Tuesday, January 31, 2012


LOCATION: Escazu - but he can also come to you.

SKILLS/COMMENTS: David’s MY MAIN MAC GUY having taken care of me and helped me through MANY a FRANTIC situation and he always kept his cool (my computer is my BABY [and my life!!!]) as well as helped MANY MANY people that have found him from my blog and guests and friends and so far we’ve ALL been REALLY HAPPY!!!   

He also does PC REPAIR as well.   

He’s very reasonably priced, thorough and can take care of your computer in MANY ways (read into that as you’d like to!).   

In a rush/frantic?   He’s always been VERY considerate of that if he can be (just let him know DIRECTLY - speak your truth!!)!!!    He also sometimes has parts/computers for sale!!   
If he can't fix it, he has a secret contact that's just about always been able to take care of it!!

He can also assist with Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Internet setup/troubleshooting, network setup/installation troubleshooting (all for both Mac and PC).

He also does WEBSITE DESIGN (html, php, flash, css).

OTHER SKILLS:  He's a Spanish - English Translator.  

LANGUAGE: Español is his primary language - BUT he’s a Tico that speaks GREAT English!

RATES: Starts at $30 (includes his time to get there)

CONTACT:  8-853-2451 / david@terramundis.net

PLEASE make sure to tell David that VICKI CONNECTED you!!! 


If this connection has helped you•made your life easier - 
please consider giving back to help keep this blog alive and active!! 

For more information on where to DONATE,
 go to the top right corner of this blog and either gift through 
Paypal, MasterCard DEBIT card, Bank of America - or Banco Nacional!


PLEASE SHARE this link to EVERYONE you know that could use this information!


Democrats Abroad Costa Rica•DACR - January Meeting

Democrats Abroad of Costa Rica's Secretary 
David Truslow, economist & small business owner
will speak on 
Renewing the Social Contract to Include the 99%.” 
at the DACR January 2012 meeting.

WHEN:  Saturday, January 28, 2012 - 9:30am-noon  
(meetings are traditionally held the last Saturday of each month)


San Jose - Downtown
 Holiday Inn Aurola - 3rd floor
Calle 5 at Avenida 5 - in front of Parque Morazan
2-523-1000 (hotel's number if you get lost)

FREE parking
is located ONLY in the Herdonza Parking Lot  
which is on the East side of the hotel.  At the meeting they'll announce instructions and you'll get a voucher in the lobby from the Bell Boys to present (get there early to get a space as it fills up fast on meeting days!!).

Contribution for bocas and coffee break and meeting room space

Reservations are REQUIRED at
call Nelleke at 8-721-6497
*Please be sure to make your reservation if you plan to come to any DACR meeting as their cushion between what the hotel charges them and what they charge for attendance is getting very thin.  They used to order bocas for 3-5 extra people for meetings, but if they did that now they would lose money, so they order only for those who made their reservation, and then order extra on the day of the meeting.  However, the hotel can charge them 20% extra if they order bocas on the day of the meeting, so they need to avoid that.


Are you available to Drive?  Are you needing a ride (and willing to contribute towards gas/wear-n-tear)?  Want to Share a taxi?


Guest are welcome at 1 meeting and then asked to *"join"•register -
it's FREE!!
it's FREE to join!
To join - just attend a meeting  OR 
 go to the official International Democrats Abroad site:





Costa Rica Democrats Abroad - Costa Rica





DemocratsAbroad.org  •  Facebook.com/DemsAbroad


Please SHARE this link with EVERYONE you know that will find this information helpful/interesting (especially on Facebook!)
(and tell them VICKI CONNECTED you!!):

Please "SHARE" this link 
with everyone you know that would like this information 

tell them that VICKI Connected you!


It's MY turn - I NEED YOUR Help!!

Many of you have found and used this information blog over the years - http://LivingLifeInCostaRica.blogspot.com  - to help find info on various services from massage therapists, Apple computer technicians, doctors, chiropractors, where to buy appliances - places to go, things to do+++. 

On October 26, 2011  I added a counter to my blog and found out I was getting OVER 7,000 Page Views in a month!  Now in July 2012 and it's up to over 18,000 views a MONTH!!!  WOW!!  I think that it's time I "Monetize" it - eh??? 

For over 4-1/2 years the blog has been a gift of love from me, but I ended up putting more of my time creating this and helping others have more ease or business for themselves for free and not promoting my own guest house hence I ended up having to close it (tourism being down was a contributing factor as well.  It's been a GREAT eye-opening situation getting to look at some past patterns!!).

Now I'm in transition - re-inventing/re-defining myself - doing a lot of what I've been doing for years and LOVE so much (gathering and sharing information and connecting people) but it's slow in going.

Now I can REALLY use YOUR help! 

$$ has been slow coming in and in order for me to move out of here and on to my next adventure I need to take care/$$$ of some other things here first.

So, if my blog has brought you some ease, joy, etc. - or you've found some of the things I've shared on Facebook made you feel a bit more positive on a down day - or helped you to go deeper or looking something differently (or pissed you off enough to look at why you were getting roused by me!!) -
might you consider making a DONATION/GIFT to me/the site to help keep it alive and me going - since it's completely been a non-for-profit gig for me??!!!


•  PAYPAL (under the account - LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com [if you are able to, please try to do it as "Personal" or "Gift" or something])

•  Transfer $ into my Banco Nacional account  (if you did it this way, it's only good if it's going from YOUR Banco Nacional account into my U.S. $ Banco Nacional account [since I don't have one of those DIMEX cards yet].  Email me for that account information)

•  MasterCard DEBIT card (doing a cash advance via my http://USAA.com account. NOT Visa and NOT credit card.  Either you'd give me your name as it appears on the card, the card #, billing zip code and amount or I could give you their U.S. # and you could call them direct and do it with them).

•  Bank of America  (do you bank with BofA?  You can easily just Transfer it into my account!  Or, do you have a BofA near you where you can go in and just Deposit it??  E- me for my account info and let me know what state you'll be doing that in).

I REALLY APPRECIATE ANY amount you can gift the blog/me to help keep it going - and trust me - on the blog - you ain't seen nothing yet!!!  Every day it's growing more and more!!!!

THANX for the consideration!!!    


Vicki Skinner
CR#:  8-378-6679
(if you have any questions, e- me at LivingLifeInCostaRica@gmail.com)
U.S.#:  1-941-312-7569
ΩSkype:  VallartaVicki

PWG - Jan. 28 - 10am-noon - Professional Women's Group - January Meeting


Join the Professional Women's Group as we Explore the Process of Referrals

WHEN:  Saturday, January 28  -  10am-noon  (during the Women's Club - Bake and Book Sale)

WHERE:  Pan-American School -  300 m south of El Rodeo Hotel and Restaurant - San Antonio de Belén Heredia

10:00 – 10:45 Registration and Networking
10:45 – 11:00 Call to Order, Club Notes
11:00 – 11:45 Presentation
11:45 – 12:00 Q and A/Adjourn Meeting
12:00 - 2:00 Shopping at WCCR Booksale

1st Time Non-PWN/WCCR Guest: 1,000 Colones
PWN - WCCR Member:  2,000 Colones
Repeat Non-PWN/WCCR Guest:  4,000 Colones

Each time we recommend a restaurant, a hairdresser, a movie, we are giving referrals. When we plan to purchase something, we are more likely to ask friends than turn to advertising.

When you pay attention to the process, you will easily find that you do this each and every day. When you add in a system, and a way of tracking your referrals given and received, the amount of business will jump accordingly.

Attendees are encouraged to purchase coffee/drinks a d baked goods/food at the WCCR Book Sale Fundraiser, Coffee and Baked Goods Sale Corner. Proceeds from this event will benefit the WCCR's Educational Scholarship and Reading is Fun Projects.

Beth M. Anderson is an entrepreneur, the owner of OrgTrack.com, and an internationally recognized expert in word-of-mouth referral networking, known as The Conscious Networker. Beth is an active participant in several on-line networking communities, and credits her success to the lessons learned through her participation in the world’s largest organization of weekly face-to-face business networking meetings, BNI, Business Network Int’l. 


The Professional Women's Network (PWN) is a part of the Women's Club of Costa Rica (WCCR). The group is English speaking and beginner's English is welcome.

Women from all backgrounds including teaching, arts, marketing, engineering, law, accounting, tourism, labor, etc. participate.

First meetings are only 1,000 colones so please give us a try! Email pwn.wccr@gmail.com for more information.

To support the mission of WCCR and to encourage personal and professional development through networking with other professional women, and to develop programs to contribute to all women in Costa Rica.


CESAR MILLAN - the "Dog Whisperer" in Costa Rica & Pets Y Mas Pet Expo • Expo Mascota - January 28, 2012

CESAR MILLAN - the "Dog Whisperer"
in San Jose, Costa Rica

WHAT:  Cesar Millan in Costa Rica – A SASY! FUN raiser!!

WHEN:  Saturday, January 28 - 8pm-midnight

WHERE:  San Jose - the new National Stadium / Estadio Nacional 

BENEFIT:  SASY (hence spread amongst numerous organizations)

Costa Rica's Estadio Nacional (National Stadium) will go to the dogs, literally, on Saturday January 28, 2012, when the Dog Whisperer himself, Cesar Millan, will take centre stage, where he will takes dogs whose owners have behaviour problems with them.

In front of the new National Stadium during the day (before the Cesar Millan show) -
Pets y Mas - PetsYMas.com
will have a stands giving away 20 Datamars microchips!
Sábado 28 de enero, frente del Estadio Nacional durante el día, antes del Show de César Millán. Pets y más estará con un stand, esperándolos. Entre todos los que se arrimen al stand, regalaremos 20 microchips Datamars y muchas revistas y una revista con AUTOGRAFO de César Milán. No pueden faltar!!

By now most of you have probably heard that Cesar Millan, the famous Dog Whisperer (aka el Encantador de Perros) will be making his first-ever appearance in Latin America. Working in cooperation with the event promoter, RPMTV/Xtreme Family Entertainment, SASY! has negotiated the opportunity to sell tickets to our friends and supporters and retain a portion of the proceeds to help fund SASY! spay and neuter programs.

Millan fells there are no "bad dogs", only bad owners/masters. To share the spotlight Millan will bring his own pack from to show Costa Rican dog owners what is possible.

Prior to his "The Dog Whisperer" series, Millan had focused on rehabilitating especially aggressive dogs and had founded the Dog Psychology Centre in South Los Angeles.  Millan's first 3 books, including Cesar's Way, all became New York Times best sellers, have cumulatively sold 2 million copies in the United States and are available in 14 other countries.  

Part of Cesar's philosophy is that dogs need jobs, otherwise this leaves them bored, unfulfilled and act out. He has even created a special dog backpack (which he sells on his website for $59.98) to help your dog in his work.

In Costa Rica dog abandonment is a serious problem that is not addressed. Stray dogs or "zaguates" can be seen everywhere from the inner city of San José to the groomed parks of Rohrmoser.

February to April are the months with more dog abandonment, as the Christmas puppies now are starting to grow, demand more attention and time and costly to maintain. Some do not consider that large dog breeds start out small and quickly, within a few months, grow to pretty close their adult size.

These dogs - still puppies really - are fast left behind by their owners and many of them have tragic endings.

The Dog Whisperer event in Costa Rica is being sponsored by RPM-TV.

• CIUDAD COLON  -  SASY - http://Facebook.com/groups/8700344677 /  http://SASYCostaRica.com - Rita DeVore at Casa Bella Rita Boutique Bed & Breakfast (http://CasaBellaRita.com - Devore.Rita@gmail.com  / 2-249-3722)

• HEREDIA - the Pet Shop at the Refugio de Animales -  Lilian's AHPPA - 2-267-6374 /  2-267-7158 / SpayCostaRica@yahoo.com  -  http://AnimalShelterCostaRica.com

• DAWG - 8-850-7477 /  dawgfostermom@gmail.com

• JACO   -  McKee Jaco - 2-643-4012  /  info@mckee-jaco.com

• NOSARO -  Nosara Animal Rescue - 8-948-6743; nosaraanimalcare@gmail.com

• Queridos Perros – 8-371-3825  /  pacifico@racsa.co.cr
NOTE:  If you purchase your tickets through SASY, you will NOT have to pay the 1,500 Ticket Service fee.

• Identify in which section you would like to purchase tickets; note that we are holding seats in Gramilla Working Dogs (shown in red: 23,000-c/ticket) and Platea Herding Dogs (shown in green: 18,000-c/ticket) sections at the Estadio Nacional (see the attached Estadio Nacional Seating Chart).

Pay for your ticket no later than Monday, January 23 (still call because I'll bet you can still get some!)
Tickets will be distributed at wherever you purchased them from beginning Thursday, January 26 and must be picked up no later than Friday, January 27; if you have trouble getting to the Pet Shop call us at the above numbers and we will discuss options. 

OTHER OPTIONS:  You also have the option of purchasing tickets online through http://Laboleteria.com/eventos/details/18-cesar-millan-el-encantador-de-perros.html  and can receive a discount using your BNCR card  -  BUT  - these will not help SASY receive any donations/support.  
If you purchase tickets through these traditional methods, you WILL be charged the 1,500-c per Ticket Service fee.

Tickets for the event go from ¢8.000 to ¢35.000 (is $16 to us$70) for the event.


Consider purchasing a ticket or group of tickets for people in the community who are not able to afford them. This is a fabulous way to further their education efforts. You may specify the distribution or we will distribute tickets appropriately and let you know who your beneficiary is.

We hope to be able to offer additional opportunities and promotions so please visit our Facebook page for updates: SASY! Costa Rica. 


WHO IS CESAR MILLAN - the "Dog Whisperer"?

For more information about the Cesar Millan show and the ExpoMascota earlier the same day go to http://rpmtv.co.cr

Cesar Millan has begun his latest speaking tour to educate people about how to get along with their dogs and the tour will see him go to 6 American cities and Costa Rica, Europe and Australia and New Zealand. It began Jan. 14.  The 42-year-old Millan is the popular Mexican-American dog trainer and his show, The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan is in its 8th season (seen in some 15 countries in the world). Millan is known for taking aggressive dogs and teaching them and their owners how to live together with respect and love.
Cesar Millan: Dog Whisperer on Tour to Norfolk, Virginia on April 7. His website says he may add dates to his list of U.S. shows.

Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Cesar Millan, the world-renowned dog behavior specialist and co-creator and star of the popular television show “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan,” will share dog training tips and advice during his Jan. 28 show at the National Stadium in San José. RPMTV Xtreme Family Entertainment is sponsoring the event.

In addition to his hit series, broadcast on Nat Geo Wild in the U.S. and on Animal Planet in Latin America, the self-taught Mexican-American Millan has written several books on dog training and has toured around the world. Millan has something of a cult following among dog owners and has used his behavior techniques to help the dogs of celebrities Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith.

According to RPMTV Media Manager Juan Carlos Peña, Millan will talk about how to have a good, balanced, healthy pet at the Jan. 28 show. This includes mental health; Millan considers this one of the fundamental principles of owning a pet. Using his own dogs, Millan will demonstrate what constitutes good habits and correct conduct. To show how to modify dog behavior, Millan will use dogs from Costa Rica with behavior issues, and offer solutions.

Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/317865#ixzz1jzJN0aEm

For the first time in Costa Rica, on 28 January at the National Stadium at 8:00 pm, this extra special with the Costa Ricans share their knowledge and offers a magnificent show that combines an entertaining chat with live demonstrations of their techniques.

For anyone who loves their dog needs no introduction Cesar Millan, renowned worldwide for its extraordinary method to get answers to the problems of the owners with their pets, Millan is a true hero in training and correcting bad habits in dogs.

If you love your dog but can not find out at inappropriate or aggressive behavior can not miss this unique opportunity to attend and discover the secrets of Dog Whisperer.