Friday, September 27, 2013

BUILDING A HOUSE IN COSTA RICA - Why I tell people do NOT tell me your woo's

Building•doing business in Costa Rica can be VERY CHALLENGING - like nothing I've ever seen•heard about in my life!!! 

SOME things can be avoided by us being LOTS more CONSCIOUS and doing our research and getting DIRECT CURRENT referrals from people you KNOW - NOT from the "yellow pages"•Amarillas Delice.


#1  -  The price quoted is often WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY UNDER budget!!  Some people have been sharing lately it's often 40+% HIGHER than originally told. 


#3  -  Inept workers, workers not showing up•leaving early, getting "injured" (I know someone that's groundsman had a tree smash one of his fingers [not broken] and the INS doctor barely looked at him, gave him 2 shots in his tush, gave him some anti-inflammatories and a script/prescription for 3 days off work.  He had LOTS of other work he could have still done withOUT using that hand - especially because he helped take care of a small zoo).

#4  -  Things "Disappearing" (ok - getting STOLEN)!!  This is a SERIOUS issue that can happen.  You might want to engrave•burn•mark somehow at least your cedula or passport number and ultimately ALSO your name into ALL of your tools/supplies (this is a standard suggestion for EVERYTHING you have - ESPECIALLY things that are often stolen like tv's, computers, electronics, appliances, tools, even your VEHICLES+++++++++!!!!!).

SOME RECENT INCIDENTS OF "CHALLENGES" (to heck with that "soft" word - PROBLEMS!!!) you MAY encounter:

LEAKING ROOF  -  This has been a problem of someone I know on an UN-finished house. SO FAR they've had the company come back 15 TIMES to fix it and they're STILL having problems.  Fortunately it is still under the guarantee but not for long!  Now - after 15 times, doesn't it seem like they SHOULD REPLACE the roof - start over??  The company doesn't seem to want to do that of course!

Ahhh - THIS is why I tell people insisting on building - "Do NOT NOT NOT come to me with your complaints while you're building!!!!!"  Even some of my closest friends - as I have YET to hear of anyone NOT have LOTS of problems and frustrations and this is based on MANY MANY MANY people sharing their stories!!!! 

Make a provision in the CONTRACT where suppliers AND workers get paid a BONUS __% if they're done ____ days before the deadline (like for a month or so before the agreed upon REALISTIC date), ____% if closer to the agreed upon date (less),  ____% if even closer to the agreed upon date (even closer to the agreed upon date), the amount agreed upon, & start deducting $___ per DAY from that for every day they're late. 

You might also want to consider withholding a certain % for a year•however long the guarantee is for to ensure it's functioning properly?? 

I've seen this REALLY work for people - and think this is even MORE helpful in Costa Rica to help with your sanity!!! 

If you think you think you'll be the exception to the rule or you just MUST build on your own•have it YOUR way, go for it (she says chuckle chuckle)!!!

I'm holding with you a WONDERFUL PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING house for MANY MANY years!!!

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