Saturday, April 28, 2012

Traffic Cops & Bribes Warning!

Friday AMCR did a story on Traffic Cops being busted for demanding bribes from people on Routa 32.

I've had 2 people this past week share with me similar stories but in the vicinity of on the road between San Ramon and Alajuela - somewhere before Grecia area still coming down that mountain.

Both said they were told that the ticket was $600 (one was for speeding, the other was for crossing over a double line which EVERYONE else was doing but only she got stopped [note both were in rental cars - which would make me assume they might have been targeting tourists???!!!]).

One has been living in Costa Rica for about 2 months but wasn't aware that they put that outrageous ticket law on the shelf (where tickets were even higher than in the U.S.!!) so she ended up giving him 30,000-colones/$60 (all she had in her wallet).

This was a VERY BOLD cop as he literally came out and asked for the bribe!!  He said that if she "took care of him, he'd take care of her" and he went so far as to tell her to just put the money in the ticket book (he presented her the ticket book - after he was ACTING like he was writing her a ticket since there was another cop there).

To pay or not to pay - this is up to you (more on that in another post) but MY suggestion for people that choose TO pay the bribe (I don't think I'D do it but . . . This is what I do for regular traveling practice) is to have an additional "Travel Wallet" where I carry just up to 10,000 (what I hear is the standard price of many of the bribes) and usually in small bills (so it looks like more) and some expired credit cards and I stash my real $$ somewhere that it sure doesn't look like it would have $$ [or in the trunk under the tire]).

After the way this one was SOOOO bold, if I was hitting the road - I'd also either before he got to the car - call the cops and leave the cell on my dashboard so they could be hearing it - and/or I'd record the conversation (many cell phones now a days have some sort of Recorder on them) - for PROOF!!!

Being one that likes to look at all sides of situations & have compassion for people that are doing things that are less conscious, to me it's a tough call as it's not surprising this type of activity would go on when cops are making about $400/month (not agreeing or trying to justify what their doing - but it's like - "dahhh" there's a good chance they'll do something like that just to survive!  Reactions like this are more likely to happen when people are is not paid (hence treated) with respect.

Just another way of looking at things/life/situations!

What's your take on bribes or your hints to avoid them/work around them??

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