Saturday, December 14, 2013

SENIORS - BANK TIPS•HINT for living in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica SENIORS are treated with MUCH respect!!  Not only can you apply for a Programa Ciudadano de Oro Card (the Gold Card for seniors - I THINK 65+), but a cool thing is you get to cut in line at banks, stores - just about everywhere (as well as pregnant women, gals with infants and people with physical disabilities).  At banks, there's a special window•caja for these people - often along with a few chairs - which USUALLY means you get served faster - BUT - SOMETIMES there are no special people in that line so they take the next person in the next line.

Well, that person could possibly be one of those messengers bringing 10 cell phone bills+++ - meaning the Special Line could be backed up for awhile.

Mel's hint - if you're at a bank where they give you a number - get 2 tickets - one for the Special Line as well as one for the REGULAR because SOMETIMES that line moves faster!!  (but you can still go sit and wait till your number is called!!)

(THANX for this tip Mel Goldberg!!)



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