Tuesday, April 9, 2013

UPDATE on this law - OVER your Tourist Visa?? WARNING!!! NEW FINES • Tourist VISA Rules

FINALLY Migracion•Immigracions has announced that they did NOT have everything in place to IMPLEMENT things properly with this new law (especially HOW to pay for it) so this is once again
I have yet to see an "OFFICIAL" date but
October of 2013
was given as the month!

So if you're over your Tourist Visa - GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE•Costa Rica and 

(I know a few people that were 2 years over and did EVERYTHING PROPERLY with how to do their 90 day Visa Run [with the PROPER kind of Exit Ticket] and no one even blinked an eye so DO IT NOW (and do NOT do it again!!!  You're VERY BLESSED to get to live in Costa Rica as easily as they make it!!  Tico's SURELY can NOT live in the U.S. this easily and MANY other countries make you stay out MUCH longer or only allow you to return a certain amount of times each year, or you HAVE to go MUCH FURTHER [like in Europe] so be GRATEFUL [and while you're at it, how about considering showing that gratefulness by doing things to GIVE BACK TO the PEOPLE of Costa Rica however you can - like by volunteering, donating things+++!!!])

I have it from a VERY reliable source that there might be a reason there was no last minute campaign reminding people that overstayed their visa - to exit Costa Rica before April 22, 2013 - to get in integrity with the Costa Rican Migracion before the new law that was SUPPOSED to start ON April 23 went into effect . . .

Do you know anyone that overstayed their Visa and RE-Entered Costa Rica on or after April 23? 

PLEASE have them contact me IMMEDIATELY to share their experience (IF anything did happen)!!!


As of Tuesday - April 23, 2013
Costa Rica Migracions•Immigrations

WILL begin to apply a

OVERSTAY their Visa
if you can NOT afford to pay for it you
3 Months for every 1 Month you're over!

I am STILL trying to find out OFFICIALLY EXACTLY
Where•When and How one would pay those fines
So the LATEST DATE that this goes into effect is APRIL 23, 2013
so if you're over your Visa - get the HELL out of Dodge and clean it up or risk the $100 for EACH MONTH you're over

If you do not have the $$ - you MUST STAY OUT of Costa Rica for 3 months for each month you are over (so if you've overstayed your visa 2 years - that means you can not come back into Costa Rica for 6 years!!)

I'm not sure how that works if you get caught•busted and deported which is normally 5 years you can not return to Costa Rica so not sure yet if the new rules are compounded onto that or not.

JUST saw this in facebook.com/groups/PVForoAbierto

Informe de parte de ICT

El día de hoy tuvimos una reunión con el área de comunicación y prensa  de Migración. A partir del 23 de abril del 2013 se empezará a aplica multas a los turistas que estén en Costa Rica de manera irregular. Aquellos turistas que sobrepasen el tiempo que se les brinda para estar en el país serán multados con $100 por cada mes posterior al vencimiento del plazo. Adjunto el ejemplo del brochure que está repartiendo hace unas semanas Migración con infromación de cómo deben formalizar su estatus los extranjeros.

Migración iniciará una campaña en los medios para difundir este tema y posteriormente realizará una conferencia de prensa y tendrá entrevistas.

(I've translated it on Google Translate and I'm not EVEN going to attempt to make the English version grammatically correct.  See if you can find someone to translate it for you as this is IMPORTANT stuff!!!) 


 of ICT

 we had a meeting with the press area of ​​communication and Migration.
As of April 23, 2013
Costa Rica Migracions•Immigrations
WILL begin to apply a

OVERSTAY their Visa
if you can NOT afford to pay for it you
3 Months for every 1 Month you're over!!

will be fined $100 for each month after the deadline 
(each country has different agreements for how long their citizens can stay in Costa Rica.  For a list of them, check out
. Deputy brochure example of that is dealing with a few weeks ago información Migration of how to formalize their status aliens.
Migration will begin a media campaign to spread this and later held a press conference and interviews will.

1. Do I have to have a valid visa to apply for an extension to stay as a tourist?
 have a valid visa to request any immigration extension.

2. How I can stay in and out of the country at the time you need?
If you can stay in and out of Costa Rica within the authorized period. If the stay expires and leaves the country should manage a visa, as appropriate.

3. My entry to Costa Rica allowed me to be for 90 days, can I apply for an extension? 
, the maximum set by law for a person to stay in Tourist Status in Costa Rica is 90 days.
4. If my country has no consulate in Costa Rica, what should I do?
If your country does not have diplomatic representation in Costa Rica is exempt from the filing of the registration request.

1. Review the list of requirements. Note the expiration dates of each of the documents. This detail is important in that it has no objection to the present time.
2. Introduce yourself in the headquarters or regional migration and tell the officer (a) you will apply for an extension of stay or tourism. The official or the window will tell you where you (the) attend.
3. On your turn, give all the documents to the person who treats you. He or she will review and include the information in the system.
4. You will receive a sheet that indicate your personal data, your file number and the documents presented. Check to make sure all information is correct. If there is any error correction request.
5. When the file is complete, Migration has 90 days to resolve. The answer may be obtained by fax if so advised or in person at the immigration office.
Frequently 3 Questions

For more information 900-123-4567   Migracion.go.cr

1. Your passport and a photocopy of all the pages.
2. Receipt of payment for $100 dollars, paid in colones - Banco de Costa Rica - account 242480-0. This receipt must indicate their name in the part where it says depositor.
3. Receipt of payment of 2.50¢ per page of the passport over 125¢ to be submitted with your application. This receipt must indicate their name in the part where it says depositor.


Extension of tourism economic solvency
1.  Demonstration
Stay of foreigners particularly relevant in the scientific, professional, religious, cultural, sports, economic or political, depending on their specialty, are invited by the branches of government or public or private institutions or universities or colleges
1. Proof of registration of their mark, issued by the Ministry of Public Security
2. Proof of consular registration. Requirements for such registration shall be determined in Consulate of your country.
3. Letter from the media or the Association of Journalists of Costa Rica where indicated:
• Reasons for requesting the stay of the alien.
• Period that the person remain in the country. 
• Activities to conduct the person.
• That the person does not receive remuneration in the country.
Stay for medical treatment
1. Proof of registration of their mark, issued by the Ministry of Public Security
2. Proof of consular registration. The requirements for such registration shall be determined at the Consulate of your country.
3. Demonstration of economic solvency
4. Medical opinion which indicates the status of patient and the duration of treatment.

5. Certification of the medical center where you will receive treatment. The center must have the appropriate permissions.
2 recent photographs, front, size Passport 2.
the Ministry of Public Security
Proof of consular registration. The requirements for such registration shall be determined at the Consulate of your country.
Charter public or private institution, school, where indicated:
• Reasons for requesting the stay of foreign person.
• Period that the person remain in the country. • Activities to conduct the person.
If the person will participate in an international arbitration process must submit the certification of the competent authority authorizing him to carry out that work.
5. Complete the form affiliation
6. Letter of application stating:
a. Full name
b. Nationality
c. Age 
d. Occupation
e. Address or place of residence and means notifications
f. Reasons for application
Note: If the application for stay is longer than six months must also submit: Birth certificate issued in their country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled. Certification of criminal record issued in their country of origin or place where you have lived legally in the last three years, duly authenticated or certified. If the records are not his country of origin, together with this requirement must submit a certified copy of immigration document was granted in the country where he lived the last three years legally.

Stay of those foreign brokers, travel agents or sales representatives to address issues entering activities linked companies or companies that represent
1. Proof of registration of their mark, issued by the Ministry of Public Security

2. Proof of consular registration. Requirements for such registration shall be determined in Consulate of your country.

3. Letter from the company you work for where indicated:
• Reasons for requesting the stay of the alien.
• Period that the person remain in the country. 
• Activities to conduct the person.
• That the person does not receive remuneration in the country.
Stay for medical treatment
1. Proof of registration of their mark, issued by the Ministry of Public Security
2. Proof of consular registration. The requirements for such registration shall be determined at the Consulate of your country.
3. Demonstration of economic solvency
4. Medical opinion which indicates the status of patient and the duration of treatment.
5. Certification of the medical center where you will receive treatment. The center must have the appropriate permissions


For more information on Visa Stamps, Why Some People are NOT Getting 90 day Stamp and more go to:

SHARE this with EVERYONE you know that is OVER their Visa!!!

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