Sunday, November 18, 2012

Santa in the Calle•Streets

Times can be challenging for many these days, but even in our tough times we usually at least have some form of family or friends and a roof over our heads.

We invite you to join in and help with the Caravan Workshop

"Santa in the Calle•Streets 2012"

CUANDO•WHEN:  Sabado•Saturday - Deciembre•December 15 - 7am until despuese•after 12/midnight - Deciembre•December 16 at 12:10am

DONDE•WHERE:  This year the Workshop•Assembly•Start Point will be held in ESCAZU at Country Day School to help separate/bag clothes and things - and/OR - help distribute them out on the streets to homeless people in San Jose or other provinces.
DIRECTIONS:  ____________

Los invitamos a participar en en Taller y Caravana de Santa en las Calles 2012.

Como muchos ya saben esta actividad es posible gracias a las donaciones de todos uds.

Las donaciones pueden ser de dos formas: De productos y de Tiempo:

- Productos: necesitamos ropa, zapatos, cobijas y juguetes. De hombre, mujer, niñ@s y bebes. EN BUEN ESTADO y Limpios!

- De tiempo: Participando activamente en el Taller y Caravana.
- En el Taller: Clasificamos y empacamos la ropa, así como cocinamos y empacamos los alimentos
- En la Caravana: en la noche del 16 se reparte todo a los indigentes en las calles de SJ y otras provincias seleccionadas en rutas previamente establecidas y planeadas.!

Este año el Taller se llevara a cabo en el Country Day School !!
recuerden que no se trata de que vayan todo el dia, con un ratito de su tiempo que puedan aportar es mas que suficiente y nos sirve un montón!

Ayudemos a los que no tienen nada en vísperas de Navidad!!


This activity is made possible by donations from from YOU!!

Your help is needed in one of 3 ways: Product, Time and/or holding the Vision/Prayers:

Clothes, shoes, socks, blankets, sleeping bags, undergarment (in new/nearly new condition) and toys (NON-battery operated). Men, women, children's and baby. Used - but in good condition and CLEAN!
ADVANCE DONATION COLLECTION:  Have your friends, co-workers, family, church, organization help collect items and drop them off at ______________________
(I'm looking into where people can drop off their Donations BEFORE the event and I will post that later so come back)
(actively participating in the Workshop and/or Caravan).
WORKSHOP: Sort and pack clothes and/or food preparation and packing
CARAVAN: On the night of December 16 driving around the streets of SJ and other selected provinces previously established and planned routes passing out these items to the homeless.
HOLDING THE VISION • PRAYING for a a nice beautiful warm night (hey - I know it'd December when it's normally VERY cold [for here] and windy and sometimes rainy - but miracles DO happen!!!  ESPECIALLY when many are holding the Vision!!!) where we have as MANY homeless people ON the streets that they can (last year when I participated in this special/IMPORTANT event, it was rainy and sort of cold so it was hard finding the homeless as they were set in more)

This is NOT to be an all day.  Even with a little bit of your time is more than enough and will go a long way and be VERY HELPFUL!

Let us help those who have nothing on Christmas Eve!



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