Thursday, July 12, 2012


 is once again fast approaching us!!!
July 14 (8:16pm) till August 7 (11:41pm), 2012
(these are Costa Rica/Mountain time)

I'm not going to pretend to understand it other than sharing MY experience (a Gemini which is "ruled" by Mercury) with MR - Mercury Retrograde.

MY lay persons interpretation

Suggestions Chrissie
What to do:
  • Put STOPPER on NEW ideas. Use time to review what ALREADY under way (so MY/Vicki's lay persons interpretation of this is you're FAIRLY safe if you've ALREADY started projects - just MEGA be CONSCIOUS as you work on them!!!!  and if it were ME, I'd START projects before "MR" MORE than a week before because it has a kinda residual space of about a week on either end).
  • Count to 3 before making split second decisions.
  • Take some of unused vacation and relax.
  • Don’t play markets – keep investments safe and secure.
  • Plan and order in ADVANCE.
  • Visit an art gallery – spend time with favorite paintings.
  • Double-check findings.
  • Think twice before making decisions.
  • Clean out and BACK UP your computer*
  • Read the novel you have been meaning to read for a year.
  • Take time to listen to your needs.
  • Recall all good things and people in life – daily reflection.
  • Check the tickets you just bought fort the play
  • Don’t skip the gym warm up
  • Don’t quite your job yet.
  • Catch up on filing and streamline.
  • Don’t sign new contracts, or double check them.
  • Visit old friends.
  • Meditate.
  • Don’t bottle up or boil over – channel energy through swimming, yoga, tai chi.
  • Learn new things about self.
  • Spend time talking to lonely neighbour.
  • Investigate new courses of study – don’t enrol yet.
  • Call an elderly relative.
  • Revise your plans thoroughly.
  • Plan the rally you planned to help the homeless but don’t schedule it yet.
  • Don’t break a friend’s confidence.
  • Channel desire for emotional excess through prayer and healing.
  • Recharge batteries by spending time in nature.

- Mercury Retrograde - Jul 14  at  8:16pm our time till Aug 7 at  11:41pm - PLUS the residual energy where one should REALLY double check EVERYTHING - one week before & after!!!

July 15th to August 8th, 2012 Mercury in Leo (retrograde) remind us what we truly love. This respite cycles you back to your own unique story. It's time to journal, and reflect on your ambitions, how you shine, and what you long to create.

Some serendipity happens that puts you in the spotlight. You reconfirm your talent for leading and encouraging others. You help someone see their own uniqueness. Children, or another kind of pride and joy -- like your artistic creation -- becomes a preoccupation. This could be time to revive a creative idea, give yourself a pep talk, and make plans to bring it to fruition.

I REALLY like how Chrissie Blaze explains Mercury Retrograde and on this link, she goes into how it effects EACH SIGN as we all are effected differently:

In the wider world a tyrant could get deposed, in our personal lives we are slaying off bullying demons that have been holding us back. Mars trine Jupiter gives military success and great courage, particularly to 7º air signs. Sun square Saturn in the chart reminds us that these demons can be of our own making that we project onto others. This manifests in blaming our partner for controlling us and making us fearful. Or blaming our parents for making us addicts, failures, shy, fat, ill.. Ditch blame and take Saturn responsibility.

Mercury retrograde is an ideal time to look at how much our mind is telling us “I can’t” and to realize we can re-program it with a little bit of help. The Sabian symbol for the moment Mercury turns retrograde is “An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage”. After the days of adventure or intense activity, this symbol is telling us to sit back and take time out from the Neptunian rough seas. Seek peace and quiet. Sun square Saturn in this chart may actually need solitude, so if it’s a real effort to socialise, just give yourself a break and don’t push it.


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