Monday, February 13, 2012

Earthquake in the Land of Pura Vida - Costa Rica


Woken this morning at 4:56am by a 6 to 6.1 earthquake!!!  (I've seen everything from 5.9-6.1)

EPICENTER:  50 miles SW of where we're at (Escazu) - out in the Pacific Ocean - I've seen 6km South of Manuel Antonio (Wendy) to Aguirre de Puntarenas (maybe that's the same thing) & La Nacion - the main local paper - said Puntarenas.

WOW - I was just (well - now over 2 hours ago) woken by what I THOUGHT was a pretty decent size & what felt fairly long earthquake.  (did anyone else feel there were 2 - or just one pretty long one??)

Recently I've been "feeling" that something was "coming" - a "shakin' up" of sorts (to ME - having grown up in Earthquake zone California - that's a common message I've "felt" earthquakes are about - a "shaking up of our foundation" - to get us to look at things in our lives - our beliefs/values, etc. [hence the POSITIVE side to them - IF you're willing to go there]).

So, I'm housesitting in Escazu (above Country Day - in Vista de Oro) in a HUMONGOUS 4 story house (helping to get it rented - [anyone have $4,750/month to spend on rent??  It's GORGEOUS & VERY DETAILED!!) on the side of a mountain & I'm on the bottom level, so, not wanting to get crushed to death IF this was "the big one", i got up, bundled my body up (we're probably at about 4,000' elevation where I'm at now), packed up my most crucial things (passport, what $ I have, computer, cell, powercords [almost forgot those -YIKES!!]+), blanket & pillows & walked up to the main/street level of the house to the sofa on the carport they're selling the people that moved out are selling.

When I got up here, I started to wonder - "Hmmmm - was it just the STRONG winds shaking the house that I was feeling?" - especially because when I got online - at that point no one had posted anything about it yet.  But then I saw Divinia's post & I knew an earthquake it was.

Back to that "feeling" - I HOPE I'm wrong as this isn't what I was thinking I was feeling was coming - especially after hearing that there were a cluster of earthquake the Pacific side had the past 2 days . . . (same area) & damn - I'm heading to San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua tomorrow for my visa run (with one of my BEST buds Katrina!!!!!!  YEAHHH!!!!!!) which is on the Pacific side as well!

JUST in case - I think I'll sleep on the couch outside again tonight (the couch is MEGA comfy!!)!!

FYI  -  I started a list of links to various Earthquake Reporting websites (I find USGS can often take more time than others):

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