Wednesday, March 25, 2015

YIGUIRRO • Yigüirro - Costa Rica's NOISY National Bird (that makes me CRAZY it's SOOOO LOUD at unGodly hours!!)

Costa Rica's NATIONAL BIRD is the Yigüirro (pronunciation sounds like gui-[as in guido] row [rolled "r"]).

Now, I don't get why on earth, in a country FULL of gorgeous birds, THIS bird was selected to represent it. 

MAYBE it is because this national bird of Costa Rica tends to come out LOUD and CLEAR about a few weeks to a month before the start of Rainy Season.

Either way - I do NOT NOT NOT like the Yiguirro because it's a FRICKING CONTINUOUSLY OBNOXIOUS NOISY bird that once it gets in the tree outside you're window - will start at 3 or 5am and won't stop till night time - sometimes 24/7!!!!   GRRRR!! 
(can you tell they out my window at THIS moment - March 25, 2015 yeacking away?!??!!  call me grumpy when it comes to Yigguirro's but I LOVE TOTAL SILENCE!!!  I know, I picked the wrong country!!)

So THIS is what a Yigüirro sounds like.  In researching samples of the sound of Yiguirro's, almost all just had the sound of one or two Yigguirro's which was SOOOO NOT MY experience!!!  I had a tree JUST outside my window in Escazu that I SWEAR had 40++++ Yiguirros in them and they'd go off starting between 3-4am - EVERY FRICKING DAY!!!  GRRRRR!!)

 I took this March 26, 2015 at 3:30am

I took this May 21, 2014 in Escazu at around 4:45am!!!


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