Thursday, May 2, 2013

$100 over Tourist Visa Fine Law POSTPONED - AGAIN!!!

FINALLY the OFFICIAL announcement (well - it's in the Nicaraguan version of their "official" paper - but EVEN Costa Rica's Migracion's Facebook page has this SAME article - I alluded to around April 23 that something was a brewin' that the new law that WAS to be activated regarding the $100/month fee for each month one is over their visa stamp blah blah blah . . . was going to be put on hold.

This is also why, after over 8 years of research about moving to and living in CR I don't put much energy/concern into laws till at LEAST a few MONTHS AFTER they're ACTIVE since MY observation is MOST of the time things do NOT happen as we're initially told (or what you hear from the people helping people get their residency [or their "fans"/minuans] put the fear in you about).

So if you know anyone that is over their Visa - PLEASE tell them to just get the hell out of Dodge and go over the border and GET IN INTEGRITY/get their Passport caught up before these fine are TRULY ACTIVE (and I'd bet when that does happen they will NOT be real workable on it since they've had PLENTY of time to get in integrity) and PLEASE RESPECT the GIFT Costa Rica has given us non-residents living in Costa Rica (vs the U.S. not giving THEIR people the same respect right??) to be able to STILL come and go as WE DESIRE (honoring the 90 day law) without the fear of being rejected (for being "Perpetual Tourists" [which is NOT mentioned as a problem or with limitations in the new law) as LONG as we have ALL DUCKS IN A ROW (with the PROOF you're leaving CR within 90 days with a REAL NON-"doctored" ticket and NOT an "Open-Ended Ticket" as that is NOT PROOF that you are leaving CR within 90 days is it??  MOST of the people I've encountered that got less than 90 days had an open-ended ticket).  Also, some people are reporting that SOMETIMES (still RARE so far from what people are sharing with me because of my blog) they are being asked for the PROOF that you have at least $300 (in cash or a CURRENT bank statement) as per the law.  

Read my article on "Why Some People are NOT Getting a 90 Day Tourist Visa Stamp" on my blog so you know EXACTLY what you need and how to do it CORRECTLY (vs other people's random experiences which DO vary but you can't blame anyone but yourself if you do what they did and it did NOT work for you!!.  I need to add more emphasis on this recently being forced $300 deal to this and will later). 

JUST because Costa Rica "officially" post a new law - does NOT mean it DOES happen at the time they say.  

TRUST your instinct - not always what others tell you! - and do your OWN research!!!


THE LATEST (as of May 1, 2013) version of this new law
Translated visa
Costa Rica
$100/month FINE AGAINST

Costa Rica again POSTPONED, by executive decree, the application of fines for those who stay illegally in the country, the Directorate General of Immigration.

Such penalties would apply from April 23 but was
postponed again till next October
while migration sharpens details for implementation, improved controls and collection system.

This measure had been legally instituted since September 26 last year, with the entry into force of a regulation of immigration law, but by Executive Order No. 37327-G, the authorities postponed until April 23 this year and now for October.

(on a SEPARATE NOTE than the over your Tourist Visa $100/month penalty):
Immigration Control Regulation establishes financial penalties between two and up to 12 times the amount of a base salary, depending on the severity of the events and the number of foreign nationals hired, employers who employ illegal foreign labor.

Also punishable by $100 fine for each month of irregular stay of a foreigner in the country.

On this fine, Costa Rica distributed informational flyers to their jobs overseas migration.

Whoever does not pay to get out of this territory will be denied entry to Costa Rica three times the period of illegal residence.

(on a SEPARATE NOTE than the over your Tourist Visa $100/month penalty):

Again, Costa Rica opened a special period of three months for foreigners who work in construction, agriculture and domestic service, may apply for a work permit.

This new period is three months and starts on June 17.


Costa Rica pospone otra vez multa contra extranjeros ilegales
Costa Rica volvió a posponer, vía decreto ejecutivo, la aplicación de multas para aquellas personas que permanezcan de manera irregular en el país, informó la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería.
Tales multas se aplicarían a partir del 23 de abril pero nuevamente se pospuso para octubre próximo, mientras migración afina detalles para su aplicación, controles y mejoras en el sistema de cobro.
Esta medida había quedado instaurada legalmente desde el 26 de septiembre del año pasado, con la entrada en vigencia de un reglamento de la ley migratoria; pero mediante decreto ejecutivo N°37327-G, las autoridades los pospusieron hasta el 23 de abril de este año y ahora para octubre.
El Reglamento de Control Migratorio, establece multas económicas entre dos y hasta 12 veces el monto de un salario base, dependiendo de la gravedad de los hechos y el número de personas extranjeras que contrató, a los patronos que empleen mano de obra extranjera ilegal.
También sanciona con 100 dólares de multa por cada mes de estancia irregular de un extranjero en el país.
Sobre esta multa, Costa Rica distribuye volantes informativos a los extranjero en sus puestos migratorios.
Quien no la pague al salir de este territorio, se le denegará el ingreso a Costa Rica el triple del periodo de estancia irregular.
Nuevamente, Costa Rica abrió un periodo especial de tres meses para que extranjeros que laboren en construcción, agricultura y servicio doméstico, puedan aplicar para un permiso de trabajo.
Este nuevo periodo es de tres meses e inicia el 17 de junio.

SOURCE:  Wednesday May 1, 2013
Correspondent / Costa Rica  Joshua Bravo - @

"SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that is living in Costa Rica withOUT Residency:

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