Monday, December 9, 2013

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - Is your home all decorated•decked out for the Christmas holidays? & other things Christmas related in Costa Rica

One of the things I LOVE about the Christmas season are ALL the homes decorated with Christmas Lights!!  I LOVED driving around looking for homes - or better yet - neighborhoods where a bunch of the people went all out decorating their homes.

But alas, in my 8-1/2 years living in Costa Rica I haven't found many homes decorated much - at least not what I'm using to being from California and Florida.

So maybe YOU can help us all by sharing "addresses" (hehehehehe!! [aka jejejejeje!!]) of cool homes YOU'VE driven by or know of - or better yet - is YOUR house all decked out with Christmas Cheer?!!??!?!

If you know of any COOL houses all decorated for Christmas PLEASE get me DETAILS (there's NO such thing as "too much information" to me!!) - Directions ultimately - or at least city/area and some sort of description and even better - a picture(S) (in .jpg or .gif format) as I'd LOVE to share them here - PLUS - AM Costa Rica e-newspaper would love to list them also (details in their article below).

Email me your findings to:


AM Costa Rica's Request for Decorated Homes•Buildings!

Do you have or will you have some cool holiday lighting of your Costa Rican home?

Some Ticos and expats really knock themselves out to decorate their homes or business. None probably go so far as the Hospital del Niños where a live evergreen bears 12,000 bulbs. But some come close.

A.M. Costa Rica will publish a picture of these holiday creation if homeowners send in a .jpeg photo to

The photo should be accompanied by a note giving the names of the homeowner or business owner, location and any interesting details.



now that you're living in Costa Rica

FYI - I personally am not a fan of and don't celebrate "holidays" since I believe in honoring and celebrating EVERY DAY - BUT there are a few things I DO like about them - ESPECIALLY Christmas!!

Some of the other things I LOVE about "Christmas Time":
#1  -  CANDY CANES (unfortunately I have yet to find any candy canes in Costa Rica that actually have that strong taste [or ANY taste] of peppermint I sooooo love.  WARNING:  STAY AWAY from the ones Pequeño Mundo sells as I've bought them 2 years - the first was 10 boxes (one of my FAV types of ice creams I LOVE is homemade Peppermint Stick Ice Cream with chunks of pieces of candy canes!!!  In the past I think it's Dos Piños that has a "Mint" ice cream that comes out around Christmas - but it's not Mint ice cream I'm used to [you do NOT move to Costa Rica for the ice cream - TRUST ME on that!!!].  So If I'm being lazy and don't want to make fully handmade peppermint stick ice cream - yet I'm craving it - I usually just take a vanilla ice cream [often I used the semi-lacto free one since my bod does not like dairy - though I do in the forms of ice creams and cheeses).

#2  - SEE'S CANDY  -  Since high school - till she passed away 10 years ago - my mom would give me a 2 pound box under the tree (one year my brothers dog ATE the WHOLE BOX [and only got the runs]!!).  Then I moved to Florida and now Costa Rica and I hardly ever get it (except last November when Tom brought me a 2 pound box - MEGA YUMMM!!).  Raspberry Cremes with Dark Chocolate, Plain Caramels and Bordeaux's with Milk Chocolate are my FAVS - but I'll take ANY FLAVOR - especially with NUTS if you feel like bringing me a gift!!

#3  -  CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRY'S  -  Luckily I've been able to find those in most markets - WELL - SOME version of them (see above Peppermint and the others with milk chocolate and GREEN dyed cherry's [ . . . . ]) at least this time of year - sometimes longer!!!

#4  -  The PARTIES where people tend to often get dressed up at least a little bit more (though not drunk parties).

#5  -  FOOD (including another chance to eat Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream - but thanx to Libby's, we can get Libby's Pumpkin Pie filling year-round in Costa Rica!!)

The gathering of family and friends - we'll, personally, I'm not into sitting around watching football, drinking, sweating•working hard in the kitchen (ESPECIALLY the cleanup!!!) and surface conversations like SOOOO MANY people do - often to avoid saying/revealing who they REALLY are to their families especially (nothing "wrong" with that for others!!  Just not MY thing.  I'm MUCH more of a lets sit around and get DEEP into what makes each other tick!!!  REALLY CONNECTING!! [aka psychobabble!!])

What are some of the things YOU LOVE about Christmas time??
Please "Share" in "Comments" below!!!


Here are some interesting Christmas Related Links I've done so far:





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