Thursday, July 26, 2012

FILM FESTIVAL • Festival Internacional de Cine - Costa Rica - July 27-Aug. 5

(Fotografía: Pablo Cambronero)

DATES:  Friday - July 27 to Sunday - Aug. 5, 2012

WHERE:  In theaters across San Jose

PRICE:  General entrance is 1,500-colones

SCHEDULE•DETAILS:  •  2-223-0610 • 2-223-2127-xt103 • 122.

International Film Festival opens Friday
Posted: Friday, July 27, 2012 - By Hannah J. Ryan

Cinephiles, prepare for workshops, lectures and 80 films on the theme "Peace with Earth."

Step into the home of an Iranian family. Attend the performance of a gringo mariachi. Witness the birth of psychoanalysis with Freud. And by all means, do it from a theater seat in San José, as these diverse experiences are part of the 2012 International Film Festival in Costa Rica. Made up of workshops, lectures and 80 films under the theme “Peace with the Earth,” there’s entertainment for all interests.

“Films reflect the personality and identity of the countries they represent,” said Culture Minister Manuel Obregón. “This festival strives to renew human dignity and contribute to ... a collective critical spirit.”

Some of the films aim to bring understanding to different forms of violence, such as abuse of natural resources and disrespect of human life, he said. The films were selected by Nicole Guillemet, who was co-director of the Sundance Film Festival for 15 years.

The festival’s guest of honor is Mexico, a trendsetter in Latin American film for more than 100 years. Accordingly, a film series entitled “What was seen in Guadalajara” will be included. The films will be judged by a jury panel, and Costa Rica’s Jaguar Prize will go to the top picture.

The festival’s epicentre is La Antigua Aduana in San José’s Barrio California, where films, lectures and workshops will take place. Other locations include Magaly Theater, Plaza de Cultura, National Theater, the Children’s Museum and the Central Market, among others.

Films will be shown in their original language with Spanish subtitles. General entrance is ₡1,500. The festival will be held in theaters across San José, from July 27-Aug. 5. For schedules, tickets and more info, visit

Film festival stressing peace opens today in San José
By Kayla Pearson

The Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud and the Centro Costarricense de Produción Cinematográfica present 80 films from around the world during the 2012 international film festival beginning today.

The theme “Paz con la Tierra” invites participants to view audiovisual, cinematographic and video works with story lines that encourage respect for diversity and peaceful coexistence among human beings, plants and animals.

“This festival wishes to reaffirm the human dignity, promoting respect for life and contributing to the formation of a critical spirit that strengthens the collective consciousness. In that regard, the festival poses a challenge to those works of film and video that promote violence as mass entertainment in its various forms, including abuse of nature and the disrespect to all forms of life,” said organizers.

The film festival had been going on for 18 years.  It was usually held in November, but the ministry decided this year to change the date in the effort to bridge together the Costa Rican festival with other Latin American film festivals such as the International Film Festival in Guadalajara, México, the Icarus Film Festival in Central America, Guatemala, as well as the Festival International of the new Latin American cinema, Havana, Cuba, and the International Film Festival of Panamá.
Mexico will be honored during the festival for being the starting point of Latin American movies more than 100 years ago.

“Our guest of honor is Mexico, whose film has been starting point and reference for the creation and evolution of the Latin American and world cinema over more than one century. A sample of films in that country, proposed as a whole by the International Film Festival of Guadalajara, the Mexican Institute of cinematography will be scheduled as a tribute to this cinematographic heritage,” said the ministry.

Costa Rica has 22 different documentaries, video clips and short fiction firms.  The first will be the animation “Inalcanzable.”  The United States has eight different films that include Harry Belafonte's “Sing Your Song,” “Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey” and “Restrepo,” a story about men in Afghanistan.

This festival runs to Aug. 4 at the refurbished old customs house, the Antigua Aduana in east San José.  Other showings will be at the Magaly and Variedades movie theaters, teatros National and Melico Salazar, National Auditorium and the Mercado Central of San José.

There will also be performing arts and music workshops, visual arts exhibitions, talks, forums and conferences to promote active participation and artistic and intellectual exchange, organizers said.



El Teatro Nacional fue el anfitrión de la inauguración del festival y abrió con una interpretación al piano del ministro de Cultura, Manuel Obregón, acompañado de una videocreación del cineasta Hernán Jiménez.
Como la primera cinta internacional se presentó Chico y Rita. del prestigioso director español Fernando Trueba. “Estoy muy contento porque gracias a este festival pude venir a Costa Rica y me siento muy orgulloso de poder inaugurar este festival”, comentó el director.
Durante la ceremonia, se entregaron dos reconocimientos a figuras muy importantes en el cine costarricense.
Primero, se honró al fallecido miembro fundador del Centro de Cine, Víctor Vega. Su esposa e hijos recibieron el Jaguar, estatuilla del festival.
También la primera directora del Centro de Cine, Kitico Moreno, recibió el premio con una ovación por parte del público.
“Luego de 30 años, por fin le dan el lugar al Centro de Cine que merece y hoy brilla como una estrella en el cielo”, expresó Moreno.
Invitados La presidenta de la República, Laura Chinchilla, asistió a la inauguración en compañía de su esposo, José María Rico.
“Creo que el festival es una gran inspiración y traer directores de talla internacional, como es el director Trueba, es un gran incentivo para nuestros productores”, comentó Chinchilla.
Por su parte, el cineasta costarricense Óscar Castillo manifestó que otras artes ya contaban con festivales internacionales y el cine merecía el suyo. 

“Cada vez que algo crece es beneficio so para el país”, agregó.

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