Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Semi Permanent Make-up • MicroPigmentation - Where to find Semi Permanent Eyeliner • Eyebrows • Lip Liner in Costa Rica

After YEARS of searching for the right person to do
MicroPigmentation  •  SEMI-Permanent Make-up
(it's LIKE "tattooing" [though it really isn't])
Eyeliner • Eyebrows •
Lip Lining (Lip Liner) • Full Lip Fill In
that does it well, consciously, it's their PASSION, while still with decent prices - OH, and that speaks GOOD ENGLISH also - I FOUND an AWESOME ONE!!!


I'd LOVE to share this contact with you if you share something back with me! 

Send me an email to: 

with the full name of all people interested in this procedure and if you agree (and honor that agreement) to let them know you heard about them through me and if you're sharing this information with others, PLEASE allow me to make the Connection between them since I can receive a "Gift" (I'm working towards the "Lips"!!) for this valuable DETAILED information I'm sharing with you so 
PLEASE remember to tell her that Vicki Connected you!!!

Even if you know me - PLEASE E- me as I'll send an Introduction to you!!



What is MicroPigmentation?


How Long does it Last?
I've seen anything from 2-3 years
Eyeliner does not last as long (from a year to forever)
(that depends on how much YOU scrub/wash the area, age of the skin, chemical changes in your body, ethnicity, if you didn't have it re-touched, color of your skin, how thin the line is)
I had a thin line applied 3-1/2 years ago & it's still quite good!!

OUCH!!  Isn't it really Painful?
Ok, so I had this done procedure on my eyebrows and lip liner in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico about 15 years ago and DAMN - YES it MEGA painful!!!  I even had a few drinks before (straight scotch - enough to normally put me to sleep) and it didn’t even help.  I was in SUCH PAIN on the lips I couldn’t even put the gel on I needed to keep it lubed and eventually just peeled it off it was THAT painful. 
For ME - THIS time (vs 15 years ago) there was barely barely barely any pain
It was more like a little tickley/prickley feeling every so often as the stuff she used was AWESOME!!!  NO alcohol or drugs were needed!

How Sterile is this?  Don't they use "Needles"?
Each client has THEIR OWN SPECIAL needle designed JUST for this procedure and since ONE RE-TOUCH IS INCLUDED (the standard procedure is you go back a few weeks later to fine tune things), don’t loose your “needle” she gives to you or you’ll have to pay for a new one (some cheaper places have been known to actually use sewing needles or they don't give you your own.  I sure would NOT want to NOT have my own because who knows if other were sharing that needle or what the last person might have had).

Why type of Ink do you use?
It's a vegetable and mineral colors blend - one of the BEST QUALITY Inks in this industry - the same that goes with the machine (see below "The Machine")

Isn't it Expensive?
I just saw the prices listed on a link (in British Pounds) -

BUT . . .
Their prices are INCREDIBLY MEGA CHEAP!!:

Eyebrows - £350 - £550 
(that's $447-$700-US$) 
Their price - 80,000-c 
(ABOUT $160-US$!!)

Top eyeliner - £300 - £500  
(that's $383-$639-US$) 
Their price - 35,000-c 
(ABOUT $70-US$!!)

Bottom eyeliner - £300 - £500 
 (that's $383-$639-US$) 
Their price - 35,000-c 
(ABOUT $70-US$!!)

JUST $100

Lip liner - £500 
(that's $639-US$) 
Their price - $170-US$!!

Full lips - £1,250 

 (that's $1,600-US$) 
Their price - $300-US$!!


There are numerous ways to do this.  She takes into consideration the ethnicity, eye shape, age and what the client desires.  Don’t know the style you want?  Ask her her professional opinion on the style and to draw in what she envisions is best for your face in the color you’d like.

I found it odd that she didn’t fully complete the lines in the corners - TILL I asked about that.  The reason why she chose that look is because as we age - our eyes tend to droop (anyone have that going on already??) and you don’t want that line drooping down beyond do ya??  It also makes your eyes look SMALLER (NOT the look I’m seeking to achieve!!!).

NOTE that the final product a few days later will look different (thinner/less) from how it looks immediately after you’re finished.  The color will change a bit also (I was a bit nervous at first from mine as it seemed thicker than I was hoping for but now it looks PERFECT!!!).
(a few days after pics coming soon.  Click on the 2 pictures 2 times to see them) at:

Top Eyeliner

PRICE:  35,000-c/$70

Bottom Eyeliner
PRICE:  35,0000-c/$70
 (JUST $100 for the full upper and lower eye)
 MY - Vicki Skinner's BEFORE shot (ahhh what chlorine does to your eyes in a shower)
 My IMMEDIATELY "After" picture!  YIKES!!!  I was QUITE nervous as it seemed a LOT darker than I'd envisioned - but that's what happens INITIALLY!  BUT . . .
 THIS was taken just 1 week later (without mascara)!!  See how it's nowhere near as dark/thick??!!!
Isn't it AWESOME and a subtle - yet BIG difference!!!!
My eyes about a year later (with mascara)!!!  STILL lookin' GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!


She does the "Single Strand Technique" - that looks LOTS more natural - or the old fashioned painted on technique!!!
FYI - You traditionally don’t match your eyebrows color to your hair color - you do it more by matching the color to the existing eyebrows and skin/freckle tone to look more natural.
(vs me that dyes my eyebrows the same color my hair color is at that moment [including the current purple-ish!!]).

Description and what the Procedure Looks Like

PRICE:  80,000-c/$160

NOTE:  Latin gals seem to often like eyebrows much more accentuated than most North American gals do, so if it were MY face they were going on, I'd search the internet for pictures of other AFTER semi-permanent or permanent examples and either email her a list of links to pages with what you like, or bring them in.  

Also, there are MANY different styles to the Single Strand Technique. Like with the style of accent, IF it were ME, I'd also search the internet for pictures of what EXACTLY YOU envision for the look you're wanting to achieve (that way you have created CLEAR communications)



PRICE:  85,000-c/$170

Fill In/Full Lip (inside and liner):
PRICE:  150,000-c/$300


Inquire for prices.


She also does
(either "fake eyelashes" - or a one-by-one/hair-by-hair technique)
See info on this at:



“I would like to recommend XXXX who worked for me for around 8 years at my "BeautyClub Petite Spa” in Escazu, Costa Rica.

I found, Ms. XXXX, to be a very valuable esthetician for my business. 
XXXX, was a very talented lady and her semi permanent make up was very well done.  In fact, she did the permanent make up, on my eyebrows, and to this day, I am always asked “Who did your eyebrows?”  I was very proud to introduce the client to XXXX.

And more importantly, she treated the clients with care and was most attentive to their needs.  I had a very large Spa and Salon which employed 5 full time estheticians, one was
XXXX, and I found her to be the leader in this area and she shared her high skills with the other ladies and guided them each day.  She certainly had great expertise in this area, and did her job in a very professional manner.

XXXX was of great assistance to me, by being the team leader and the team spirit amongst all the other 15 employees.  Always, giving a helping hand, when needed.

I have absolutely, no hesitation in recommending
XXXX. Her integrity is well beyond reproach.”

Elaine Phillips Chalmers 
(formerly owner from one of Costa Rica most FAMOUS•POPULAR Salons)
“Beauty Club Petite Spa” 
Escazu, Costa Rica


(my gal's been doing LOTS of these techniques in the past 9 years!!  That's a LOT of experience!!!  What is Costa Rica's )


Mei-Cha Sapphire Pro

Mei-Cha is one of the most popular and what I keep reading is it's one of the best Micro-Pigmentation companies in the world!

What they say about the Mei-Cha process!

The art of permanent beauty by Mei-Cha

American company Mei-Cha International is a recognized leader in the industry of micro pigmentation. It produces first-class equipment and high quality accessories for permanent make-up focused on the demands of professionals.

Mei-Cha International products make the services of permanent make-up artists more comfortable and excellent. Innovative developments in the field of equipment manufacturing are inextricably linked to current research in the field of health and hygiene. The company produces digital equipment, new pigments and tools for micro-pigmentation, as well as a variety of educational materials and books.

The equipment has high capacity and at the same time features easy operation and high performance. Lightweight, compact, quiet as they are, Mei-Cha International machines for micro-pigmentation make the work of professionals high-quality, effective and genuinely creative.

HIGH STANDARDS of health and safety
The introduction of the first digital rotary machine confirmed the high status of Mei-Cha International as the company committed to the safest and most effective procedures for micro-pigmentation. With the growth of the industry, more attention is paid to the development of effective health protection of clients and experts.

Mei-Cha International offers sterile disposable accessories that guarantee compliance with hygiene standards. Growing needs of the beauty industry related to comfort of experts and improvement of the quality of services provided are the foundation of the company.

Mei-Cha International is the holder of many innovation patents and awards, confirming achievements in the industry of micro-pigmentation. In 2002, the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals initiated awarding a prestigious title of the “Leader of the Industry” to Mei-Cha International for their successful research activities, development of devices and accessories for sterile micro-pigmentation, which laid the standards of hygiene and safety.



ESCAZU (San Rafael)


Information provided here is either given from the source and/or people sharing their experiences.  We are NOT responsible for YOUR experiences with ANYONE listed on the blog!!  We ALL have our own experiences and some people, no matter where they go, always seem to be "victims"/constantly attracting•manifesting negative experiences/people.  We've all known them and Costa Rica sure seems to attract a BIG share of them!!!
(sad one has to make such a statement but some people just don't want to ASSume responsibility for what they attract and some people constantly attract negative situations/people/experiences wherEVER they go!!  What does that tell you about THEM??)
Consider the source when you hear negative stories from people and maybe ask them if they've EVER had other people "victimize" them over/do things to them and you may get some clear answers as I KNOW that one person in particular that this statement is aimed at, I have a list of people that have all "victimized" her and back up information if any lawyer would like to see the BIG "inconsistencies" in her stories.  I also have a list of over 20 people that have seen said person from as soon as a week after having her procedure to recently, and ALL have said she looked GREAT!!!  NOTHING seemed wrong despite her claims.

Remember to tell them that
Vicki Connected you!!!


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that would like this!!

.715 - 2/24/15

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