Monday, June 25, 2012

WARNING to People on FACEBOOK!! FB's changed your email address!



(NOTE:  This is a REVISED more detailed accurate DESCRIPTION from what I've seen posted as it's what worked on MY page and others I shared it with)

Facebook Changed EVERYONE’s Email in your profile to
Luckily, it's EASY to get your old email address back on your profile.  Here are the DETAILED steps:

Go into your Timeline/Profile Page (where your big picture and little one, the things YOU post, Activity, Friends+ are). 

Click "About" (it's on the left - under your small picture and a few pieces of info about you)

Scroll down to "Contact Info" and click "Edit".

Go to "Emails" and with EACH of your email addresses - on the Right column - where the circle is - click there and it will either say  "Hidden From Timeline" or "Shown On Timeline".  Do what you wish for each email address (personally I "Hid" the Facebook email and "Shown" all my others.

You might want to go through everything else in this area to see if you want to make "Public", "Friends Except Acquaintances" etc. everything there like who (if anyone) do you want to see your phone #, address, Skype, etc.

When you're all done remember to Click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the Edit pop up or it won't take!!

ACTUALLY - you might want to just browse around a bit to see what other setting might be important to you like who you want/don't want to see your pictures or your posts, etc. (especially important for those with Privacy issues or who are hiding from someone).

YIKES!!!  I JUST noticed "somehow" my Costa Rica phone number was changed to only being visible to "Friends" which I did NOT do.  So I JUST tried to correct it and it's not allowing me to change it to "Public" or ANYTHING else (though it showed my U.S. phone number as "Public" [till I did the next thing]).  So I took ALL my phone numbers out and changed the order (since my Costa Rican phone number is most important) and now BOTH numbers are only seen by "Friends".  PLUS it's asking me to "Verify" my CR cell and I put the password in and nothing happens!!  I'm an open book and don't want to hide out!!  YIKES!!!  Anyone have ideas??

I don't know the process for those that don't have Timeline yet - but I'd imagine you go into "Info" and the rest should be similar (if it's not, please someone share with me so I can share with others!!)

(NOW I get why I was looking for a few people's email addresses this weekend and they had that FB address - WTH?!?!?!?)


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that could use this info - ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY ON FACEBOOK:


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