Monday, September 6, 2010



I again have the joy to invite you to be with Solané Verraine.

Solane Verraine belongs to the Indian School of thought called Advaita Vedanta due that her teaching as well as her teachers can be classified in this current of thought. Advaita Vedanta affirms that the only truth is that which is beyond duality, that which is the essence of all existing beings and things and which is a complete unity, sacred and indivisible.  To wake up is to know deeply in our being that we are this sacred being which is the only thing that exists and the only thing that is real.

Solané gives us the opportunity to be with an awakened being, who points out to us continuously our illusion, and makes us see we do not have to fall into it, as well as shows us who we really are.

The experience with Solane is an experience of love, of quietness, of opening up our consciousness to discover our true nature, a discovery which can really change our lives.

I truly recommend this experience to all the people who are looking for truth and who already know the wordly ideals no longer satisfy them.

For me it will be a great joy to share this retreat with you.  Below are details of the activities we will have with Solane as well as some descriptions of some experiences some of us who have had being in Solane’s presence.

There is a joy and a love for all creation when you fall out of your head and into the stillness of your pure heart. It permeates everything with the nectar of the Self. When everything is welcome here, your life begins to flow and flower with wellbeing, ease and intimacy with all life.

Solane is a long time disciple of Gangaji and Eli Jaxon-Bear, from Ramana Maharshi and W.L. Poonja s lineage, and in the last years gives satsang around the United States and Costa Rica.


(NOTE:  I attended a Satsang Solane her last trip here ONLY because it was at my home as I thought it was more of a meditation type thing [not my thing] but it was a very informal connection time where people shared questions they had/what they were going through and Solane shared different perspectives on it.  VERY INCITEFUL!!! Most attendees went on and on at how POWERFUL it was for them!!!


WHEN:  THIS Friday (tomorrow) - Sept. 10th from 10am-noon
WHERE:  Unity Costa Rica - Piedades de Santa Ana!!! (see for detailed directions)
INVESTMENT:  Love Offering/Donation!! 
(WE'll be going to THIS ONE so anyone that would like a ride between Escazu and Piedades.  We'll be leaving at 9:30am SHARP from my place ON Calle Vieja near Calle Country Club.  CALL me at - 8-378-6679).

LOCATION: Escazu (San Rafael) - Kapoli – Turn South on the side street that goes up to Centro Escazu - across from the ICE Building (by Ambitec).  Go up 100 meters to the split/fork in the road and veer to the Right.  It’s JUST before the end (where it merges with Calle Country Club) on your left.  Look for the rock columns on either side of the gate and the sign that says “Kapoli”.  Another way to look at it - from Plaza Colonial - go 150 meters West and 150 South and 100 SouthWest, next to the Tulu Building.

7:15 pm

LOCATION: Barrio Escalante - From Centro Cultural NorteAmericano.  100 meters North, 100 meters East and 250 meters North in front of Park Los Negritos. The house is NOW BEIGE with a light brown front wall and black gate.

7:15 pm  -  Monday September 13 th
LOCATION: Barrio Escalante - From Centro Cultural NorteAmericano.  100 meters North, 100 meters East and 250 meters North in front of Park Los Negritos. The house is NOW BEIGE with a light brown front wall and black gate.

Suggested donation for Satsangs: $10 (Unity is "Loving Offering")


Weekend Retreat
Saturday September 11 and Sunday September 12

The retreat includes a simple vegetarian lunch for each day. Inquire about the possibility to stay overnight.

LOCATION: Ciudad Colon  - 1 ½ km East of the Cruz Rojo/Red Cross. Calle el Porvenir. Black iron gate on rock wall on your right hand. Come in through gate until you see the house.

Partial scholarships are available for those who are deeply called to attend.

LANGUAGE:  All events will be in both English and Spanish.

PAYMENT:  Please deposit the full amount into Banco Nacional - account number 200-02-099-2482-6 in the name of Jenny Ortuno Castro indicating clearly the name of the person making the deposit. 

RSVP:  To reserve your space and/or for more information, contact Jenny Ortuño - 8-874-2612 (leave a text or and a voice message on this phone) /

Solané Verraine is a psycho-therapist who was burned out and discouraged with the therapeutic milieu, found the way to true and lasting healing through teachers Gangaji and Eli Jaxon-Bear. Her meeting with Gangaji revealed the vast silence and love that are always present, and Eli introduced her to the Sacred Enneagram, a wisdom tool for uncovering unconscious and habituated patterns. From Eli she also learned Leela Therapy, a method that allows one to immediately see the truth of Self and unravel egoic tendencies.

Solané, whose awakening stabilized only after periods of intense paranoia and homelessness, now travels around sharing her experience and offering guidance to hundreds of people who wish to live from essence.


Estimados amigos: La casa donde se va a hacer el satsang de Solane es la misma y por lo tanto se conserva la misma direccion: del Centro cultural Norteamericano, 100 m. Norte, 100 metros Este y 250 Norte (haciendo una curva) frente al Parque los Negritos, SOLO QUE AHORA LA CASA ES TAPIA CAFECITA CON BEIGE EN LUGAR DE SER ROJA COMO ANTES. (La pintaron en estos dias y no quiero que se confundan).


Queridos amigos:

De nuevo tengo la oportunidad de compartir el gozo de tener a Solané con nosotros.

Solané, por sus maestros y por su enseñanza,  pertenece a la corriente Advaita Vedanta de la India.  Esta corriente, considera como lo único verdadero  aquello que está más allá de la dualidad, aquello que está en la esencia de todo y que es una unidad completa, indivisible y sagrada. Despertar es saber que somos ese ser sagrado pues sólo esto existe y es real.

Solané nos brinda la oportunidad de estar con una persona despierta, que nos señala continuamente nuestra ilusión, nos hace ver que no tenemos que tomarla y quien somos en realidad.

La experiencia con Solane es una experiencia de amor, de quietud, de abrir nuestra conciencia para descubrir nuestra verdadera esencia. Este descubrimiento es el único que verdaderamente puede transformar nuestra vida.

Lo recomiendo profundamente a todos los buscadores, a todos que ya están en aquel camino donde nada del mundo puede satisfacerlos.

Será para mi un gran gozo compartir este retiro con ustedes. Adjunto los detalles de las actividades que tendremos con ella. Mando dos adjuntos: invitacion donde se describen fechas y actividades, y algunas descripciones de la experiencia que hemos tenido al estar con ella.

Con todo mi cariño,

Jenny Ortuño


Hay un gozo y un amor por toda la creación, cuando sales de tu mente y reposas en la quietud de tu corazón puro.  Este amor lo permea todo con el néctar del Ser.   Cuando se le da la bienvenida a todo, en este espacio de amor, tu vida comienza a fluir y florecer con bienestar, facilidad e intimidad con toda la vida.

Solané Verraine ha sido estudiante devota de muchos años de Gangaji y Eli Jaxon-Bear ambos pertenecientes al linaje de Ramana Majarshi y W. L.  Poonja; en los últimos años se dedica a dar satsang en varios estados de los Estados Unidos y Costa Rica.

Retiro de fin de Semana

Sábado 11 y domingo 12 de setiembre de 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

Localización: De la Cruz Roja en Ciudad Colón un kilómetro y medio al este. Portón de barras de hierro negras en pared de piedra. Mano Derecha. Entrar hasta encontrar la casa.

Costo: $165

Se ofrecen becas parciales. Si tiene un deseo verdadero de participar y tiene dificultades de pago consultar a Jenny Ortuño.

El retiro incluye un almuerzo vegetariano cada día. Las personas que deseen quedarse a dormir pueden hacerlo, los interesados por favor contactar a Jenny Ortuño.

Para pagar, deposite el dinero en cuenta de ahorro en dólares 200-02-099-2482-6 a nombre de Jenny Ortuño Castro del Banco Nacional indicando claramente el nombre del depositante.


Viernes 10 de setiembre - Hora: 2:30 p.m.

Localización: Jardín Kapoli en San Rafael de Escazú. De la Plaza Colonial, 150 metros oeste, 150 metros sur y 100 metros suroeste, contiguo al Edificio Tulú.

Viernes 10 y 13 de Setiembre - Hora 7:15

Localización: Del Centro Cultural Norteamericano 100 metros norte, 100 metros este y 250 metros norte frente a parque Los Negritos. Casa blanca con vergas negras y tapia roja.

Donación sugerida para los satsangs: $10 ó 5 mil colones

Para mayor información: Llamar a Jenny Ortuño, al teléfono

de texto en este teléfono.

8874-2612. Dejar mensaje de voz o



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