Sunday, November 24, 2013

Possible Consequences for Costa Rica to this Gold Mine fiasco

Before Costa Rica authorized permits for Infinito Gold to mine gold in Costa Rica - didn't they do all the research on what all damage it would do to their eco-system they pride themselves on respecting so much???  (ESPECIALLY when Gold mining uses toxic chemicals such as cyanide, which often leaks into and pollutes nearby lakes and rivers permanently harming their eco-system.  That Open-pit gold mining in Costa Rica could involve destroying 190 hectares of pristine forest [that provides habitat to 5% of the world's species]. Especially when they keep talking about how important their land/the environment is to Costa Rica.  Especially since the majority of the population would logically oppose it).

Was the person that sold the land to them just given carte blanch (that's THEIR karma)?? 

So why are people/the government of Costa Rica be so surprised now that after years of investing money into this project and suddenly being told they could no longer do it (a decision I believe in BIG TIME) - the company (or their subsiderary I think is what I read) is talking about possibly slapping Costa Rica with a $1 BILLION lawsuit on Costa Rica???

Where were the feasibility and environmental impact studies???  WHO approved those??

Did anyone along the way make $$$ on it TO issue those permits??  Wouldn't THAT be who to go after first????

It's SOOOO easy to SAY the environment is important and make laws to "protect" it - but it's all in the ACTIONS (like turning heads on Shark-Fining and MANY other areas)!!!  Sadly, the word of these hypocricies has caught on with MANY in the environmental world - of all these areas where the good of the PEOPLE and the ENVIRONMENT is sometimes overlooked for to financial gain for a few.

HOPEFULLY these people won't sue Costa Rica, but if they do, this will have been a REALLY EXPENSIVE LESSON Costa Rica created for themselves & I REALLY hope they learn about CONSEQUENCES of thinking of the almighty $$$$ first as if the company proceeds, looking at the BIG PICTURE of this - who REALLY will be at fault???????????  

(Does anyone know what became of it when Costa Rica DID allow Stem Cell Treatments - and then awhile later - after the church stepped in - closed the few companies down practically over night that were doing this INCREDIBLE WORK where MANY LIVE PEOPLE were having some INCREDIBLE HEALINGS • IMPROVEMENTS from it??)

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