Tuesday, April 9, 2013

21 Day Mantra Meditation Journey with Deva Premal and Miten - FREE and Online

21 Day Mantra Meditation Journey
with Deva Premal and Miten

April 23-May 14, 2013

FREE - Online

Chanting mantras with our concert audiences has been our joy for many years, and they’re very happy to have this special opportunity to share the transformational power of a daily mantra meditation practice with you:
  • Chanting charges and revitalizes us - on a physical, cellular level. As you chant, we throat opens and we begin to breathe more deeply, activating a healing wave of prana (life energy).
  • Chanting also creates changes in our energy bodies. For example, as our voices open, we experience enhanced expression, communicating our deepest intentions with simple clarity and power.
  • The repetition of the mantras 108 times takes us beyond our usual boundaries. We begin to lose our sense of time and ego – a feeling of ecstasy arises as the heart opens.
  • The mind stills naturally and we arrive at a deep state of inner relaxation and peace.
Mantras are medicinal sound formulas, created thousands of years ago by the rishis (the wise ones of ancient India) who understood the power of sound as a pathway to enlightenment.

They will share a new mantra every day, explaining the meaning, chanting together, and meditating on the mantra’s essential energetic quality.

A program of 21 days provides the possibility for real and lasting change to occur, in body, mind and spirit.

There is NO CHARGE for the program (it is FREE•GRATIS).

and will receive details about how to participate in our 21 Day Mantra Meditation Journey.

(when you register they send you a FREE link to a BEAUTIFUL Meditation!!!
I'm not
normally a meditation kinda gal - but I feel VERY DRAWN to this after hearing the meditation!!!)

Invite family and friends to experience this life changing adventure -


Deva Premal and Miten have been meditating and chanting mantras together for 20 years. Their music has touched the hearts of audiences worldwide with album sales exceeding one million.


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that would use a little more peace and grounding in their life - or just to Connect and SHARE this beautiful energy!!

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