Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Thinking of driving (or is it just called "riding"?) a MOTORCYCLE in Costa Rica???
I SWEAR - at least MOST of the motorcyclists I've seen here seem to have a DEATH WISH!!  And MY observation (not official statistics) based on what I've seen on the streets is 98% of the accidents involve a motorcycle (and they're the first to bitch about the price of insurance going up when THEY DO [statistically] cause THE MOST ACCIDENTS in Costa Rica!!!!).

MANY (not all I'm sure though at times it sure feels like it) motorcyclists literally weave in and out of traffic - coming out of no where - with NO consideration of/for the cars/drivers!! 

So if you're driving in a car, you MUST be FULLY AWARE from ALL SIDES 24/7 when driving in Costa Rica!!

We're talking you could be in a Left Turning Lane and from up front it looks clear - you go to make YOUR LEGAL Left Turn and WHAM - some IDIOT Motorcyclist with a Death Wish sneaks up from your left - INTO YOUR lane and you go into him and guess who's at fault???   Chances are REALLY GOOD that it's YOU!!!!!!!!!!
So if you're thinking of moving to Costa Rica and have fantasies•grandeur of riding that motorcycle you've fantasized about - or that you own, PLEASE do so with the UTMOST of CAUTION AND protection!!!

And I BEG of you (and EVERYONE ELSE thinking of driving a motorcycle in Costa Rica - EVEN if you're experienced), if you haven't already done it, TAKE Motorcycle Driving LESSONS in the STATES and while you're at it, you might SERIOUSLY consider taking some sort of stunt riding lessons or something to teach you how to get in and out of the situations created from the MANY BAD drivers in
Costa Rica (and I'm NOT just talking Tico drivers! I SWEAR at times it feels like EVERY BAD and INCONSIDERATE driver from the U.S, etc has come down to Costa Rica to drive!!
While you're at it get EXCELLENT accident and health insurance.
Disability Insurance and LIFE Insurance (with no Suicide clause to keep your loved ones from getting $$ as I SWEAR the majority of motorcycle drives I'VE witnessed seem to have some sort of DEATH WISH!!!)
MEGA STURDY leathers (even if you live at the beach)
+++ anything else you can think of!!!

Costa Rica's only been a "Car Society" for about 25 or so years and they've not been taught to drive in any type of formal setting - just by ANOTHER possibly bad/inconsiderate driver.

(FYI - I LOVE driving, NEVER have even come close to having an accident and elsewhere I drive like Mario Andretti [with FULL confidence of MY skills] - but there's NO WAY IN HELL you'll catch me owning a car in Costa Rica!! Driving in Costa Rica to ME - is NOT a "Joy-Filled" thing to do!!).

IF I find any Motorcycle Driving Schools in Costa Rica I'll share them here!


  1. What do you drive, taxis or bicycles?

  2. JoDee - I'm mainly a Taxi kinda gal & sometimes buses. NO WAY IN HELL would I own a car let alone a bicycle in CR!!!!


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