Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BioResonance • Bach Flowers in Costa Rica with Vicky Saenz


Vicky Saenz had been trying to connect with me for MONTHS to show me how her BIORESONANCE machine works but it just wasn't working out with our schedules (I don't think I was in such a rush myself because I had had BioResonance before a it did NOTHING for me).

Then one day we both FINALLY said "That's IT!! We're gonna do this!!!"

The next day my Mac died (Mac users will understand this - our Mac's are like our children - an extension of many of our bodies!) and I BEYOND PANICED (ok - more like practically flipped out and went comotose)!!!

Vicky just "happened" to call me around that time and I asked how FAST can she come over and she was here. She took Before and After shots (which I'm not publishing because I LITERALLY was pretty far gone)!!

Vicky came over and hooked me up to her computer and I don't know what she did but I SWEAR to you - from that point - to THIS DAY - over 4 months later and even though I'm going through a fair amount right now - 98% of the time when "stressers"/situations come up - I'm SOOOOO CALM (ok - as an Adrenaline Junkie - perhaps too calm for me since stress has been one of my biggest motivators in the past but I'm working on finding the balance here)!!!!!

Vicky Saenz is AWESOME as is her FABULOUS Bio-Resonance tool!!!

INVESTMENT IN YOUR SPIRIT/SOUL (Sanity!): 25,000-c/session for locals.

CONTACT: Vicky Saenz - Florales4u@gmail.com


PLEASE "SHARE" this with EVERYONE you know that could use this tool:

(NOTE: If you mention Vicki with the Living Life in Costa Rica blog Connected you, you'll also receive a complimentary•FREE customized Bach Flower remedy tincture!!)


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