Friday, August 29, 2014

Vivir en paz desactivando el dolor físico y emocional - Escazu - 13 de SEPTIEMBRE 2014 con Monique Chabot


 Fibromialgia en Costa Rica, Sí se puede/Yes you can/Oui, vous pouvez

Después de ofrecer la charla "Bendiciones de la fibromialgia" en el marco de la Feria Internacional del Libro adónde presenté el libro en francés "Cómo he domesticado la fibromialgia" la demanda para aprender más de este si hizo por varias personas. Les invito empezar la transformación hacía una mejor calidad de vida participando a la capacitación presente:Vivir en paz desactivando el dolor físico y emocional

El dolor nos roba la paz interior…El dolor que se calla es más doloroso”. Racine --- “El dolor, cuando no se convierte en verdugo, es un gran maestro.” Concepción Arenalero, ¿cómo hacerlo a diario?

Si queremos crear un cambio significativo en el mundo, hay que empezar por mejorar nuestro proprio mundo interior. Si deseamos obtener un resultado diferente hay que cambiar algo para lograrlo. No podemos continuar hacer lo mismo y esperar que nuestra vida se mejore.

Durante el taller "Paz Interior desactivando el dolor físico y emocional" exploraremos este tema empezando por mirar hacía el interior, tratar de ver lo que se esconde detrás de nuestras insatisfacciones y aprendiendo los aspectos que definen nuestra percepción y/o distorción de la misma.

13 de setiembre  -  1-4pm

Almuerzo y material didáctico

 ¢20,000 si pagado ANTES del 10 Sept. 
Después de esa fecha, ¢25,000

Con pago anticipado* haciendo un depósito bancario al BCR:
  • En dólares: $40 - #245-18540-0, cuenta de ahorros al nombre de Monique Chabot – Cuenta cliente: 15202245001854008
  • En colones: ¢20,000 - #001-1057369-0, cuenta de ahorros al nombre de Monique Chabot – Cuenta cliente: 15202001105736906

    Cédula de residencia: 112400085921

* No se aceptará inscripción el dia del evento ya que hay material y comida que preparar. Gracias por su comprensión.

Una vez hecho el pago, favor mandar el comprobante con su nombre completo al correo siguiente.

Un documento les estará mandado de vuelta para prepararse a la capacitación.

¡Venga encontrar formas de regresar

Women’s Club Of Costa Rica - WCCR - Monthly Meeting - September 10, 2014

WOMEN'S CLUB of Costa Rica



Director of
ASOBITICO (Asociación Bachillerato Internacional Tico)-
will present a window into the world of the International Baccalaureate program: 
how, in conjunction with the Costa Rican Government, it's developing and expanding; school selection and preparation for the program; student and teacher selection, and many more forays into this new educational adventure. 

Join Daniel, himself a graduate of the IB program, and Elena Austermühle, former IB teacher and subject developer, for an inside look at this new program that the Women's Club is supporting.


WEDNESDAY - JULY 9th, 2014
 9:30am – Socializing 

10am  -  Meeting Starts

(it would be helpful if you have exact change)

Jeannine  -  •  2-239-8428  

BY September 4th

 (In order to ensure we have bocas and coffee for everyone, we need to confirm the number of attendees)

ESCAZU (Trejos Montelegre)
 (4-031-0781 if you get lost)


•  Take Highway 27•Pista del Sol towards Escazú

•  Get off at the FIRST Escazú exit (at WalMart) & immediately get in the right lane.
At the stop light, turn RIGHT (Walmart on your right) - going West

•  Go down 800 meters•8 blocks•1km West of Walmart to Verdeza - which is on your RIGHT side (almost to the end of the street).
There is plenty of parking on the street or in their garage.  

Take Highway 27•Pista del Sol (highway from the Pacific) East towards Escazú

•  Pass Price Smart & CIMA & just before the Escazú toll booth get all the way to the right (as far right as you can get depending on if you're cash or have the pass)
Take the FIRST Exit (the one for EPA [just BEFORE the final Escazu exit that's at WalMart]) that is JUST after the toll booth
•  Turn RIGHT.  

•  At the end of that block turn RIGHT.

•  Go down 7 blocks till you see Verdeza on your RIGHT (almost to the end of the street)
There is plenty of parking on the street or in their garage. 


WCCR - Women's Club Costa Rica


Know any women living in Costa Rica - or thinking to move here?  Please share this link with them!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Democrats Abroad Costa Rica•DACR - Monthly Meeting - AUGUST 30 - “Global Warming: Everything you didn’t want to know about Climate Change because you were afraid to ask"


Saturday  -  August 30, 2014  -  9:30am till noon-ish
Everything you didn’t want to know about Climate Change because you were afraid to ask” 


There are MANY different Groups • Clubs • Associations • Classes happening around to Connect & bring together ExPats • people • newcomers from other countries that are living in Costa Rica! 

Many do not have their own website or facebook page and being the DETAILS kinda gal I am, I've started pages on my blog for a few:

NEWCOMERS womens CLUB of Costa Rica - NCCR
(they also have a bunch of Special Interest groups)
Newcomers Club of Costa Rica General Information
(they also have a private facebook page ONLY for their members)

WOMEN'S CLUB of Costa Rica - WCCR
(they also have a bunch of Special Interest groups)
(they also have a private facebook page ONLY for their members)

(a division of WCCR-Women's Club)  •



CANADIAN CLUB of Costa Rica  •



type groups•places around Costa Rica:

has a GREAT List for contacts (for you to then go do the research on):

I'll be adding LOTS MORE to it in time with more DETAILS so
BOOKMARK it & keep checking back!!



Professional Women's Group of Costa Rica (PWG) - Monthly Meeting - September 2014

The Women's Club of Costa Rica's
Special Interest group
Professional Women's Group of Costa Rica - PWG
has NOW branched off to:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Where to buy INDIAN SPICES in Costa Rica

Here's a GREAT WEBSITE explaining the various Indian Spices•Flavors


GOKUL (San Pedro) and NAMASTE (San Jose - Sabana Sur) RESTAURANTS
(tell them Vicki with the blog sent you!)

Basmati Rice 40 ¢ 60,000 lbs
Basmati Rice 1kg ¢ 3500
Channa Dahl 1kg ¢ 4500
Toor Dahl 1kg ¢ 4500
Mung Dahl 1kg ¢ 4500
Masoor Dahl 1kg ¢ 4500
Ura Dahl 1kg ¢ 4500
Kala Channa 1kg ¢ 4500
Dahl Matter 1kg ¢ 4500
Comino 400gr ¢ 3500
¢ 200gr Ajwan 3500
Poppi Seeds 200g ¢ 4500
Mustard 400g ¢ 3500
Fenugreek 400g ¢ 3500
Asofetida 100gr ¢ 2000
Sesame 400gr ¢ 2000
Chili powder 400g ¢ 4000
Besan (chickpea flour) 1kg ¢ 3500
Mango Pickle (bottle spicy mango pickle) 500g jar ¢ 3500
Green Chili Pickle (pickled peppers) 500g jar ¢ 3500
Lemon Pickle (pickled lemons)
Garam Masala 400g ¢ 5500
Curcuma (turmeric) 400gr ¢ 3500
Star Anise 400g ¢ 3500
Anis current 400gr ¢ 4000
Papad (cumin, chili, etc) 200g pack ¢ 2000
Taj Mahal Tea 450g box ¢ 7500
Tetley Tea (Ginger, Cardamom, Masala flavors) 72 ¢ on 7500
Wagh Bakri Tea 500 gr ¢ 7500
Sai Flora Incense 1 ¢ 1500 package
Kala Namak (black salt) 100 gr ¢ 2000
Himalayan Pink Salt (Himalayan pink salt) 460 gr ¢ 3500
Gulab Jal (Rose Water) Bottle 5 Ounces ¢ 3000
MTR Sambar powder 200g ¢ 3000
MTR Rasam powder 200g ¢ 3000
MTR chutney powder 200g ¢ 3000
MDH Chana Masala (chickpeas marinade for) ¢ 100gr 2500
MDH Garam Masala 500g ¢ 7500
MDH Chunky Chat Masala 100g ¢ 2500
Qasuri Methi (fenugreek leaves) 50g ¢ 3000
Masala Boondi (chips fried chickpea balls) 285gr ¢ 3500
Bikaneri Sev (chips spicy chickpea balls) 285gr ¢ 3500
Sing Bhujiya (spicy peanuts) 285gr ¢ 3500
Thin Poha (thin flat rice) 908gr ¢ 4500
Himalayan Pink Salt (Himalayan pink salt) 908gr ¢ 4500
Rose Syrup 750 ml bottle ¢ 4500
Shan Aaloo Bhaji Curry (Curry for spicy potatoes) 50 gr ¢ 2000
Shan Vegetable Curry (Vegetable Curry) 100g ¢ 2000
Vanilla Custard Powder (vanilla powder) 100g ¢ 2000
Sac Rose Scent (rose essence for cooking) 50ml ¢ 3000


Amig@s: aqui esta la lista de productos actualizada de Restaurante Gokul y Namaste. Abrimos el Lunes!!!!!!!!!!!
Arroz Basmati 40 lbs ¢60 000
Arroz Basmati 1kg ¢3500
Channa Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Toor Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Mung Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Masoor Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Ura Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Kala Channa 1kg ¢4500
Matter Dahl 1kg ¢4500
Comino 400gr ¢3500
Ajwan 200gr ¢3500
Poppi Seeds 200gr ¢4500
Mostaza 400gr ¢3500
Fenogreco 400gr ¢3500
Asofetida 100gr ¢2000
Ajonjoli 400gr ¢2000
Chili powder 400gr ¢4000
Besan (harina garbanzo) 1kg ¢3500
Mango Pickle (frasco de encurtido de mango picante) frasco 500gr ¢3500
Green Chili Pickle (encurtido de chiles) frasco 500gr ¢3500
Lemon Pickle (encurtido de limones)
Garam Masala 400gr ¢5500
Curcuma (turmeric) 400gr ¢3500
Anis Estrella 400gr ¢3500
Anis corriente 400gr ¢4000
Papad (de comino, chile, etc) paquete 200gr ¢2000
Taj Mahal Tea caja 450gr ¢7500
Tetley Tea (Ginger, Cardamom, Masala flavors) 72 sobres ¢7500
Wagh Bakri Tea 500 gr ¢7500
Incienso Sai Flora 1 paquete ¢1500
Kala Namak (sal negra) 100 gr ¢2000
Himalayan Pink Salt (sal rosada de los Himalayas) 460 gr ¢3500
Gulab Jal (Rose Water) botella 5 Onzas ¢3000
MTR Sambar powder 200gr ¢3000
MTR Rasam powder 200gr ¢3000
MTR Chutney powder 200gr ¢3000
MDH Chana Masala (adobo para garbanzos) 100gr ¢2500
MDH Garam Masala 500gr ¢7500
MDH Chunky Chat Masala 100gr ¢2500
Qasuri Methi (hojas de fenugreco) 50gr ¢3000
Masala Boondi (chips de bolitas de garbanzo fritas) 285gr ¢3500
Bikaneri Sev (chips de bolitas picantes de garbanzo) 285gr ¢3500
Sing Bhujiya (mani picante) 285gr ¢3500
Poha thin (arroz plano fino) 908gr ¢4500
Himalayan Pink Salt (sal rosada de los Himalayas) 908gr ¢4500
Rose Syrup bottle 750 ml ¢4500
Shan Aaloo Bhaji Curry (Curry para papas picante) 50 gr ¢2000
Shan Vegetable Curry (Curry de vegetales) 100gr ¢2000
Vanilla Custard Powder (vainilla en polvo) 100gr ¢2000
Sac Rose Scent (esencia de rosas para cocinar) 50ml ¢3000


BIG 2014 USED CAR SALE in Costa Rica - August 27-31, 2014

Asociación de Importadores de Vehículos y Maquinaria (Aivema) • Association of Vehicle Importers and Machinery (Aivema) is holding its

2014 - 2nd annual Used Car Sale

with representatives from 14 dealers
Datsun, Autostar, Autos Xiri, Faco, Grupo Q, Motores Británicos, Purdy motor y Veinsa

attendees will find cars from ¢4 million and up; of all brands and for all purpose.

Banco Promérica and Financiera Desyfin.


Wednesday-Saturday  -  27 to 31 next Agosto•August - 10am-8pm and
Sunday - August 31 - 10am-6pm

Event Center Pedregal - Belen


U.S. IRS gives expats a chance to duck penalties

U.S. IRS gives expats a chance to duck penalties
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

U.S. taxpayers who failed to file all those forms required by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service now have a second chance.

The IRS has expanded its amnesty program for overseas taxpayers, according to Randall J. Lindner, an enrolled agent and principal of  U.S. Tax International in Rohrmoser.

Lindner said that the U.S. tax collector just changed the rules and those overseas who have failed to file such documents as reports of foreign bank accounts or even tax returns, can do so without penalty for an undetermined time.

The IRS itself says that the so-called streamlined filing compliance procedures are available to taxpayers certifying that their failure to report foreign financial assets and pay all tax due in respect of those assets did not result from willful conduct on their part. 

Lindner said that this qualification probably is
 true of many U.S. taxpayers here who have been confused by the various IRS demands. He called this a great opportunity for those who must comply with IRS rules to come clean.

Many expats have fallen behind on their obligations to the Internal Revenue Service, and many have been fearful of being forced to pay large penalties. These include expats who might own a foreign corporation or a foreign bank account.

The IRS has had other programs to encourage compliance, but participation usually generated stiff penalties. And in the past some avenues were only open to taxpayers who owed $1,500 or less.

That limit has been waived.

The new emphasis also applied to those who may have U.S. tax obligations but have lived much of their life overseas.

Dealing with the IRS always is complicated, and Lindner has outlined the new opportunities in detail HERE!


IRS expands overseas amnesty programs

By Randall J. Lindner*
Special to A.M. Costa Rica

Many U.S. Citizens who move abroad remain ignorant of their U.S. tax obligations for many years after moving. For those unaware, U.S. citizens are taxed on their worldwide income, no matter where they live when they earn the income.  While there are U.S. tax benefits to living abroad, such as the foreign earned income exclusion, there are also some additional filing obligations that may apply to U.S. citizens living abroad. If U.S. citizens have more than $10,000.00 in bank accounts located outside of the United States, they must report these accounts to the government.

If U.S. citizens own more than 10 percent of an overseas corporation, they may have to report this to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as well. U.S. citizens must also disclose certain trust activities, and their ownership in certain foreign financial assets. These disclosures apply to U.S. citizens no matter where they live, but are more common among Americans living abroad.

The penalty for failing to file the bank account or corporate disclosures or for filing them late can become astronomical. In one case, a Floridian had $1.6 million in overseas accounts that he failed to disclose. The IRS penalized him for more than $2 million. This was a noteworthy case because the IRS doesn't usually come down quite this hard, but fines can still reach tens of thousands of dollars regularly. Referral to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution is also a possibility.

Many U.S. citizens residing abroad only realize they need to file these forms many years after the deadlines have passed. The IRS has had programs in place for the last few years to encourage taxpayers to file their disclosure forms, but these programs have often been restrictive and punitive. On July 1, 2014, the IRS updated its two main programs, offering a new way forward for taxpayers with delinquent forms.

The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program and its sister program, Streamlined Filing Compliance were both updated. While there are many details to both programs, the main points are this. The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) is for individuals who believe they are at serious risk of criminal prosecution. A person entering the OVDP must pay all penalties, but in return receives amnesty from a potential criminal prosecution. Streamlined Filing Compliance is for the less serious cases. The person using the Streamlined procedures receives no guarantees but is not expected to pay any penalties.

Until the new updates, the Streamlined Filing Compliance was much more restrictive. It only applied to Americans living abroad for several years, who owed less than $1,500 in tax, and who had not filed any tax returns for several years. The new updates lift these restrictions and open the program to anyone who fails to make disclosures due to "non-willful" conduct.

What does non-willful mean? According to the IRS, non-willful is "conduct that is due to negligence, inadvertence, or mistake or conduct that is the result of a good faith misunderstanding of the requirements of the law." This describes many if not most overseas Americans who fail to make information disclosures.

To take part in the Streamlined Filing Compliance program, the taxpayer is asked to file three years worth of tax returns and six years worth of bank account reports. The taxpayer is also asked to sign a certification that the failure to file was non-willful. The catch here is that if the IRS decides the conduct was, in fact, willful, then the IRS will not accept the submission through the streamlined procedures and may refer the case for penalties or prosecution. If the failure to disclose was in fact willful, the OVDP is a safer program.

More information regarding these programs is available at the IRS website. As always, contact a professional if you need help with tax compliance.

*Randall J. Lindner is a principal in U.S. Tax International.

(SOURCE: - August 27, 2014)


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Stress Management, Body Alignment & Mindful Eating ONLINE with Patty Arroyo

New service to help you improve the quality of your life!
Anywhere in the World from the comfort of your office or home via Skype
If you are overcome by stress, overwhelmed by responsibilities and urgently need to make changes in your life but a personal visit is impractical, you should use my online service to make a private, interactive consultation, in a virtual meeting space.

My proposal is based on the holistic assessment of your being by recognizing your body, mind and emotions.  

We start by reducing your anxiety levels with easy-to-follow stress management techniques, which will transform your life.

Second we address postural habits which can be modified with simple body alignment tips, which will help not only by relieving back pain, but by also improving your general well-being.

Third, you will learn how to eat mindfully which completely changes the old paradigm of dieting, reducing anxiety, providing more energy and vitality to you life.  
Aside from benefits to health, what I propose also leads to positive effect on thoughts and attitudes. As one of my teachers once said
"Your nutrition is reflected in your state of mind; your state of mind is reflected in your thoughts; your thoughts are reflected on your attitude" 
For more information please visit
 (Look for the English tab)


  Manejo del estrés, alineación corporal, alimentación conciente
Nuevo servicio para ayudarte a mejorar la calidad de tu vida
Desde cualquier lugar del mundo, en el conformt de tu casa  oficina por Skype

Si te sientes estresado, abrumado por las responsabilidades y urgentmente necesitas hacer cambios en tu vida pero no tienes tiempo para una visita personal, puedes usar mi servicio en línea para tener de forma privada e interactive tu seción en un espacio virtual.

Mi propuesta se basa en la consideración holística del ser, reconociendo el cuerpo, la mente y las emociones.  Iniciamos con técnicas sencillas para reducir los niveles de ansiedad, que van a transformar tu vida. Segundo, analizamos los hábitos posturales para sugerir simples modificaciones con las que no solo se van a aliviar los molestos dolores de espalda, sino que también mejorar la sensación de bienestar general. Tercero, aprenderás a comer concientemente, lo que cambia completamente el viejo paradigma de las dietas, reduciendo ansiedad y aportando energía y vitalidad a tu vida.

Además de los beneficios de salud, lo que propongo conlleva un efecto positivo en los pensamientos y en la actitud general. Como dijera una vez uno d emis maestros, “La nutrición se refleja en tu estado mental, tu estado mental se refleja en tus pensamientos, tus pensamientos se reflejan en tu actitud”


SUSTAINABLE LIVING - 2 Week Natural Building Intensive Workshop in Costa Rica - April 2015


Natural Building Intensive

April 2015

This is 2-weeks of hands-on and feet-in learning, classroom theory and discussion, and slideshow presentations and evening topic discussions. We will cover everything earth, lime, and clay from site selection, foundations and earthen wall systems, to the fine art of sculpting, Moroccan tadelakt, and finish plaster.

Monday, August 25, 2014

RESTAURANT SPECIALS - KIDS related - including KIDS EAT FREE around Costa Rica!!!
in the 5 Costa Rica locations
seem to have a
Looks like this is for kids 12 & under & just 1 child with each adult on


Do YOU know of any restaurants around Costa Rica that offer 
Discounts•Specials for KIDS - ESPECIALLY
KIDS EAT FREE programs??

"Share" them in Comments below - OR - email me DETAIL DETAILS (& ESPECIALLY a JPG image like above) at:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bendicion de Utero Costa Rica

Registrense ahora y si gustan armen su círculo de mujeres para recibirla , los hombres también son bienvenidos hay una meditación especial para ellos!

El registro es gratis! Porque es un acto de amor para nosotras y para todas las mujeres del mundo

La hora CR también aplica para nuestros paises hermanos de Centroamérica: Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Para Panamá sumar una hora más a la hora de CR.

EL 8 de Octubre únete a nosotras para recibir la bella energía de la canalización de La Divinad Feminidad por Miranda Gray y las Moon Mothers, compartiendo con todas las mujeres del mundo.

RECIBIR LA BENDICIÓN DEL ÚTERO TOMA COMO MEDIA HORA. No necesitas estar conectada online para participar, simplemente encuentra un lugar tranquilo y únete a la meditación. Puedes hacerlo sola o puedes participar compartiendo la invitación con tus amigas, o puedes participar en un grupo organizado de mujeres.

Bendición del Útero : Costa Rica : Womb Blessing

Las meditaciones adicionales para la Bendición de Útero de Octubre son:

Para el hemisferio norte: Meditación del linaje ancestral femenino (Costa Rica)
Para el hemisfero sur: Aceptando nuestra sexualidad.
** En Costa Rica y países tropicales pueden elegir hacer cualquiera de las 2. Solo observen como cambia la naturaleza alrededor y elijan la que más resuene.

Las meditaciones adicionales están disponibles en el area de descarga de la Bendición de Útero. Recibirás el enlace a la pagina al registrarte.

Somos ahora mas de 75.000 mujeres en la familia Worldwide Womb Blessing. Todas hemos respondido a un profundo deseo de conectar con cada una para celebrar nuestra Esencia Femenina.

El despertar de la autentica feminidad que llevamos dentro, nos trae una nueva energía, haciendo mas fácil para nosotras tratar con la ocupada agenda de nuestras vidas en un mundo que es cada vez mas agitado y estresante. Esta energía nos permite oir mas a nuestro cuerpo y a nuestra naturaleza femenina y encontrar la dulzura y belleza dentro de nosotras.. La conexión con La Divina Feminidad que la Bendición brinda nos hace mas abiertas y seguras de nosotras mismas, mas libres para expresar nuestra personalidad. Nos sentimos amadas, sensuales, delicadas y bellas.

Tienes consultas, escribeme a

Sign up now and if you like armen its circle of women to receive it, men also are welcome there is a special meditation! registration is free! Because it is an act of love for us and for all the women of the world the time CR also applies to our brothers in Central America countries: Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. One hour at the time of CR added to Panama.

8 October join us to receive beautiful power of channeling the divinity femininity by Miranda Gray and the Moon Mothers, sharing with all the women of the world.

RECEIVE THE BLESSING OF THE UTERUS TAKES LIKE HALF AN HOUR. You do not need to be connected online to participate, simply find a quiet place and join the meditation. You can do it alone or you can participate by sharing the invitation with your friends, or you can participate in an organized group of women.

Blessing of the uterus: Costa Rica: Womb Blessing additional meditations for the blessing of uterus of October are: for the northern hemisphere: meditation of the female ancestral lineage (Costa Rica) for the southern hemisphere: accepting our sexuality.
* In Costa Rica and tropical countries can choose to make any of the 2. Just look at how it changes nature around and choose which resonates more.

Additional meditations are available in the download area for the blessing of uterus. You will receive the link to the page to sign up.

We are now more than 75,000 women Worldwide Womb Blessing family. All have responded to a deep desire to connect with each one to celebrate our feminine essence.

The awakening of authentic femininity that we carry within us, bring us a new energy, making more easy for us to deal with the busy schedule of our lives in a world that is becoming more agitated and stressful. This energy allows us to hear more to our body and our female nature and find the sweetness and beauty within us... The connection with the divine femininity that blessing offers makes us more open and secure ourselves, freer to express our personality. We are beloved, sensual, delicate and beautiful.

You have questions, write me to


Bendición del Útero : Costa Rica : Womb Blessing  

Miranda Gray en Costa Rica 2015
Taller Luna Roja (1 día):

Curso de Formación de Madres Luna(2 días):


Friday, August 22, 2014

$100 Exit Fine directed at Nicaraguan Workers - NOT "Perpetual Tourists"

By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

Some perpetual tourists in Costa Rica are verging on paranoia because they think they will be hit with a $100 fine if they are delayed in leaving the country to renew a visa.

The Nicaraguan domestic, construction and agricultural workers are the ones who should be paranoid. That's because the fine does not apply to tourists but only to those with expired residency and labor permits, according to the immigration agency.

The fine is one of those measures that has been on the books for four years and is just now coming into force.

The measure specifically targets the thousands of Nicaraguans who come to Costa Rica on 30-day visas seeking jobs and those who already are here on employment visas.

The Costa Rica government has been trying hard to learn the size of the Nicaraguan population here and get each the proper paperwork. Officials have established a series of amnesties. The period for the last residency amnesty ended July 31. About 10,000 persons in domestic employment, construction and agricultural work signed up.

The fine went into force Aug. 1, so Sept. 1 is the
first day the immigration officials will be collecting it at the border. In addition, those who have overstayed their permissions will have to remain outside the country for three times the period that they were here with expired paperwork, according to the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería.

Part of the confusion among perpetual tourists comes from statements over the years by officials. Some have said the fines would apply to everyone.

A spokesperson for the immigration agency said Monday that this is not the case and that tourists will not be affected.

Another pileup at the border is likely because those who overstayed have to pay their fine 48 hours earlier at Banco de Costa Rica.

Most of those affected do not know about the law although the newspapers in Managua have covered the situation in detail.

Perpetual tourists are those persons who live in Costa Rica, may even have jobs here and renew their tourism visa by leaving the country periodically. They usually are First World citizens who merit a 90-day visa.

The attitude of the current administration toward perpetual tourists has yet to be demonstrated.

SOURCE:  -  August 19, 2014


Thursday, August 21, 2014

DRUM CIRCLE in Parque Morazan - 2 hours of good vibration! el Círculo de Tambores en el Parque - Agosto•August 23, 2014

AGOSTO•AUGUST 23  -  12/mid-day-2pm

 el círculo de tambores en el Parque - buena vibración...... !!!
DRUM CIRCLE - 2 hours of good vibration!
San Jose, Costa Rica


Expo Casa y Decoración • Home Decor Expo - one of THE BEST places in Costa Rica to get Home Loans & LOTS more specials related to homes & home building in Costa Rica

BCR - Banco de Costa Rica
Expo Casa y Decoración • Home Decor Expo

It’s one of the big show’s #1 to get some of the best home loans at as it brings together everything from banks to provide financing, contractors, interior decorators, realtors, developments, building suppliers & more - & it’s FILLED with all sorts of

Agosto•August 20-24, 2014

Miercoles•Wednesday  •  Jueves•Thursday and Viernes•Friday - 1-10pm
Sabado•Saturday - 10am-10pm
Domingo•Sunday  -  10am-8pm

Miércoles•Wednesday: Entrada Gratuita•Free Entry
Jueves•Thursday and Viernes•Friday: 1,000 colones per persona
Sábado•Saturday and Domingo•Sunday: 2000 colones per persona
Adultos mayores•Seniors and niños menores de 12 años•children under 12 - GRATIS•FREE

2,000 colones por vehículo•vehicle, todo el día•all day.

Event Center Pedregal, San Antonio de Belen  •  •
4-107-8204  •  4-107-8202  •  4107-5716  •  4-107 5291  •  4-107-4520  •  4-107-8391



Little Theatre Group of Costa Rica performances at Feria International De Libro, San Jose, Costa Rica

August 2014 banner

August 2014

Dear Members and Friends,

Please make a note on your calendars of the upcoming LTG events this weekend 
Aug 23rd and 24th 2014  at Feria International De Libro, being held at Antigua Aduana, San Jose.


  Thr3e by Juan Carlos Rubio
Rachel, Angela, and Maggie have not seen each other in over 2 decades. Inseparable friends until then, the course of their lives took them to different places. But at this stage of the game they have a common anxiety, approaching their “special years” alone and unfulfilled ... During a long night they try to find a solution to the loneliness and latent frustration. They come up with an unlikely one, and all they need is a little help!....and someone to provide it! 
Written by well known spanish actor,director, and playwright Juan Carlos Rubio,
directed by LTG veteran Noel Montagano, and featuring four talented actors Antoinette Van Belle, Chusi Hildago Castillo, Silvia Baltodano, and Federico Echeverria, this play will make you chuckle but might also make you reconsider what is really the secret of happiness. 
Saturday Aug 23rd 11 am
    Admission free 
Saturday August 30th 12 noon
    Admission Free

“Luncheon with Mark Twain” 

A monologue presentation developed by, and performed by Steve Friedman

An adventurer and wily intellectual, Mark Twain, author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn had many different careers in his life and wrote about them in prose which captured the American vernacular and tickled its funny bone. His personal life was largely unsuccessful and unhappy and many of his business ventures were poorly chosen and bankrupted him.It was his charm and integrity that allowed him to pay back all his debts with the proceeds of his highly successful lecture tours.
Sunday Aug 24th 11:30am
Admission Free

Tea with Emily

A monologue presentation performed by Annette Hallett in which Emily entertains her guests with anecdotes and poems based on her life 
One of the most highly regarded American poetsEmily Dickinson, famous recluse, dressed in white and secretly produced an enormous canon of poetry, which she hid from her family. 
Her works were only fully discovered and published some years after her death Her personal life and its mysteries have sometimes overshadowed her achievements in poetry and her extraordinary innovations in poetic formSome consider that Walt Whitman is her only equal in legend, and in degree of influence

Sunday Aug 24th 11 am
Admission free