Tuesday, May 15, 2012

VISA RUN - 1st Time I was Asked for Proof of Departing Costa Rica Ticket! Others refused re-entry!

VISA RUN - 1st Time I was Asked for Proof of Departing Costa Rica Ticket!

NOTE:  November 12, 2012  -  Since posting this in May, I have done 2 other Visa Runs and now they are asking EVERYONE for that proof and if you don't have it - chances are REALLY GOOD you ain't coming into Costa Rica!!!  Please do NOT take this lightly if you plan on entering Costa Rica.  These are documents you NEED to enter!!!!


"TOURIST VISA - Why some People are NOT Getting a 90 Day Tourist Visa Stamp in their Passport when Entering Costa Rica on their 90 Day Visa Runs"

FYI  -  I just returned last week from a quickie (yes - NOT 72 hours as many want to put out there/put fear into you about [72 hours is ONLY mentioned in the Aduana/CUSTOMS form according to an Immigration Cop friend of mine].  The previous NOR the current [yet to be officially approved] law does NOT state you must be out for ANY specific amount of time!!!) overnight Visa Run to Isla Ometepe and Rivas, Nicaragua and for the 1st time in nearly 7 years of doing this - they asked for Proof of my Departing CR in 90 Days Ticket!  Since hearing about this new (what - 2 years or so ago??) - to my knowledge - UN-"officially" announced - requirement - I've ALWAYS had it with me - I just had never been asked for it (though MOST people before/after me were).

This COULD have happened because the minister of immigrations was IN the office with cameras, etc. following at that time - or maybe they're just cracking down.

One of the gals I met on the bus (from Australia) was traveling from Mexico to Columbia and they DEMANDED to see her Columbia ticket even though she had all the proper stamps in her passport showing this direction.  Luckily I had my new laptop (thanx to one of my fans of my blog) and my Kolbi WiFi Datacard so we were able to get her online right there to check her email FROM the airlines so she could show it (otherwise, he was telling her to go outside the building somewhere where she could pay to get online and print the proof up).

ALSO - 2 people I've spoken with in the past week have shared their experience coming across the border - one at the NI border and the other in Sixiola where they each had "copies" of their "tickets" but were refused re-entry because immigration actually CALLED the bus company to VERIFY their tickets - only to find they had NO reservations - they were just doctored "tickets".  Each got over the next day after getting the proper tickets and those immigration officers not being there.  CLOSE CALL!!

FYI - An "Open-Ended Ticket" withOUT a date showing less than 90 days is NOT proof you're actually LEAVING in 90 days is it?????


PLEASE "Share" this with EVERYONE you know needing to Visa Runs and do NOT NOT NOT be STUPID and get someone to "stamp" your passport for you without you doing it!!!  People are getting BUSTED left and right for this and you do NOT want to be kicked out for 5 years do you????

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