

ANY amount is appreciated since this is my ONLY source of "income" and FEW give back/donate!!!



Monday, May 18, 2015

SATSANG • MEDITATION - Celebrating AMMA - in Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica - May 23, 2015

Le Invitamos al Satsang • AMMA (meditacion)
Invitation to AMMA  • We invite you to celebrate Amma


Habrá canto, el canto y la meditación
There will be chanting, singing and meditating for

Habra cantos y meditacion por la Paz y la compasion
Peace and Compassion for the world and ourselves.

 Om Namah Shivaya ... Greetings all • Saludos a todos 
Estaremos cantando Bhajans, los 108 nombres de Amma, compartiendo enseñanzas de la Madres, meditando y compartiendo enseñanzas de la Madre, meditando y compartiendo una cena vegetariana.
They will be singing Bhajans, 108 names of Amma by sharing teachings of the Mother, meditating and sharing teachings of Mother, meditating and sharing a vegetarian dinner.

Sabado • Saturday - Mayo 23, 2015 - 4-7pm
Please be on time because they would have to close the gates to the last car that enters and reopening would have to climb as 300m each time.
Por favor llegar puntual ya que habrían que cerrar los portones con el ultimo carro que entra y para volver a abrir habría que subir como 300m cada ves.

Kumar's home - Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica
The toll to Ciudad Colon as 800m you will see on the left Proximart.
After Proximart there is an entrance on the left - Make left.
As for the 300m at the corner see the Brasil de Mora School - go LEFT onto Cuesta Brava.
Go up this hill and after
Vino Mundo 25m to the right is the entrance to the property.
Black gate, orange wall - #5.
Once inside there are several houses. They are the last house down on the paved road.

Al pasar el peaje hacia Ciudad Colon como a 800m verán a mano izquierda Proximart. Después de Proximart hay una entrada a mano izquierda. Hacer izquierda. Como a los 300m en la esquina verán la Escuela de Brasil de Mora. Aquí hacen una izquierda. La calle se llama Cuesta Brava. van a subir esta cuesta y después de Vino Mundo a los 25m a mano derecha esta la entrada a la propiedad. Portón negro, pared naranja, numero 5. Ya dentro hay varias casas. Nosotros somos la ultima casa bajando sobre el camino empedrado.

Those who can come in "Car Pool" will be easier for the limited parking space. There is no room on the street. Just parking inside the property. Los que puedan venir en "Car Pool" será mas fácil por el espacio limitado de parqueo. No hay espacio en la calle. Solo parqueo adentro de la propiedad. 

Español y English

BUT - please bring a Vegetarian Dish to Share at the end of the Satsang.
mas le solicitamos colaborar con un plato vegetariano para compartir al cierre del encuentro.

David - 8-862-8968  •  Kumar - 8-844-2777

(to get on the list to be notified of future Amma Satsangs, Check out and Subscribe to:


PLEASE "SHARE" this link with ALL you feel could benefit from it (ESPECIALLY on your Facebook!):

. 184 5/18

Sunday, May 17, 2015

FOUND DOG • PERRO ENCONTRADO - Black Labrador (Labrador negro?) (now to find the LOST FAMILY) in Pinares, CURRIDABAT area of Costa Rica


I'm double checking to make sure he's still seeking his family but here is what was written about him (from what I'm putting together from TranslateGoogle).
"This precious pooch (I'm assuming it's a "he" because gender sometimes gets lost in translation) has been wandering the street in Pinares, CURRIDABAT for a few days, searching for his home. He even went up to Ligia Castro (who's seen him) & was affectionate, but he's still hanging around. He has nice hair (I guess indicating he's clean & not a street dog??) & when he sees a car stop he goes up to see who it is, as if he's waiting/looking for their owners.

Has anyone you know indicated they're a LOST FAMILY missing him? Does he look familiar?
I'm not sure if it's needed (sounds like it is), maybe someone can foster him till his family is found so he's not wandering the streets - fending for himself in the rain.

Maybe some of you have some time & can go on my

Where I have a couple hundred animal groups in my "Likes" and find groups to share it - or call some veterinarian offices to see if anyone's asked about him - or the vet has taken care of him over the years

PLEASE "SHARE" & if you know anything &/or can help -
Call Ligia at 8-391-9700

(when his family is found, can you please let me know so I can remove this from my blog)



En Pinares, Curridabat, anda hace días un perrito perdido, da vueltas todo el día, buscando su casa, hoy se me acercó, es cariñoso, pero sigue dando vueltas, tiene el pelo bonito, ve un carro parar y se va a ver quien viene, como esperando a sus dueños. Por favor compartir. Info 83919700



Friday, May 15, 2015




WHEN•CUANDO:Saturday•Sabado AND Sunday•Domingo
July•Julio 18 & 19

Saturday•Sabado - August•Agusto 8
(this may be the last one till November)
(FYI - these usually take place between 10am-3pm on the SATURDAY
AFTER the 15th of the month paycheck)




VENDER SUS COSAS EN LA SIGUIENTE GARAJE COMUNITARIO VENTA convertirse en vendedor en la próxima venta



Look for the "VENTE de GARAJE" Signs
& BALLOONS (hopefully - if I can find them) out front
(note this is an INSIDE sale.  This can sometimes be a later crowd so p
lease bring the directions as sometimes signs don't get put up till a bit later)


Busque el Señales "VENTE de garaje"
Y GLOBOS en el frente (possible)
(tenga en cuenta esto es una venta en el interior. Esto a veces puede ser una multitud más tarde así que por favor traiga las direcciones ya que a veces las señales no se les ponen hasta un poco más tarde)


ESCAZU (Trejos Montealegre)
•  Get off the Pista del Sol - Highway 27 at the WalMart Escazu Exit.
•  Pass through 2 lights (1st at the corner for WalMart & Tony Romas and the 2nd in front of TGIFridays).
•  At the 2nd STREET where you can turn Right as you get off the Pista (the first being at WalMart & the 2nd being at Rosti Pollo & Vivero•Nursery Exotica) leading into Trejos Montealegre - turn RIGHT.
•  Take your 1st LEFT.
•  Pass THROUGH the first intersection (ApartHotel Maria Alexandra on the South/West corner) - keep going - and it curves to the right.
•  Pass H2O pool and go down about 800 meters to the

(I think they call it "Muerto" in CR?)
It's the
1 story WHITE HOUSE 
with black iron gate and CURVED DRIVEWAY and 2 BLACK GATES at the
on your RIGHT!!
(note currently the bump is just black - no yellow stripes)

The sale is INSIDE a private home. 
•  There's a painting inside that arch below - just above the door of a "J"

If the gate isn't open - ring the bell.

8-378-6679 (English only)


Escazú (Trejos Montealegre)
Bajar la Pista del Sol - Highway 27 en la salida WalMart Escazú.
Pasar a través de 2 luces (primero en la esquina de WalMart y Tony Romas y la segunda frente a Tgifridays).
En la primera calle después (en Rosti Pollo y Vivero Vivero Exotica) que lleva en Trejos Montealegre - gire a la derecha.
• Lleve a su primera IZQUIERDA.
Pasar por el primer cruce (ApartHotel Maria Alexandra en la esquina sur / oeste) - seguir adelante - y curvas a la derecha.
Ir abajo unos 800 metros - pasando por encima de la primera Bump velocidad y la venta se encuentra dentro de una casa privada. Es la

Es la
con el camino de entrada curvo y 2 NEGRO GATES en el
  Segundo badén ("muerto"?)

en su DERECHO !!
(nota actualmente es sólo negro - sin rayas amarillas)

•  There's a painting inside that arch below - just above the door of a "J"
If the gate isn't open - ring the bell.

8-529-2509 (Español solamente)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S NETWORK of Costa Rica (PWN) - Monthly Networking Meeting - Sibu Chocolates talk on "Entrepreneurism: The Secret Recipe When Starting From Scratch"

The Professional Women's Network of Costa Rica - PWN

The Professional women's Network is geared towards Women who are
In business • Interested in being in business
Starting a businessStudying businessHave been in business and want to network with like minded professional women.

Monthly Networking Meetings are aimed at personal and professional development
(learn more about PWN below*)



The Secret Recipe When Starting From Scratch"
Master Chocolatier and General Manager
George Soriano
Sibú Chocolate

Saturday, May 9, 2015

CAA - Community Action Alliance charity - San Ramon, Costa Rica - May 2015 Newsletter

Please support CAA in helping the Hogarcito San Ramon Orphanage. Encourage  donations from friends for the Orphanage Transportation Project. Volunteer for a a new project.  Become a Birthday Buddy. Attend the upcoming benefit theatre (June 28) and jazz (July 19) performances.
View this email in your browser
Hogarcito San Ramon Orphanage Transportation Project is one-third funded in 30 days! Together, CAA members and their family, friends, and associates donated $1,110. To add incentive, one CAA couple announced they will match donations 1:1 up to $5,000! Duly inspired, another CAA member contributed $1,000! Project donations now total $4,220.

Next Wednesday, May 13 there is yet another matching funds opportunity. GlobalGiving, our USA funding partner,  will match donations up to $1,000 on a pro-rated basis for all projects on May 13, starting at 9am EDT for 15 hours.
Please spread the word! Share the GlobalGiving project link http://goto.gg/20057 on your social networks, emails, websites, and in conversations with your family, friends, and associates. Ask them to help Hogarcito San Ramon buy a vehicle and ensure safe transportation for students, provide reliable transportation in medical emergencies, and return one caregiver’s time to the orphanage. Donations made through GlobalGiving can be made once or on a recurring basis, and they are tax deductible in the USA.

For Costa Rica friends who prefer to donate directly, you can suggest a direct bank transfer (or deposit) to Hogarcito San Ramon account #100-1-0200002779-3 Banco National in the name of Asocacion de Proteccion a la Infancia de San Ramon. Please note ‘Car Donation’. This is not a USA tax deductible donation.
CAA recently asked the Hogarcito San Ramon orphanage Director and Board President to prioritize the projects where they could use the help of CAA members and supporters. Are you interested in volunteering your energy, skills, or resources to help?

Construction and Repairs - Fix leaky roof in children’s recreational room,  install plastic roofing above outside infant play area, install room ventilation solution, install 8 ceiling fans, paint 5 beds, baby-proofing project, renovate outside entrance and signage, repair bikes, fix empty field for bike riding, soccer and kite flying. Contact: andy95066@gmail.com
Creative Projects - Family tree in central room, complete outside murals, canvas murals for children’s rooms, butterfly/hummingbird garden, newly painted tires for playground, reupholster table chairs and sofa, and kites for children. Contact: havah777@yahoo.com or nancy@actionalliancecr.com

Monetary Donations - Field trip expense fund for movies, pizza and more, 5 new mattresses, 10 sets of sheets for toddler beds. Contact: nancy@actionalliancecr.com.
Help make the birthdays of children at the Hogarcito San Ramon orphanage extra special! CAA individuals are creating Birthday Buddy Bags for the children at the orphanage. Each Birthday Buddy Bag provides a fun party for a child age birth to 12 years old. Aromas delivers the birthday cake, the orphanage provides a birthday present, and the Birthday Buddy volunteer provides items such as drinks, candles, balloons, game prizes, and small 'favor bags' for the other orphanage children at the party. Right now we’re looking for Birthday Buddies for 5 children.

If you'd like to be a Birthday Buddy for a child, please email Dianne Fischer at dfischercr@gmail.com to volunteer. Don't worry! Dianne will help you with the details and coordinate the delivery of the bag to the orphanage in time for the birthdays.
Join your friends on Sunday June 28, 1pm at SINEM for "Liars, Lovers, and Fools", an eclectic mix of scenes and monologues featuring characters invented by Shakespeare and brought to life on stage by the Merely Players! Proceeds go to Hogarcito San Ramon Orphanage Transportation Project. Cost is C5,000. Food, wine, and beer will be available for purchase. Seating is limited so please RSVP by email to events@actionalliancecr.com.

Shakespeare’s characters are so well crafted and their dialogue so illustrative of human nature, that the epithet “Liars, Lovers, and Fools” encompasses any of Shakespeare’s plays. This production captures the richness and wit of the best of The Bard’s ‘liars, lovers, and fools’ in a lively and entertaining performance.

The Merely Players are a group of actors within the Little Theatre Group of Costa Rica (www.littletheatregroup.org) who enjoy interpreting some of the great roles and scenes from the canon of classical theatre, most notably the works of William Shakespeare.
Joe Anello Jazz Quartet performs in concert on Sunday July 19, 12pm at Magallanes Community Center in San Ramon. Proceeds go to the Hogarcito San Ramon Orphanage Transportation Project.  A cover charge of C5,000 includes snacks and is your donation. Wine and beer will be available for purchase. RSVP by email to events@actionalliancecr.com.

As many of you know, Joe was a professional drummer in the states for years. He formed the quartet after he retired to Costa Rica and they now play jazz in different venues in Costa Rica. Joe is no stranger to San Ramon audiences, performing regularly at the Museo and La Geroca. Here’s a taste for a mellow rainy day: Blackbird CAA wishes to thank Joe and his group for their generous donation of time and talent for this benefit performance.
Copyright © 2015 Community Action Alliance, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of CAA or opted into our website.

Our mailing address is:
Community Action Alliance
Apdtdo 384-4250
San Ramon 4250
Costa Rica

Add us to your address book
