With that said, I'm just sharin' info on people others have shared with me and/or I have been to. I am NOT RECOMMENDING ANYONE!!! What you do with this info is YOUR choice!!
(2-222-3152 / 8-376-3779 / 2-223-3030-emergency / ShahinRavery@yahoo.com - http://LivingLifeInCostaRica.blogspot.com/2010/08/chiropractor-shahin-ravery-costa-rica.html )
For MY (Vicki/the Sarong Goddess') body, a chiropractor that mainly just cracks me and I'm out in less than 20 or so (IN the office [not including waiting]) does NOT work!! My body needs careful handling!! MOST IMPORTANTLY (this being with a chiropractor or ANY doctor) - I want someone that takes TIME with me. First work on relaxing my tight muscles (that have formed to being in a sitting over the computer for 15-20 hours a day position) and do some physical therapy actions BEFORE jumping on me and crackin' my bones - hence potentially causing serious pain or worse - doing damage to me (which HAS happened). (I’ve been going to chiropractors on and off for over 25 years including some top notch ones in San Francisco and San Diego. My SF chiro used to make me get a massage or sit in a jacuzzi before he’d do me since I was so tight [I got them for free so it wasn’t that he was making more $ out of me. Ahhhh life working in advertising!!]).
I'd known of Dr. Ravery for many years from MANY friends/people I'd met that had been going to him, but my first experience with him wasn't till July of '07 when I dislocated my humerous and clavicle (from a fall where I landed on my elbow and dislocated it).
I need someone with machines/toys/equipment to help "warm me up" and what impressed me the most about Shahin Ravery was that he spent WELL over 2 hours with me utilizing physiotherapy / physical therapy methods and machines!!! As well as chiropractic moves, Dr. Ravery had/did everything from an:
Electrical Lower Back Traction Unit (I LOVE THIS MACHINE!!! It's SOOOOO freeing of my lower back that often feels all jumbled up!!!]
Muscle Stimulation
Ultra Sound
He also has all sorts of PhysioTherapy Toys, weights, balls+++
Chiropractic Moves
He is even skilled to work on children!
EVERY time I've seen Dr. Ravery, I have felt a noticable difference and he did a GREAT job on me and most of the people I've shared his information with!!
Of course it's up to ME to continue the treatments/therapy as it's been because of MY laziness/unconscousness, that's created the improperly formed muscles to do what they're doing over time and that CAN NOT change overnight (unless I set up some sort of contraption on my desk chair to sit me up properly!! Of course, have I practiced what I preach here - NOT!!]).
Dr. Shahin Ravery usually spends on average at LEAST 45 minutes with his patients (how many other chiropractors you've been to in Costa Rica spend that kind of time or have those types of tools? How many simply crack you and you're outta there [which I've heard often happens from MANY patients]. Hey - if that works for your body and you're making GOOD noticeable progress - FANTASTIC!!! If not, perhaps it's time to try another option!!!!).
(NOTE: Contrary to the b.s. some people may tell you (and ya get to look at where THEY'RE coming from/who they're friends with [there's LOTS of "Lack Mentality" here - especially by people in the same profession]) - he IS a member of/certified by the Colegio de Profesionales en Quiropractica de Costa Rica)
LANGUAGES: Dr. Ravery speaks VERY GOOD English (he lived in the U.S. for 21 years and got his degree in chiropractic there), Persian (his mother tongue) and Spanish VERY fluently
HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 11am-1pm, 3-7pm, Sat. 9-11am (by appointment)
INVESTMENT IN YOUR BODY/HEALING: First visit 18,000-c, thereafter 14,000.
LOCATION: SAN JOSE - Paseo Colon - NEW location - At the Toyota dealership that's on Paseo Colon - turn Left and go 50 meters North and then turn Right and go 25 meters East and it's on your Left. Look for the sign.
CONTACT INFO: 2-222-3152 / 8-376-3779 / 2-223-3030-emergency / http://QuiropracticoRavery.com / ShahinRavery@yahoo.com
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
(2-446-3457-Atenas / 2-231-6719-San Jose / http://AlesaQuiropractica.com / sellison33@msn.com / info@AlesaQuiropractica.com)
are U.S. trained (Alejandra Life University and Sashe - Logan College),
Palmer Method, NUCCA Method, Activator, Kineseology, Vibrocussor, Laser Therapy•Terapia, Limpieza Ionica, Masaje Terapeutico y de Relajacion. I have heard a few people give really positive feedback about them. LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR (as of Sept. '12 I understand
that Sashe is taking a few months off with their new baby)
HOURS: Mon., Wed. and Thurs.. 9am-noon/12 and 3-6:30pm. Wed. he's in Sabana. Sat. 9am-1pm
Atenas Centro - NEW LOCATION - San Jose - 50 meters East of ICE
(see also "Atenas")
(see also "Atenas")
Yolanda Camacho Kortman - Vida Quiropractica de Costa Rica
(2-443-3276 / vidakort@racsa.co.cr)
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR. She is well connected in the alternative community -
LOCATION: About a mile from the airport. 400 meters East of McDonalds Tropicana. LANGUAGE: Yolanda speaks perfect English and is married to a Gringo.
RATE: About $20/session.
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
(2-446-3457-Atenas / 2-231-6719-San Jose / http://AlesaQuiropractica.com / sellison33@msn.com / info@AlesaQuiropractica.com)
Both are U.S. trained (Alejandra Life University and Sashe - Logan College), Palmer Method. They have Physical Therapists in both offices.
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR (as of Sept. '12 I understand that Alejandra is taking time off with their new baby)
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR (as of Sept. '12 I understand that Alejandra is taking time off with their new baby)
HOURS: ATENAS - Tues. 9am-12/noon and 3-6pm. Thurs. 9am-12/noon and 2:30-6:30pm. Every other Saturday 9am-12/noon. SAN JOSE - Mon. 9am-1pm and 2:30-6:30pm. Wed. 9am-1pm and 2:30-6:30pm. Fri. 9am-2pm.
LOCATION: Atenas Centro - I have 2 addresses - on their brochure it says Diagonal to the Registro Civil but I also have - 50 metros norte de Importadora Monge (it could be the same thing).
(see also "San Jose")
(see also "San Jose")
Juan Carlos Pozo
(facebook.com/CQPozo • http://QuiropracticaPozo.blogspot.com • 2-552-8318 • 8-389-6611 • 2-592-5855 • QuiropracticaPozo@gmail.com)
From Peru
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CRHOURS: Mon-Tue: 8am-12/noon, 2-6pm. Wed: 8am-12/noon. Thu - Fri: 8am-12/noon, 2-6pm. Sat: 8am-12/noon
LOCATION: Cartago - Edificio el Oriente, Barrio Los Ángeles
From Peru
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CRHOURS: Mon-Tue: 8am-12/noon, 2-6pm. Wed: 8am-12/noon. Thu - Fri: 8am-12/noon, 2-6pm. Sat: 8am-12/noon
LOCATION: Cartago - Edificio el Oriente, Barrio Los Ángeles
Pura Salud Quiropractica
(2-553-0606 / 2-592-0606)
Ricky Brown
Quintopractica Mundial
(8-689-8960 • facebook.com/rickydale.brown • rickbrowndc@gmail.com)
Quintopractica Mundial
(8-689-8960 • facebook.com/rickydale.brown • rickbrowndc@gmail.com)
He practices chiropractic and naturopathic medicine (specializing in helping people with Migraines, Scoliosis, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Narcolepsy, and others) along with these major disciplines he is board certified in physical therapy and rehabilitation and nutritional internal medicine, herbalist, injectable nutrients and exercise. He is very compliant in co-working with other practitioners who are treating you.
TRAINING: Dr. Brown has received licenses to practice Chiropractic in the states of Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, and Ohio. He has been in continual private practice since 1981 and continuing education in the fields of Nutrition, Enzyme Therapy, Micro-Current Therapy, Myofacial Technique, Energy Therapy, Homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Neural Organization Technique, Laser Therapy, Colon Therapy, Iridology, Allergy Elimination, and Naturopathy.
TRAINING: Dr. Brown has received licenses to practice Chiropractic in the states of Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, and Ohio. He has been in continual private practice since 1981 and continuing education in the fields of Nutrition, Enzyme Therapy, Micro-Current Therapy, Myofacial Technique, Energy Therapy, Homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Neural Organization Technique, Laser Therapy, Colon Therapy, Iridology, Allergy Elimination, and Naturopathy.
LOCATIONS: San Jose and Cartago
Alex Santillan (2-249-4835 • 8-354-6053 • NaturoTerapiaSantillan@hotmail.com • http://facebook.com/NaturoTerapiaSantillan)
Alex is a Naturathic - Natural Therapy speaks GOOD English and does Chiropractic moves (he was VERY successful on my tough body!!), Electro Therapy and Homeopathy and Herbologist and also knows a LOT about herbs, diet, the body, etc. Tell him Vicki sent you. In case of emergency he can see you 24/7 (of course for a much higher fee depending on time, distance, etc.). But he's going back to the U.S. in January '13 for more training for about 6 months. He can make House Calls if you REALLY need it (inquire for prices)
RATE: 10,000 colones.
HOURS: Sat. 10am-7pm by appointment.
Dianne Rowley-Jennings - It's sad to report that Dianne made her transition this year. Blessings to her Spirit!!
Bart Fickes
RATE: 7,000
Eliecer Vasques
(Physical Therapist•Chiropractor)
LOCATION: On the main road from the Autopista to Grecia, turn at the Western Union (east), more-or-less across the street from the CAJA, 2 blocks, turn rightt 100 mts then you will see a sign on the wall at the end of the street. (Note: Watch for the one-ways)
Eliecer Vasques
(Physical Therapist•Chiropractor)
LOCATION: On the main road from the Autopista to Grecia, turn at the Western Union (east), more-or-less across the street from the CAJA, 2 blocks, turn rightt 100 mts then you will see a sign on the wall at the end of the street. (Note: Watch for the one-ways)
Let’s just leave it as he’s not one of the officially licensed ones.
Scott Englander
Scott Englander Quiropráctica
Scott Englander Quiropráctica
(2-263-0522 / 8-849-1429)
Dianne Rowley-Jennings - It's sad to report that Dianne made her transition a couple years ago. Blessings to her Spirit!!
Just outside Heredia
Dr. Karl Lind
He's from the US and is bilingual (his Spanish is very accented, but understandable)
LOCATION: 1km West of Hipermas en Heredia carretera principal hacia Alajuela.
Lind is the main force behind getting chiropractors and chiropractic care recognized by the Caja, something he's been fighting for about 10 years. He is working to make sure that unqualified chiropractors are not allowed to practice in CR (there have been regular cases of paralysis by unqualified people claiming to be chiropractors) while also gaining support for creating a Central American Chiropractic College here in CR so that there can be more qualified practitioners -
Lind is the main force behind getting chiropractors and chiropractic care recognized by the Caja, something he's been fighting for about 10 years. He is working to make sure that unqualified chiropractors are not allowed to practice in CR (there have been regular cases of paralysis by unqualified people claiming to be chiropractors) while also gaining support for creating a Central American Chiropractic College here in CR so that there can be more qualified practitioners -
Michael Norton Quiropráctica Chorotega
(2-666-7984 / 8-812-3154)
Mark Abbott
Quiropráctica Léon Americana
Quiropráctica Léon Americana
(2-236-3685 / 8-389-9557 / 2-297-3294)
LANGUAGE: English.
LOCATION: Moravia is next to Guadalupe), "de La Rueda (a tourist shop with 2 huge painted wooden toucans perched on the roof) 50M norte, mano izquierda"-LEFT.
LOCATION: Moravia is next to Guadalupe), "de La Rueda (a tourist shop with 2 huge painted wooden toucans perched on the roof) 50M norte, mano izquierda"-LEFT.
David Chien
(2-291-0850 / 2-231-1668)
David specializes in Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, traditional Chiropractic moves. He was educated in Taiwan. He only speaks Spanish and Manderin but his receptionist Ijon can help translate.
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8:30am-5pm.
COST: 16,000-c.
LOCATION: On Boulevard Rohrmoser, look for Fischel and go 2 blocks North (on the Right) and 25 mts East. and it is the 3rd house - a white 2-story house. (THANX Ivana and Robert)
Quiropractica Americana (2-220-3369)
Steve Harlow (2-661-4567) - LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR
SAN CARLOS•Cuidad Quesada
Dr. Craig Jacques
Azalea Quiropractica
LOCATION: Ciudad Quesada
Scott Trescott
Azalea Quiropractica
LOCATION: Ciudad Quesada
Scott Trescott
Dr. Robert Henderson - Pérez Zeledón • 2-770-4206.
cla eSpecializing in families and Athletes
Ron Hash
cla eSpecializing in families and Athletes
Ron Hash
(2-770-4206 / 2-770-4296)
Alex Santillan
(2-249-4835 / 2-271-5926)
Alex speaks GOOD English and does Chiropractic moves (he was VERY successful on my tough body!!), Electro Therapy and Homeopathy (only in his Ciudad Colon location) and also knows a LOT about herbs, diet, the body, etc. Tell him Vicki sent you. In case of emergency he can see you 24/7 (of course for a much higher fee depending on time, distance, etc.).
HOURS: Sat. 10am-7pm by appointment.
RATE: 8,000 colones.
Also in Cuidad Colon and comes to you.
Los Yoses
Daniel Frankson
He’s also a certified acupuncturist. English/Spanish.
LOCATION: near the Subaru Dealer.
Marishel Morales - Chiropractica Total
(2-253-8997 / 8-838-6424)
Edgar Montero
I hear he’s one of the big chiropractors - working with athletes, etc. hence too busy. I called him (on a Thurs.) telling him I had fallen and had dislocated my arm and the soonest they would see me was the following Tues. (all the other chiropractors I’ve ever seen will take anyone one in with an emergency - especially such a big one!).
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
Alejandra Rodriguez and Sashe Ellison
(2-446-3457-Atenas / 2-231-6719-San Jose / http://AlesaQuiropractica.com / sellison33@msn.com / info@AlesaQuiropractica.com)
Both are U.S. trained (Alejandra Life University and Sashe - Logan College), Palmer Method. They have Physical Therapists in both offices. LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR (as of Sept. '12 I understand that Alejandra is taking time off with their new baby)
HOURS: ATENAS - Tues. 9am-12/noon and 3-6pm. Thurs. 9am-12/noon and 2:30-6:30pm. Every other Saturday 9am-12/noon. SAN JOSE - Mon. 9am-1pm and 2:30-6:30pm. Wed. 9am-1pm and 2:30-6:30pm. Fri. 9am-2pm.
Atenas Centro - I have 2 addresses - on their brochure it says Diagonal
to the Registro Civil but I also have - 50 metros norte de Importadora
Monge (it could be the same thing).
(see also "San Jose")
Victor Gil Chang Medico Cirujano (see also "San Jose")
(2-221- 4321 / 2-256-5456)
LOCATION: De la Entrada Principal del Hospital Calderon Guardia 100 mts. Norte. 50 al Oeste. Calles 15 – 17, Avenida 11.
Ronnie Capri
(QuiropracticaCapri.com • 2-280-2827 • Alajuela - 2-440-1138 [not sure if these are still good - 2-225-3707 / 8-834-0271])
EDUCATION: University of Stony Brook (New York) • Palmer University (Iowa)
EDUCATION: University of Stony Brook (New York) • Palmer University (Iowa)
Jimmy Lee Quiropractica Americana Central (8-850-7805) - LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR
Jim McLellan - Sana Vida Quiropráctica
(2-282-3998 / 8-372-8044 / JimNickMc@yahoo.com • facebook.com/RecepcionSanaVidaQuiropractic)
Palmer method. U.S. trained. He incorporates Iridology into the exam (free) and has an Activator and can help with Cleanses and nutritional information.
RATE: 10,000 colones.
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7am-12:30pm.
Rio Oro - Charles Flynn
(2-203-2223 / univobad2007@yahoo.com)
RATE: 1st Visit - 12,000. Thereafter - 10,000
(2-282-3427 / 8-890-4153-cO / 8-866-7055-cM / Pizarro36@... )
They come to you. Marcella does Chiropractic work along with massage (Olman does massage) and she has REALLY STRONG hands (to the point the person that told me about her said she adjusted something in him that had been blocked for awhile). Theraputic, relaxing, Shiatsu (marcella), rolfing/deep tissue (marcella), lymphatic (olman), bioenergetic, Marcella was trained in Germany. English and Spanish. Olman is also a tour guide so he’s in and out a lot. Both speak good English and Spanish.
PRICE: Costa Ricans - $30/hour plus $7 gas. Foreigners - $50/hour plus $7 gas.
Donald Clum
LEGALLY LICENSED IN CR. His wife Dana works with him
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Please help keep this site (and ME) going by making a DONATION (top right corner of this blog)
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Hi Vicki,
ReplyDeleteGreat post! This list is of a huge benefit and will save me (and others) sooo much time. Health certainly is no. 1 for me and im sure most people will agree. I just read a great post from james at www.CostaRicaHQ.org about the importance of finding suitable heath care in Costa Rica, especially if you have little ones like he does.
Thanks again!
Hi Vicki! Thanks for the information. I am a chiropractor currently in the states and my family and I are planning on moving long term to Costa Rica in the next 24 months. You've helped me out more than you can imagine! I can now speak with other chiropractors and get more information, etc. on practicing in your beautiful country. I'm sure it will be even better raising my young family in CR than in Guatemala where I once lived. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteHello Vicki,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post, not only was it informative but hilarious too. I am a Canadian working mother with 5 year old twin boys and a husband who is a Chiropractor by profession. We are seeking a new adventure and I am hoping that he will be able to connect with Chiropractors in CR. He also is an Acupuncturist. I do the work of a school psychologist, testing children with special needs. I was wondering if there was anything out there for me? We were planning to visit next August 2010 to get a feel for CR.
Really appreciable blog. Your blog is very much impressive. I am surely following ur blog.
ReplyDeleteSo nice your posting.
ReplyDeleteEverything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.
Vicki! Thank you so much for your post. I was having tremendous neck and arm pain (haven't felt my fingers in months) and went first to Edgar Montero, who was ok and spent a while talking and listening, despite a not-so-personal clinical setting. Decent standard adjustment. But what I felt I needed was more therapeutic, including massage before and after cracking to get maximum benefit.
ReplyDeleteBased on your post, I called Rodrigo Porras, and that guy is a treasure! He was everything you said and more. In addition to extensive training and passion, he has an intuitive understanding of the body's limits and needs and used a wide range of techniques that greatly diminished the pain left me more flexible and energized. I can' thank you (and him!) enough.