Monday, October 8, 2012

Where to find PLUS Size Clothes in Costa Rica

Are you a Large size woman or man thinking of moving to Costa Rica??

Tico's are funny as they're not real "small" (wide wise) people yet SOOOO often you'll see a Size 2X gal SQUEEZING herself into a size 12 pair of pants and shirt with it ALL hanging out!!  That's actually one of the things I LOVE about this culture - there doesn't seem to be a lot of shame/issues around their bodies (look at how MANY Latin men LOVE Big Girls!!!  I've been having a BLAST here because I CELEBRATE my body and sexuality and have NOTHING to be ashamed of so it makes for a LOT more FUN for me!!).

But you just can't find large things!!!


Bring clothes WITH you as I've yet to find a store for BBW's or BBM's!!

Hmmmm - but this makes ya think a bit . . .

Perhaps this is a
Some might do well if they opened at LEAST a Plus Size CONSIGNMENT or Used Clothing Shop???  You could even put pictures online and sell it within Costa Rica that way and have it sent though regular postal carrier or bus (which MY experience has been fairly decent so far).

Maybe at last once or twice a year, someone out there can offer the space and/or help organize a Large Size Clothing Swap AND Sale (I'll of course help with the promotions)???  I LOVE that idea (I wish I had my old place that would have been perfect for that)!!  And we can donate the un-wanted things to charity and ask people to bring old shoes, medicine, bras and undies and other things to donate to charity so we're doin' good while we're feeling good!!! 
Any takers??? 

If you're interested in helping promote it, offering a convenient to get to space or are interested in participating, e- me
(Vicki - aka THE "Sarong Goddess") at



I've often thought it would be cool to start a POSITIVE group of Plus Size Gals and Guys that meets to share issues and offer positive support/solutions, that goes out and does things together - be it:
Going to the VIP Movie.  Do some cultural things together.
Maybe we'll do some walking together
Or join a water aerobics class together or gym (NOT me - I don't like to "sweat!")
Or go dancing?

But we'll be a group that goes at OUR own pace - NO judgment - ONLY support doing what WE can/choose to!!

We can go out to eat together and to hell with what anyone else thinks (and we can choose to healthy/consciously - or sometimes go get a burger - whatever WE want to do)!
Maybe we can do some sort of Healthy Cooking Classes or Potlucks?
Or have people come out to share information like on AromaTherapy (I have the PERFECT person for that and we'd only pay for what we buy!)  •  or EFT or TAT!
I'll give one of my AWESOME Manifestation • Vision Board talks!!

What might YOU share - that you know about (I don't mean you have to be an expert at it - just something you'd like to share that YOU LOVE!!)?
Maybe we can do some excursions/explore around Costa Rica (we can even go to the beach and flaunt our BIG LUSCIOUS bodies out on the beach!!) or travel trips (I'll be happy to lead a group [around one of my Visa Runs] to San Juan del Sur, or Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua [with a stop-over in Rivas to a pharmacy that has the BEST prices around!!] or Bocas del Toro, Panama!!).

I'm NOT talking about a group focused on loosing weight as loosing weight without getting to the root source of what's REALLY "eating us up" SOOO RARELY works in the long run.  I believe FIRST WE get to work on releasing OLD tapes/messages we grew up with - hence then our Self Esteem issues (even the richest person in the world, with the best job and a happy looking family, etc. has SOME UNresolved self esteem issues).

I CELEBRATE my 55 YOUNG years on this planet in this 224 pounds of FULL WOMAN and I share it on my Facebook openly - along with pictures of me in high school and the beginnings of college at 97 pounds as my body is NOT who I am!!  It is NOT what defines me!!  I can't say I've ever "felt" anyone judging me for my size as I've never felt "judged" or that anyone was telling me what to do (I MUST have worked through that in a past life as even as a child, I've just seen it as they were just giving a different perspective.  It sure makes MY life MUCH calmer and that can happen to you as well - IF YOU CHOOSE!!)

The group would be just forming so we could make it whatEVER WE desire to (though I can tell you now - I will NOT be involved with a group of people that just want to stay stuck in their stuff!!  I choose to surround myself with people WORKING on their stuff - even if some days it's baby steps for ward and occasionally big steps back.  I'm also not interested in being part of a women's only group.  It's time WE ALL work through our dad issues as men are ONLY what WE think they are - hence attract)!!!!

My intention for any group I'm around is to focus on
As we ALL can manifest ANYTHING that we desire -
(withOUT those damn old tapes telling us old messages of what the past showed us).

SO, anyone else interested???

For more information, go to


Did you loose a bunch of weight and
have some larger clothes you want to get rid of??


To support my community of BBW's and BBM's - I'll be happy to list your contact information along with some what of a little description of what you have (at least size ranges, where you're located, contact info) for FREE (though if you feel it's helped you and you'd like to make a "Donation" - I WELCOME that since this is my only means of support at the moment)


Have YOU seen any stores with a bunch of clothes for us large • Plus Size Women and Men?  PLEASE e- me with those details (please don't bother if you don't have their contact information and directions since finding information can be QUITE challenging in this country can't it??!!)

Vicki at  -

PLEASE "SHARE" this link with any BBW's or BBM's you know!!


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