Sunday, November 17, 2013

POSITIVE EXPERIENCES Living Life in Costa Rica - People sharing their Positive Stories of things that happen in their day-to-day life in Costa Rica

So it's true, when you come from a country where things run smoother•more efficiently, Customer Service is important, people can think outside of the box•creatively, people are more honest with their word, have been raised it's ok to speak their truth and/or they know it's easier TO speak that truth than suffer the consequences when it comes back to bite us in the tush . . .  - well, living life in Costa Rica CAN make for some VERY challenging days and nights!!! 

Too often WE (ALL of us at SOME time at least) mainly sit around (or on Facebook and Twitter) bitching and moaning about it and get more and more frustrating and for some, it can lead to getting fed up and a BIG reason for leaving.

Well, one THIS page I'm going to start listing here POSITIVE EXPERIENCES people I've found people sharing that have happened in their day-to-day life in Costa Rica!!

Please add your stories down below and if you have a name of someone at that business that deserve recognition and/or that can help us if we're going through challenges there - that can be SOOOO HELPFUL!!! 

This is NOT a place for YOU to just "advertise" YOUR business per say - THOUGH - IF you give a higher level of Customer Service - then incorporate that into your story - GIVING EXAMPLES - and THEN have people•your customers•clients ADD their "Comments" below your listing!!

It IS a place where people can share positive experiences and names of people that helped them experience something positive AND ULTIMATELY for you to ADD their business DETAILS so you can help make it easy for US to find•have access to that business.

We can never have too many positive stories so I welcome you to Bookmark this page and when you get home from EXPERIENCING SOMETHING THAT MADE YOU SMILE or that you saw - that was part of a POSITIVE EXPERIENCE living life in Costa Rica, PLEASE SHARE IT with us!!

What inspired me to start this entry in my blog was a story I found on Facebook.  Funny how I was reading about it and after she started sharing part of her story I AUTOMATICALLY thought her next share was going to be a NEGATIVE experience - hence why I was SOOOOO EXCITED to see her results!!!  I SMILED BIG TIME - KNOWING that even though in the past 8-1/2 years I've just not experience this level of Customer Service - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and ALL of us CAN CHANGE and GROW!!!!

"OMG! Had a problem with my Internet. ICE came out the NEXT morning to fix, but then...they followed up with a Customer Service call to check and see that everything went well. When I thanked Alex so much for the follow up call, he said, 'That's my job!'"  -  Diane - Ciudad Colon


If you're too shy to share your experiences here, please email me at:
and I'll add them. 
The more DETAILS you can share - the more helpful it is for others!!


AWHILE ago I started this Yahoo Message Board•Forum but I didn't promote it/do anything with it - heck, I didn't even contribute to it.  In these days of all the negative messages•experiences, I'm thinking it's time to start it up again!!!

Please consider joining it and sharing YOUR positive experiences•news!!


PLEASE "SHARE" this with everyone you know that lives in Costa Rica that wants to get out of their day-to-day bitching about things here - if even for a few minutes or is thinking of moving to Costa Rica

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