Monday, August 13, 2012

Buying "Beachfront" Property in the Maritime Zone

Thinking of buying a home or business in Costa Rica that is "Beachfront"??

DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE because if you do not, YOU could be MEGA SCREWED!!!!

Costa Rica’s MARITIME ZONE Law was passed in 1977.  What that means - all land within 50 meters (1/2 block-ish) from the High-Tide line in coastal areas as "Public Land" (for the public to freely use which means there are NO such things as "private beaches" in Costa Rica) and prohibits construction in that zone. The area from 50 to 200 meters (1/2 block to 2 blocks) is considered "Restricted" - controlled by the municipality and the Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT).  "CONCESSIONS" - NOT deeds, are issued for these areas (and based on MANY people I've known's experiences trying to sell such a property - can be VERY VERY difficult if not nearly impossible [I've known people that have had properties like this for sale for MANY years as MOST people are not wanting to take a chance).

And Costa Rica has been coming in and totally tearing down/bull dozing MANY homes and businesses in this zones lately - even homes/businesses built BEFORE the zone was created (and that were given permission originally).  Places that have been in families for generations and in many countries would be "Grandfathered" in (an exception made).

Do NOT NOT NOT trust ANYONE regarding this issue!!!!  Find yourself a GOOD LAWYER that SPECIALIZES in these matters (which can be quite challenging to do since MANY lawyers are "general" - hence why SOOOO MANY people have problems with their lawyers).

Might this not be ANOTHER negative mark to lower Costa Rica's status in the World Bank's
International "Ease of Doing Business" Survey?  Whereby hurting the PEOPLE of Costa Rica as fewer businesses choose to move to Costa Rica and bring jobs to it's people.

There is currently legislation on the table to at least put a hold on tearing them down structures currently scheduled for demolition - we'll see!

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