Monday, December 9, 2013

You MUST have FULL PROPER INSURANCE on ALL Employees - EVEN if they're just part time or Temporary in Costa Rica - ESPECIALLY INS

SERIOUSLY - READ THIS and take ACTION because if an employee hurts themselves on the job while working for you - EVEN people that just come in for one project or that work just 1 day a week for you - whatEVER - and you do not have AT LEAST INS - Workers Comp insurance - YOU WILL get to pay for it as LONG as it takes for them to be fully healed again (or FOREVER!!  [and SOMETIMES they may not seem so "injured" but they might know someone that can sign off for them.  I HAVE KNOWN a FEW people this has happened to!!!).

Especially if you know someone that has just moved to Costa Rica - or are thinking of moving to Costa Rica - PLEASE heed this information because it is a fairly common issue in Costa Rica yet FEW ExPats pay ALL the proper things for employees like the Social Security (this is paid on ALL employees also - even if they're just 1 day a week and if your employee says "Don't worry, I'm covered from my other jobs" or "Don't worry - my husbands insurance covers me" - RUN for the hills as I have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE of an employee - that I thought was like family.  That I treated SOOOOO WELL, gave them LOTS of clothes, when I'd have parties I'd include him and tell him he can clean up after the party the next day or that night but he was to enjoy the party as any other guest, that I did LOTS of things for, that I NEVER did not pay him THAT DAY or the next time he came [when ALL his other jobs paid him every 2-4 weeks] and I even increased his pay when the U.S. dollar did a BIG devaluation - and when I finally learned I was supposed to have insurance on him - he gave me the excuses above - but when it was time for him to leave - he THREATENED ME [more like tried to EXTORT money from me] that he would turn me in for not paying his insurance and it would be what was owed in back payments + 17% [he finally went away after learning that he had stolen THOUSANDS of $$$s from another job he was on where he was telling the guy that I wasn't paying him for MONTHS so he could get money from the other employer for a stove and tv that supposedly got hit from a lightening strike, etc.  This being after he stole THOUSANDS of $$$s of jewelry from ME which I OWN how I contributed towards that situation by not locking things down REALLY well!!  Live and learn!!]).

Learn more about INS insurance for employees at:


State insuror issues reminder on holiday help

The state insurance company said Friday that the holidays are the time when a lot of employers duck payment of obligatory insurance on their temporary employees.

The company, the Insituto Nacional de Seguros, offers a workman's compensation policy called riesgos del trabajo.  The policy pays for work-related injuries.

The state company maintains its own hospital and recovery facilities for such injuries.

During November, December and the first part of January, the company noted, there are a lot of holiday jobs. These include temporary work in retail outlets and even work at the various fairs and festivals that are traditional.

This also is the beginning of the dry season when a homeowner may bring in persons to work on a roof or other parts of the dwelling that might be damaged by opening it to rain.
    There are a lot of agricultural activities now, too.

Last year, the Instituto Nacional de Seguros said it handled 1,743 cases of employees working without the required insurance protection. The holidays seem to generate about 45 percent of such cases, it said.

As A.M. Costa Rica reported Sept. 2 - -
hiring workers without the correct insurance can become a nightmare for an expat.

The national insurance institute is ready to sell the required policy, and it also is promoting its RT Hogar, which covers homeowners for domestic employees and for persons who do work at the residence UP TO 3 days a month.
The institute noted that this may cover gardeners or others involved in maintenance.
As Garland Baker reported in the Sept. 2 article far too many expats are playing with fire when managing their household staffs and contract workers trying to save money by not purchasing insurance.

SOURCE:  -  December 9, 2013


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