Wednesday, June 20, 2012

GLOBAL CALL TO MEDITATION & Happy Summer Solstice - TODAY - June 20

WHEN:  TODAY  - Wednesday - June 20 - from noon-1pm wherever YOU are located in the world/YOUR time zone!

A Native American-lead initiative has been launched asking all people around the world to participate in a globally synchronized meditation each solstice and equinox continuing throughout 2012.
 From the Native American perspective, the change of seasons is a significant event and high noon on this day is an auspicious time for meditation and prayer.

The call for universal meditation was issued by an elder of the Kanza Tribe, Curtis Kekahbah, asking that people release all ties to negativity held in relation to themselves and to earth, releasing it into its own path so it will be purified by The Great Central Sun.

All people are indigenous to Mother Earth and are encouraged to meditate on uplifting the human spirit out of darkness into light.

Participation from noon to 1pm YOUR LOCAL TIME ZONE contributes to the creation of a wave of love and healing encircling the planet.

Please share this invitation!

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 Celebration of the Sun and the Light, which are on their peak, and so is all. Mother/Father Earth was green, and now some is burned out. Its hair, the Grasses and the Trees, survive, and bend at the violent caresses of the late days Wind. Screaming Light, sharp Colours.

This is the celebration of the South, of the place of the youth: the movement is growing, outgoing, expressive, active, creative, passionate, emotional. The big Light is strong, and sharp, it shows everything, it reveals our beauties and our shadows too, our power, our limits and our misdoings. We can choose to open up to ourselves and to the rest, and face whatever is there, or we can hide and fear it all.

Summer solstice is the celebration of the heart-power, and self-reflection. A moment that is good to dedicate to a honest examination of the results of our own Life in all aspects, and a moment to take extra responsibility, to create new prayers, to choose the next steps, to take risks : it is a time for working on forgiveness, on compassion towards ourselves and towards others, (we all are doing the best we can!), and on trust towards Great Mystery inside and outside ourselves. Let us thank our Earth and our Brothers in all forms for all they provide to us, and our challenges for the teachings we get, let us pray for forgiveness and gentleness between all beings.

Honor your Past and your Ancestors, honor your Present and your Future, your Parts make you Whole. Honor the Beauty and Light on Earth after the Rain.

There are times when you do not want the World to be too near: accept and allow those times to be, no pushing: activity and rest are both important for our Living.

SUMMER SOLSTICE  -  Wednesday - June 20
(the officially Summer Solstice time is at:
GMT  -  11:09pm
Pacific Time  -  4:09pm 
Mountain/Costa Rica time  -  5:09p
Central Time  -  6:09pm
Atlantic Time  -  7:09pm
Add some additional positive energy out there for that)

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happening AROUND Costa Rica??

Please SHARE and email me the DETAILS 
 (FULL details including date, time, location, description, directions, how to prepare/what to bring, etc.)  to

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Upcoming Equinox and Solstice times and messages to add additional
EXTRA POSITIVE healing energy.

AUTUMN EQUINOX - Saturday - September 22
Universal Time - 2:49pm
Pacific - 6:49am
Mountain/Costa Rica - 7:49am
Central - 8:49am
Atlantic - 9:49am 

The moment coming again, a moment of balance, like a pause in the breath, after which the dark will start increasing again, and the night will conquer the day: days and nights are getting cooler, colours are changing to brown and red, and winter is slowly approaching. The fall equinox is the home of the west, of twilight and transition, of the little death, of apparent decay, of the ancestors and the elders: it is also the moment in which growth in nature seems to stop, the harvest is, or is getting stored, and preparation for rest and following renewal begins.

As rest has to come after work, we slow down and turn inside the depths of ourselves for introspection: we look within, contemplate our lives, thank and honour our Life and our helpers in whatever realm they may be, and the past. We evaluate and reflect upon our year's achievements, new creations and challenges: we turn our minds to spiritual things, and connect to the power that comes from self-knowledge and correct self-judgement, without illusions: what more or else do we need for to accomplish the transition we are living in now? It is the time to forgive ourselves and others for the eventual misunderstandings and the missings that may have occurred, to become aware of the potential and teachings that they have given us, and, from a place of Silence, to become clearer about our own purpose, potential and possibilities, dreams and visions. and to pray for their fullfilment, We are stepping in the dark-times now, but the dark have its own beauties and gifts, let us enjoy and use them.

Take time out for self-reflection, ceremony, meditation, contemplation, and to refresh your
altar and your house, clean up and get ready for a good dark increasing-time. Dark can be soft and warm!
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WINTER SOLSTICE -  Friday - December 21
Universal Time - 11:12am
Pacific - 2:12am
Mountain - 3:12am
Central/Costa Rica - 4:12am
Atlantic - 5:12am


GLOBAL PART:  Shortest Day, longest Night. In the Dark, like in the Sweatlodge, the Sun, the Light are getting ready to be reborn. Change is called upon. We are, according to many traditions, at a turning point of Energy and Life on Earth. We need to honestly look inside at WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE CAN DO and WHAT WE HAVE TO DO while being here, and we have to be HONEST. Release of "old stuff" and purification are needed.Clean up your house and release what you do not need/wish any longer. Give a donation. Purify your Being and meditate.  
Be A GOOD FRIEND and have GOOD FRIENDS AROUND YOU in celebration. 

PRIVATE PART: reflect on your Beauties and your Challenges, and create a new Dream for yourself and the Earth: pray for us all and Earth to whatever God you believe in. Turn a candle/Fire on, and offer the new Dream to it, in Humility and Trust.

Purify yourself. Have good Friends around you, and be a good Friend.
The Gift of the Hermit
The Hermit is silent, naked, broken and strong: cutting off the Veils of Nothing, she comes to Nothing: the Gift of the Hermit is humble and small, no Entertainment's value. The Gift of the Hermit, once the Hermit is out, is to feel Reality close and real, sharp and clear, doubtless, unspoiled, hard and true? The gift of the Hermit is ? Praying in the Desert without pretending anyone sees it.


on these Solstice and Equinox Days

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