Monday, November 26, 2012

TRAFFIC WARNING - Motorcycle Protest - Noviembre 27


Motorcyclists protested again Tuesday November 26, 2012
After the government refused to met with them they ALL rode together from the INS (National Insurance Institute) building in Downtown San Jose - blocking major intersections as well as the General Cañas Highway - causing some BIG TIME traffic backup - as they made their way up to the Presidential Palace in Zapote where they ended up sieging the entrances for 3 hours.

They were basically protesting INS and the increase in the Marchamo.
(what gets me is the Marchamo in Costa Rica includes Liability Insurance and if I'm basing on what I see on the street WHO causes and has the MOST accidents - I'd say MOTORCYCLISTS who OFTEN seem to have a Death Wish.  So perhaps some of the increase is because of THEIR actions?????  Ya think??)

The U.S. Embassy even made a WARNING to the U.S. citizens (probably because one of the recent protests ended up in violence - but also to forewarn Americans that foreigners are NOT permitted to get involved in protests, etc.)

Motociclistas planean protestar de nuevo este martes
(protestando el aumento de la Marchamo
[lo que me molesta es la Marchamo en Costa Rica incluye seguro de responsabilidad civil y si me baso en lo que veo en la calle que hace y tiene la mayoría de los accidentes - Yo diría que los motociclistas que a menudo parecen tener un deseo de muerte. Así que tal vez una parte del incremento se debe a sus acciones????? Ya parece??])

Tuesday•Martes  - November•Noviembre 26, 2012  -  10am


San Jose - Downtown shared that they are starting at the INS building near Parque Morazan and walking to Casa Presidencial in Zapote.


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