DID YOU PARTICIPATE IN THIS? IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!!! How about creating YOUR OWN Earth HourS EVERY DAY or WEEK??? It was kinda nice - a quiet time to go within! I'm going to do this weekly!!
Have you received the email yet about EARTH HOUR?
Please turn off ALL electricity from 8-9pm wherever you are in the world TONIGHT!!! For more info and to show your participation EarthHour.com I signed up for it and am doing it! (note: It's a SLOW site - probably because SOOOO MANY people are logging onto it!).
PLEASE forward this info on to EVERYONE you know!!
Did you guys do this? I almost forgot but then remembered at the last minute! Hey, I'm seriously thinking about relocating to Costa Rica. I've been learning a lot of relocation strategies at www.CostaRicaHQ.org Can you recommend any other helpful sites like this? Thanks! Marcus