Thursday, July 5, 2012

Grammatical Errors, Writing Style, Caps & Life (& UNresolved parent issues)

(another chapter from "The World According to Vicki" [teee heee heee!!!])

Could you figure out what this message is saying?
How'd it make you feel while reading it??  Did you get all tense/uptight?
For those that got a rise out of this not being perfect - Do YOU actually read verbatim - word-for-word???
NO ONE reads an article or book that way do they???  
I mean, people actually HAVE a life don't they?

I'm sharing the above example in honor (ok - a "rawr" [the sound of caddy cat!!]) of those people that get all uptight/wound up when something is not "grammatically correct" (as my site is sometimes) or "perfect".  There are MANY WAYYYY more important things to worry/concern themselves about in life!! Do you have SOOOO little going on in your life that you look for things to make you tense?

What if people that wrote what you were writing simply felt it was a MUCH better use of their time to focus on getting messages out than being grammatically correct (MY thing)?

What IF whomever created "grammar" and English was not so right on themselves?  I mean REALLY - aren't there many things in grammar and spelling that just do NOT make sense/have much logic???

What if they were as book smarts as you 
(what if their strength was in LIVING Smarts or People Smarts or Intuition)?

I get reamed sometimes for using "CAPS"!  

In the "internet etiquette world" - text in CAPS represent SCREAMING!!!!!!  Take a step back and look at the people you know that get wound up about caps.  Might it be pretty obvious that MANY (if not most) of them might still have some unresolved issues with their PARENTS screaming at them???  Hmmmm (aren't ALL of our "reactions" in life products of UN-resolved issues we have???).
Now - in the world of the eyes and the brain -
Things written in all caps are much harder for the eyes to decipher - hence harder for the brain to process - hence harder for you to remember.
Can you see/feel the difference/get it?
When I get people writing about this to me, what I ask the people first off is - Have you actually READ what I write?  Have you looked to figure out WHY and WHERE I'm using caps?  Or are you too busy being anal retentive/kvetching? 
(I'm blessed that I either came into this world having resolved this issue or just didn't take it on - but I don't personalize things like that.  I grew up a LONG time ago and have LOTS of Confidence [well - in SOME areas!!  Still workin' on the other areas!!]!!)

When I use caps - it's pretty much to bring a point/something to your ATTENTION, something I want to ensure you not missing - or in HUGE PART - to show EXCITEMENT or PASSION!! (I know - sadly too many people have forgotten what those 2 things are let alone how they feel so I get how they can't see that). 
So now that you UNDERSTAND where I'M coming from - maybe you can read with new eyes (and maybe you can FEEL a little bit of that EXCITEMENT in your day!!).

So the next time you get all uptight about someones spelling/grammar errors - how about it if instead of writing us (or on message boards, Facebook+)
about what's WRONG - why not actually do something to HELP another??? 
How would YOU feel if you simply found the errors and emailed the CORRECTIONS - Be more SOLUTION driven - not just acting out your unresolved anger/frustrations at your parents for trying to make you perfect!!! 
Sure, some people's unresolved issues about being told what to do might surface and they may get defensive - but SOME people - like myself - will be MEGA GRATEFUL that you cared enough to not just help me - but wanted to help others that read the blog (or whatever it is)!!

Hmmm - how would your life show up/play out IF you were HELPING people more - instead of criticising more???  Maybe your tummy would feel better - or your ulcer would go away - or your nerves or blood pressure would go down - or MAYBE you could even cure yourself of cancer.

CONSISTENT feedback I get on my "style" is when people read my things - they feel they are able to "Get" who I am a bit.  They can feel my personality and many have said they feel like I write like I'm their friend talking to them and when they meet me - they ALREADY feel like we're old GREAT BUDS!!  It's my STYLE as luckily I REALLY LIKE people and I'm a "familiar" kinda gal!!
To me - that's one of the BIGGEST COMPLIMENTS someone can give me!!

So if you're just writing to bitch (or doing it with your shallow little friends that love to kvetch about life and others to cover up their own sad/dreary little lives/inadequacies) - I TRULY do NOT CARE!!

BUT, if you're sharing the CORRECTIONS with me - I'm ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!!!

(I REALLY could use some help/assistance with this so volunteers are welcome!!)

To ME - life is about the MESSAGE
(positive and helpful messages at that!!) and
HELPING EACH OTHER - since we are ALL ONE!!!


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