Monday, June 25, 2012

U.S. Ambassador's to Costa Rica's Statement SUPPORT of LGBT Community

The U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica (an Obama/democrat appointee) -
for the FIRST TIME in history - offers a statement in
SUPPORT of the Costa Rican LGBT Community
in celebration of Pride Month!!!

WOW! El embajador de EE.UU. en Costa Rica -
por PRIMERA VEZ en CR's historia - ofrece una declaración en la
SUPPORT de la Caja Costarricense de la Comunidad LGBT
en la celebración del Mes del Orgullo!

(THANX for sharing this Lair!!)


PLEASE SHARE this link with EVERYONE you know that would APPRECIATE this post


(and if you have an issue with this post and are using the "bible" excuse - I ask you - 
How would JESUS act•think???
 If you say ANYTHING other than "Jesus LOVED and RESPECTED ALL" - 
QUIT saying you're a follower of Jesus. 
Say the TRUTH - you're a follower of the BIBLE or religion - which is in MANY instances SOOOO DIFFERENT than what Jesus stood for!!  Correct me if I am wrong?????
[I'm getting REALLY TIRED of people getting all high and mighty - saying they're ALL about Jesus/following Jesus - yet they're SOOOO FAR from ACTING•THINKING like Jesus!!  Instead they're CHOOSING to quote from other "selective" HATEFUL OUTDATED parts of this book!!!].
You're either a follower of Jesus or you're NOT!!!)(y si usted tiene un problema con este post y está utilizando la "biblia" excusa - le pregunto - 
¿Cómo actúan JESÚS parece??
Si usted dice otra cosa que "Jesús amaba y respetaba a todos" - 

Dejar de decir que eres un seguidor de Jesús. 
Di la verdad - usted es un seguidor de la Biblia o la religión - que es en muchos casos MUCHÍIIIIIIIIISIMO diferente a lo que Jesús significaba! Corríjanme si me equivoco??? 
[Estoy empezando a cansarme de las personas que reciben todos los altos y poderosos - diciendo que son Lo de Jesús / seguir a Jesús - sin embargo, están lejos de actuar MUCHÍIIIIIIIIISIMO • Pensar como Jesús! En su lugar, está eligiendo para citar otros "selectivo" Hateful partes obsoletas de este libro!]. 
O eres un seguidor de Jesús o no lo eres!)

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