Saturday, November 15, 2014

HOLIDAY DINING in Costa Rica - RESTAURANT OWNERS - Where to List your HOLIDAY Celebration in Costa Rica (U.S. or Canadian Thanksgiving • Christmas • New Years)

I have lists I create each year for different holidays that I post on my blog which seems to have developed into one of the top English Information pages for the English-speaking • gringo community
(type in  -  appliances buy costa rica  -   or  -  massage therapist costa rica  -  and see what I mean.  
It gets OVER 28,000 Page Views a month!!

My 2013 Thanksgiving post
 generated over 700 Page Views JUST ON Thanksgiving DAY alone (over 2,300 in total) and that doesn't include the other info pages like Where to Find Turkey or the previous ones that were coming up higher on google searches! 
That's just people searching for THANKSGIVING and my page seems to be coming up towards the TOP page or two when you Google search - thanksgiving dinner costa rica.

In the past I've shared the full details with the public for free and though I've invited people to show their appreciation for the WEEKS of work that goes into creating THE MOST DETAILED list out there - by donating to this blog (since it's my ONLY form of income currently) - so far no one done that - so this year I'm going to do it a bit differently.

As of now I'm going to have 2 layers of the post - one will be the FREE PAGE that everyone can see that will ONLY have the business name and city (NO other details or contact information) and I'll let people spend their own time tracking down the information and directions+.  

That is FREE for you to list that information there.  

The other layer will be the detailed list that the public can make a donation to receive PLUS YOU make a donation (of ANY size [more details on that bellow) that will have all your details on it (all of the answers to the questions below).
(I'll show them an example of former restaurants that have had Thanksgiving that have since closed down as last year we had 7 BIG places for Thanksgiving close and MANY places were no longer doing Thanksgiving [better for you!!]!!!).

For you to list ALL your details, I'm asking restaurants for a DONATION - however much YOU think it's worth to you!!!  (paid to my Paypal account -
[you do not need a Paypal account to do that - only have a card that has a zip code attached to it and I can email you an invoice and you just pay it through your debit or credit card] - or if those don't work we can work something else out.  Depending on where you are located and the likelihood of me going there, I MAY be open to doing a trade for a Gift Certificate for the future if WE agree on it in writing/email).  

The order on who is listed first will go in order of the size of their biggest donation.

Trust me - NO ONE gives as MANY details as we do and this list is ranked at the top of google pages!!!
I'd love to add you so please email me DETAILS
I'm a details kinda gal - the more details, the happier I am! 
Email it in TEXT/WORD/EMAIL format. 
Do NOT send pdf's in place of text as I will NOT retype anyone's information. 
Do it in English since this IS an event for the American/English-speaking community
Send Pictures (in jpg or jpeg format) from previous Thanksgiving Celebrations
(pdf of a flier is ok where I can use it as a picture but NOT instead of text!!!)


What time does it Start?

What time is the LAST Seating/Serving??

Are you having separate seatings?

Or do you end "Till we run out of food"?

If you want more exposure, please list ALL the items you are including - ALL the different types of food, condiments, drinks, etc.  
If you're doing something a bit more unique - like cranberries and homemade, that might be to your advantage to say that!!  Are you making traditional stuffing?  If NOT and you're doing a special type of stuff - PLEASE say what it is as that could be the deciding factor for someone choosing you over the MANY others!!!  DETAILS please!!

Is it a BUFFET - meaning everyone gets just one plate and you dish up what they want?  
Is it a standard served plate - one helping of each thing you offer?  
Or is it an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet?  
Or . . . .???

(are kids and seniors at a cheaper price?  If so, what are the ages for them and what is their price?  Please indicate if the price includes the tax and/or tips?)

Does the price you give INCLUDE BOTH Taxes and charges (the 23%) or does it NO?
PLEASE be HONEST with the FULL price as 23% added to something that's 14,000-colones is a LOT higher price and trust me - people talk and spread unhappiness!!!

Is it "Reservations MANDATORY" - people MUST make reservations in advance?  If yes what is the deadline?  If so, How can they reserve - email or must they do it by phone or respond to your Facebook Event Invitation?
Is it Reservations Suggested (or Reservations Highly Suggested)?
Or "Reservations NOT Needed" (hence the end time - "Till we run out of food")
Is there an English-speaking person they can talk to since this site/holiday IS geared towards gringos!)

PLEASE be detailed here.  With directions I like to assume the people have no clue you are/where you are or your city.  Please include city and barrio/neighborhood along with what is before/after you, etc.  
Are there any buses that go near you (I like to encourage people to "Show their Love for Mother Earth")?  Where is parking?  How much is it?

Ideally give me an English-speaking contact persons' name, phone number (land and cell), email address, Facebook page, website and if you've created it - a Facebook Event Invitation address.

TRUST ME - PLENTY of people have NOT made their plans on where to celebrate U.S. Thanksgiving in Costa Rica (hey - they're Americans) and MANY places are already booked so it's not too late!!

SERIOUSLY consider making a 
Because it stays on the people's "EVENT" page AND it makes it easier for people to find you!!!!

As well as posting it here, I'll also be posting my link on at least 10 message boards•forums and a BUNCH of facebook pages, groups I belong to (heavy with newcomers and women's groups) and on my Facebook page which has over 1,500 people IN Costa Rica on it (so even if they don't go this year - they WILL know of you for the future!!!.
Even if you just have part of this information now, please send what you have as it's SOMETHING to get started with and help people know about you to start to make their plans!!!

I will also be doing this for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day (starting EARLY) so PLEASE add me to your people to contact when you have those details down.

Also, since holiday hours are VERY Limited, do you know yet what your hours will be and/or if you will be closed? I'd love it if you could let me know that now also as well as if you are planning on doing something special centered around that day:

Dec. 24  -  Christmas Eve  -
Dec. 25  -  Christmas Day  -
Dec. 31  -  New Years Eve  -
Jan. 1  -    New Years Day  -  

Any other NEWS•EVENTS•ACTIVITIES centered around the holidays?


Do you have OTHER things that support the HOLIDAYS?

Please send DETAILS and pictures on all those also!!!


Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions (English ONLY) -  8-378-6679 
and email me your answers to:


If you'd like to show your appreciation for us listing you, please consider making a
to keep this detailed blog going!

The easiest/best way is PayPal.

Go to the top LEFT corner of the blog for details.

ANY amount is appreciated since this is my ONLY source of "income" and FEW give back/donate!!!


PLEASE SHARE this site/form with EVERYONE you know doing a U.S. THANKSGIVING DINNER in Costa Rica and tell them that Vicki (aka the Sarong Goddess) shared this with them!

Here's to a VERY SUCCESSFUL Holiday and YEAR!!!

Vicki Skinner (aka the Sarong Goddess)



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