Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2014 - Whale & Dolphin Festival • Festival de Ballenas y Delfines in Bahía-Uvita - Costa Ballena of Osa, Costa Rica

“September Month of the Whales - Costa Rica”

 6th Annual

Festival de Ballenas y Delfines
Whales and Dolphins Festival

 in Bahía-Uvita - Costa Ballena of Osa

Fridays to Sundays - September 5-7 and September 12-14, 2014

Parque Nacional Marino Ballena  -
(on the Southern Pacific end of Costa Rica)

The Festival will not only have an environmental approach; it will also have a tinge of community development. The idea is that all businesses may benefit, from Dominical to Ojochal.

The festival wants to promote tourism in our country whalewatching.  The festival is a meeting point for everyone in Costa Rica may know as valuable natural resource such as whales. The whale watching activity develops in quiet, responsible and fun. The benefits of shared learning and dissemination of whales and whale watching, brings as an alternative to include our community in Bahia Ballena "list of places to be visited."

El festival desea promover en nuestro país el turismo de observación de ballenas  El festival es un punto de reunión para que todas las personas en Costa Rica puedan conocer el recurso natural tan valioso como lo son las ballenas. La actividad de observación de ballenas se desarrolla de manera tranquila, responsable y divertida. Las ventajas de la experiencia compartida y la difusión de las ballenas y el avistamiento de cetáceos, nos trae como una alternativa la inclusión de nuestra comunidad Bahia Ballena en la “lista de lugares que deben ser visitados”.

This joint effort will result in a renewed and attractive festival and is being organized by 3 local entities:
Marine Ballena National Park Associations of Tour Operators and Guides

Development Association of Bahia and Uvita (ADI)

Chamber of Tourism and Commerce of Costa Ballena de Osa


with the support of
MINAE, the security forces, the Tourist Police, the Osa Municipality, the Coast Guard, and the Cruz Roja•Red Cross.

If you can offer any kind of service during the festival, contact any of the organizations mentioned below plus your company can support the event as Sponsor.

Carrera de MTB Ballenas y Delfines 2014  Competivo y Recreativo
Mountain BIKE Competition

Costa Ballena Beach Run


CONTACTS:  •  •  2-743-8562  •  8-729-3624  •  8-865-4745
Pilar Salazar  -  8-729-3624  •  2-743-8562  • 
Walter Brenes  -  Presidente - Asociacion Tour Operadores  -  8-846-6576
Esteban Calderón  -  Presidente de - ADI Bahia y Uvita  -  8-719-3042
Stephanie Obando  -  Secretaria - CACOBA  -  2-743-8546.

(coming soon)

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