Friday, September 21, 2012

BIG TREND!! Parents from "prominent" schools in Costa Rica - throwing HUGE parties (300+ KIDS) for MINORS (ages 15 or so) where they're charging a $6-$10+ entry fee AND SELLING ALCOHOL (making THOUSANDS of $$s off these kids!!)!!!

Later I'll be adding more to this but I WITNESSED one of these parties for 3 hours at a HUGE house up in Vista de Oro up in Escazu (it was a friends rental house where NEW TENANTS - not even there a month - threw one of these parties for 15 YEAR OLDS!!!!  We SAW with our OWN EYES kids outside drunk and with cans of Imperial - we're talking 15 YEAR OLDS!!!  Hey - I grew up in the 70's in Southern California and sure most people around me drank or did some form of drugs (mainly pot) - but I didn't "need" alcohol to have a good time as I LOVED LIFE (I'm the same today)!!!
The police took WELL over an hour to come out.  These party THROWERS had NO CONSIDERATION for the neighbors (heck, we could hear the music 2+ blocks away!!!  And when the police TOLD them to turn the music off, they did - for about 5 minutes - and then they blasted it AGAIN - and this was AFTER midnight!!!  (What is it with some people in this country with needing to be heard with noise/music??)

What REALLY got me the MOST was the fricken mother of the house was actually PARTYING WITH the kids!!  I NEVER saw her withOUT a BIG glass of wine and she had the CHUTZPAH (nerve) to give US a hard time for ruin the party!!  She was DRUNK and having a hard time standing up towards the end of the party and NOT a pretty drunk and even her other mother friends that were there were NASTY about it.  Bottom line is that they were MORE worried/concerned about how this was going to look than the FACT that they were throwing a party and SELLING ALCOHOL to 15 YEAR OLDS (plus charging an entry fee which we got conflicting stories as to if it was $5 or 5,000-colones - but at WELL over 300 kids - either way - that's a nice chunk of change!!  I've asked a few students and they've said these are actually BUSINESSES for the KIDS and THEY get the profits!!  Ahhh - that's a REAL GOOD EXAMPLE you're setting parents - teach your children to have VERY LITTLE ethics and make money off kids!!!)

Oh, and these kids were the "cream of the crop" - kids for "nice families" and "good prominent schools" like Country Day, Lincoln, the British School, European International School, Marion Baker, Pan-American.

The police told us these parties happen 1-2++ times on EACH weekend either in Escazu or Santa Ana predominately and they told us there was NOTHING they can do (other than just be hanging around outside in hopes that would make some uncomfortable enough to leave, etc.)!  So even though they were SELLING LIQUOR TO MINORS and charging an entrance (mind you withOUT PERMITS) - because it was in a private home - they couldn't do anything - EVEN if the landlord was

So if you have a large rental home - you might think twice about renting to someone with kids in what we in North America call "high school" because you may be setting yourself up

WHERE WERE THE PARENTS of all these kids that are attending these alcohol fests?  THEY BROUGHT AND PICKED THEM UP!!!!  Unless they had no sense of smell, they HAD to have known their 15 YEAR OLD KIDS had been drinking!!!  I've been told by quite a few "kids" from these schools that the parents are FULLY AWARE of what goes on here (I guess they also are more concerned that their kids are "accepted" by their "peers" [great influence and message!!  Teaching them to be SHEEPLE - people that follow like sheep]).

I don't know about you but most people I knew when I was growing up - had they come home at AGE 15 YEARS OLD with alcohol on their breath, they would have had their asses WHIPPED & been on restriction for 2-4+ weeks!!!

What are these "prominent SCHOOLS" doing about this SERIOUS PROBLEM???

(I admit I'm HYPER sensative to all this because I have had a FEW friends DIE because of drunk drivers so I have ZERO TOLERANCE for drunks!!  I say DEAL WITH YOUR CRAP instead of numbing out [YES - I DO have a VERY STRONG OPINION on this topic - OH WELL!!])

Sorry for the errors but this was translated via

• Use social networks to organize mega events


For ¢ 6000 offer transportation, liquor, drug and even breakfast.

Alejandra Morales Portuguez
Photos: Isaac Villalta

This is not a party either, as to organize ticket sales. If you purchase before leaving in ¢ 4000 and if you do the day of the event at ¢ 6000.
It is no secret that alcohol and snuff are the doors leading to the universe of other drugs. Also we must not be blind to see that our schoolchildren want to discover the world performing and participating in "issues" often classified as prohibited.
This is where you become the target of the traffickers to be victims of invitations to private parties, where for ¢ 6000 have access to "refine" with good music and before his eyes have a myriad of drugs ranging from marijuana to ecstasy. That is, this picture is a hell if parents realize that frequent the sites their children.


These activities are known by authorities as "open bar", most are held on farms, estates or large homes with swimming pool. To find out when the next and who will simply connect to the social network Facebook and RSVP.
According to Carlos Alvarado, president of the Costa Rican Drug Institute (ICD), in many cases the exact point of the party is restricted information, to avoid information leaks and law fall on them.
However, the ICD and institutions such as the National Institute for Children (PANI), Forces, Immigration Police, Traffic Police, Juvenile Prosecutor, Fiscal Control, Ministry of Health and Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA) have become in the spoilers for increased operating and stop the festivities, "rescuing" (to say the least) to participants.

"IF YOU TAKE, NOT having a good time"
"Rescuing" because these know what they face and are very clear that when the party enter the phrase "If you do not take, not having a good time" is trite and therefore consumption least they can do is to get drunk.

Alvarado said that it is not apprehend the boys, however, due to the rescue. "This is not a simple prank, obviously we know that organized crime is in every party of this. Unfortunately they have found a great niche, "he said.

The fee of ¢ 6000 worth many times also to enter three bars, a bus transport where organizers serve "shots" (not mixed drinks) and breakfast after the party.

Environments that are generated in the open bar are conducive to violations occurring, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Alvarado said drug agents have infiltrated the bars free to gather evidence and make purchases of drugs with marked bills. "Attendees can pay between ¢ 6000 and ¢ 20,000 in exchange for consuming all the beer they want, just give them a disposable cup. Many children are poisoned by too little.

It is a very lucrative business, because each party gains can reach ¢ 2 million. Also, if the sale is made on a farm, do not pay taxes or patents, "said.
He also stated that one gram of marijuana would offer up to ¢ 7000.
Luis Bonilla, director of the Fiscal Control Police, said: "There are events that do not pay taxes, especially if done in private places.
At the moment we can not talk to smuggle liquor has nevertheless continue to offer cooperation to prevent the sale of drinks harmful, especially to minors. "

Minor Villalobos, director of the Department of Private Schools, Ministry of Public Education (MEP), said a few months ago took action.

"Each principal of each school signed a letter of commitment to the MEP, which states that you have to go to any situation that occupies MEP. In this case the decree is very clear, "he said.
Mario Fung, Student Life MEP added that public institutions are counselors who are responsible for promoting students. "We work from the inside, as are events that occur outside of lessons the MEP does not intervene, but when we stay in school we handle and advise students from involvement in these activities," he said.

The last case in which the authorities acted on time was due to a phone call from a mother, who gave the address of a property in Belo Horizonte, Escazú.

"Apparently a young left Facebook open and his mother saw him, she immediately called us and we drove to the site, when the party was advanced proceeded to enter and not let any teenager to leave until every parent reached collect them," said Alvarado.
The place was sold liquor and drugs. The soldiers detained a man (whose identity is not revealed) as the alleged seller and event organizer.
Were three undocumented aliens who were put to the order of the immigration authorities. Patricia Orozco, director of the IAFA, he said that addressing teenagers these events is preventive. "When you have spotted boy involved in a bar, talking with them immediately and doctors try to do preventative work and early learning," he said.
Orozco was a warning to parents. "These bars of course cost money and it is logical that the boys go with their parents to silver provided, it is important that managers are aware of with whom and where they go."
Finally, in the IAFA reported that teens who drink liquor may suffer injuries, delays and even alterations in growth. Not to mention the dependence of consumption.

If you become aware of any activity how are you can write and alert authorities via email  Your message will be anonymous.

For the sake/SAFETY of these kids
(to help avoid RAPES, DEATH if they get in a car where someone's been drinking and is driving, alcoholism/drug addiction in the future)
PLEASE REPORT these parties as SOON as you see them on Facebook or hear about them - or see them in your neighborhood!!!!!


• Utilizan redes sociales para organizar megaeventos


Por ¢6 mil ofrecen transporte, licor, droga y hasta desayuno.

Alejandra Portuguez Morales
Fotos: Isaac Villalta

No se trata de una fiesta cualquiera, pues hasta organizan la venta de entradas. Si la compra antes le sale en ¢4 mil y si lo hace el día del evento en ¢6 mil.
Para nadie es un secreto que el alcohol y el tabaco son las puertas que conducen al universo de las demás drogas. Además no hay que ser ciego para ver que nuestros colegiales quieren descubrir el mundo realizando y participando en “asuntos” muchas veces catalogados como prohibidos.
Es aquí donde se convierten en el blanco de los narcos al ser víctimas de invitaciones a fiestas privadas, donde por ¢6 mil tienen acceso a “matizar” con buena música y frente a sus ojos tener un sinfín de estupefacientes que van desde la marihuana hasta el éxtasis. Es decir, este panorama es un infierno si los padres se dan cuenta los sitios que frecuentan sus hijos.


Estas actividades son conocidas por las autoridades como “barras libres”, la mayoría son celebradas en fincas, quintas o casas amplias con piscina. Para saber cuándo será la próxima y quiénes participarán basta con conectarse a la red social Facebook y confirmar asistencia.
De acuerdo con Carlos Alvarado, director general del Instituto Costarricense sobre Drogas (ICD), en muchas ocasiones el punto exacto de la fiesta es información restringida, esto para evitar fugas de información y que les caiga la ley.
Sin embargo el ICD e instituciones como el Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI), Fuerza Pública, Policía de Migración, Policía de Tránsito, Fiscalía Penal Juvenil, Control Fiscal, Ministerio de Salud e Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia (IAFA) se han convertido en los aguafiestas porque han incrementado operativos y detienen las fiestas, “rescatando” (por decirlo de alguna manera) a los participantes.


“Rescatando” porque los presentes saben a qué se enfrentan y tienen bien claro que al momento de ingresar a la fiesta la frase “Si no tomas, no la pasas bien” es trillada y por ende el consumo mínimo que pueden hacer es hasta emborracharse.
Alvarado afirmó que no se trata de aprehender a los muchachos, por el contrario, obedece al rescate. “Esto no es una simple travesura, evidentemente se sabe que el crimen organizado está en cada fiesta de estas. Desdichadamente han encontrado un nicho de mercado grande”, explicó.


La cuota de ¢6 mil en muchas ocasiones también vale para ingresar a tres bares, transporte en un autobús donde los organizadores sirven “shots” (tragos sin mezclar) y desayuno después de la fiesta.
Los ambientes que se generan en las barras libres son propicios para que ocurran violaciones, embarazos no deseados y transmisión de enfermedades sexuales.


Alvarado agregó que agentes antidrogas se han infiltrado en las barras libres para recopilar evidencia y realizar compras de droga con billetes marcados. “Los asistentes pueden pagar entre ¢6 mil y ¢20 mil a cambio de consumir toda la cerveza que quieran, solo les dan un vaso desechable. Muchos menores se intoxican con muy poca cantidad.
Es un negocio muy lucrativo, pues las ganancias de cada fiesta pueden llegar hasta los ¢2 millones. Además si la venta se hace en una finca, no pagan patentes ni impuestos”, comentó.
Asimismo afirmó que 1 gramo de marihuana lo ofrecen hasta en ¢7 mil.
Luis Bonilla, director de la Policía de Control Fiscal, indicó: “Hay eventos que no pagan impuestos, sobre todo si se realizan en sitios privados.
De momento no podemos hablar que haya contrabando de licor, no obstante continuamos ofreciendo colaboración para evitar la venta de bebidas nocivas, sobre todo a menores de edad”.


Minor Villalobos, director del Departamento de Centros Educativos Privados del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP), expresó que desde hace unos meses tomaron medidas al respecto.
“Cada director de cada centro educativo firma una carta de compromiso al MEP, donde se establece que tiene que acudir a cualquier situación que el MEP ocupe. En este caso el decreto es muy claro”, dijo.
Mario Fung, de Vida Estudiantil del MEP, acotó que en las instituciones públicas son los orientadores los que se han encargado de fomentar a los alumnos. “Nosotros trabajamos desde adentro, como son eventos que se dan fuera de lecciones el MEP no interviene, pero cuando nos mantenemos en clases nos encargamos de aconsejar a los estudiantes y evitar que participen en estas actividades”, declaró.


El último caso en que las autoridades actuaron a tiempo fue gracias a la llamada telefónica de una madre, quien dio la dirección de una propiedad en Bello Horizonte, Escazú.
“Aparentemente un jovencito dejó el Facebook abierto y su madre lo vio, ella nos llamó y de inmediato nos desplazamos al sitio, cuando la fiesta estaba avanzada procedimos a ingresar y no dejar que ningún adolescente se marchara hasta que cada uno de sus padres llegara a recogerlos”, manifestó Alvarado.
En el lugar se vendía licor y drogas. Los uniformados detuvieron a un hombre (cuya identidad no trascendió) por ser el supuesto vendedor y organizador del evento.
Estaban tres extranjeros indocumentados que fueron puestos a la orden de las autoridades de Migración. Patricia Orozco, directora del IAFA, acotó que el abordaje de los adolescentes en estos eventos es preventivo. “Cuando se ha detectado algún muchacho que participa en una barra, inmediatamente doctores conversan con ellos y tratan de hacer un trabajo preventivo, así como de estimulación temprana”, aseguró.
Orozco hizo un llamado de atención a los padres de familia. “Estas barras por supuesto que cuestan dinero y es lógico que los muchachos van con plata que sus padres les proporcionan; es importante que los encargados estén enterados de con quiénes y a dónde van”.
Finalmente, en el IAFA informaron que los adolescentes que consumen licor pueden sufrir lesiones, retardos y hasta alteraciones en su crecimiento. Eso sin contar la dependencia de consumirlo.
Si usted tiene conocimiento de alguna actividad como estas puede escribir y alertar a las autoridades por medio del correo electrónico Su mensaje quedará en el anonimato.

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