Friday, October 5, 2012

OsaStock Concierto•Concert - GRATIS•FREE - Includes DJ Boy George+ - Octubre 20



que cambiará Osa

CUANDO • WHEN:  Saturday - Octubre 20-21  -  1pm-2am-ish

DONDE • WHERE:  Ciudad Cortés (Puntarenas - Osa) - Jardines del Palacio Municipal


Artist Info and Event Details
October 20th,2012 Proyecto Esferas, OSA, Costa Rica proudly presents OSASTOCK - A FREE event that will bring together in OSA, over 50 artists from all over the world for a full day of live music, dancing, art, food, and unique local culture. In addition to spreading the Word of the Playing for Change Foundation, the event is focused on local community unity and improvement through new efforts in environmental conservation, education, and social justice. Local residents will also have the opportunity to share their hospitality with visitors from around the world.   SEE YOU IN OSA !!

Artista Info y detalles del evento
20 de octubre 2012 Proyecto Esferas, OSA, Costa Rica se enorgullece en presentar OSASTOCK - Un evento gratuito que reunirá en la AOS, más de 50 artistas de todo el mundo para un día lleno de música en vivo, baile, arte local, la comida, y único cultura. Además de la difusión de la Palabra de la Fundación Playing for Change, el evento se centra en la unidad de la comunidad local y la mejora a través de nuevos esfuerzos en la conservación del medio ambiente, la educación y la justicia social. Los residentes locales también tendrán la oportunidad de compartir su hospitalidad con los visitantes de todo el mundo. NOS VEMOS EN LA OSA!


The outspoken
British singer "Boy George" OsaStock participate in the concert as a DJ, (NOT singing!!!!) which will take place on October 20 in the gardens behind the Municipal (this will an outside venue so be prepared with the potential for rain), Ciudad Cortés, Puntarenas.

OsaStock is the closing concert of the, to be held in the south of the country, from 15 to 20 October.

"This concert series will bring together many international and national artists. Boy George is the first surprises, because here the day of the event we will reveal some names of famous artists. A couple will come from Europe, two from the U.S. and others in Panama and Puerto Rico," said
project spokesman Alvaro Valverde Loaiza.


El extrovertido cantante británico Boy George participará en el concierto Osastock, que se realizará el próximo 20 de octubre en los Jardines del Palacio Municipal, en Ciudad Cortés, Puntarenas.

George, todo un icono de los años 80, es la primera de las sorpresas que se anunciarán en los próximo días para el concierto de cierre del Proyecto Esferas - , que se realizará en el sur del país, del 15 al 20 de octubre.

“l concierto 100% GRATUITO que cambiará Osa.

Con la conducción de Radio La Colifata y la participación de grandes grupos nacionales e internacionales:


BOY GEORGE!!!(NOT singing!!!)

Los Amigos Invisibles
Disco, el acid jazz y el funk
from Venezuela
Reggae Panameño
from Panamá
Los Garbanzos
from San José

República Fortuna
from San José

Ojo de Buey

Mike Aguilar and Palo Malo
Latin/Rock Fusion
from Cartago

Jorge Zumbado “Mechas”
from Heredia

Esteban Monge
from San Jose

Un Rojo Band
from San Jose

Amarillo Cian Y Magenta
Urbana Contemporánea Costarricense

Zancudo Neón
Funk, blues
from Coronado

La Caca de la Vaca
Roots, reggae
from Perez Zeledón

Luis Ángel Castro y Rabath
Caribean Expretion
from Limón

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   •   2-743-9293

Pronto muchas sorpresas más.

There will be other events during the week before - October 15-20:

Para el día martes 16 de octubre tendremos 3 expositores:
1 p.m. • Francisco Quesada, Tema de la Conferencia: Proyecto Orgánico Bioalternativo.
4 p.m. • Celedina Maroto, Tema de la Conferencia: Tradiciones y Costumbres de la Zona de Osa.
6 p.m. • Alberto Sibaja, Tema de la Conferencia: Presentación de su Segundo Libro.
Esperamos nos acompañen en el desarrollo de estos temas.
For the day Tuesday, October 16 will have 3 exhibitors: 1 p.m. • Francisco Quesada, theme of the Conference: draft organic Bioalternativo. 4 p.m. • Celedina Maroto, theme of the Conference: traditions and customs of the Osa area. 6 p.m. • Alberto Sibaja, theme of the Conference: presentation of his second book. We hope you will join us in the development of these issues.

CONTACT:  Para los periodistas favor comunicarse con nuestro encargado de prensa Alvaro Valverde al correo o al número
8-317-4300, para acreditarse para la inauguración de Proyecto Esferas.
For journalists please contact our press Manager Álvaro Valverde number 8-317-4300, or email to be credited for the opening of project areas.



Osa Amigos offers homestays in Palmar
Posted: Friday, September 21, 2012
By Lindsay Fendt

A sleepy transit town with an unlikely attraction accommodates tourists with home stays.
Palmar 1
Lindsay Fendt
With a new festival dedicated to Costa Rica’s mysterious spheres, Palmar Sur has been making arrangements for authentic tourism stays within family homes.
For the vast majority of Costa Rica’s two million annual visitors there is no reason to visit Palmar.
The sleepy Southern Zone transit town is not known for its hotels or restaurants, it does not have any museums, and the seemingly omnipresent tour companies that litter the rest of the country appear to have passed over the area entirely.
Even Lonely Planet’s Costa Rica guidebook says, “Quite simply it’s a hot, dusty and an altogether uneventful place.”
It was these facts, paired with the billboards urging me to continue on to the more popular tourist sites in the Osa Peninsula, that made me question Palmar as my final destination as a participant in the penSinsula’s new homestay program, Osa Amigos.
Palmar 2
Costa Rica’s mysterious spheres.  BY Lindsay Fendt
The brainchild of Puntarenas Municipality Vice Mayor Yanina Chaverri, Osa Amigos is a potential solution to the area’s hotel woes.  The program is necessary now more than ever because, despite its boring reputation, Palmar is home to one of Costa Rica’s greatest mysteries, the enigmatic esferas de piedra that may just put this small town on the map.

The esferas de piedra are perfectly round, stone spheres scattered throughout the northern part of the Osa Peninsula, the highest concentration falling in Palmar. To date, no one has been able to pinpoint their purpose. 
Until recently the spheres have only attracted interest from museums and archeologists, but in an effort to bring development and tourism to the peninsula a new project, Proyecto Esferas, will be hosting its first-ever festival in October with an expected draw of 3,000-5,000 people from around the world.
Imagine, 5,000 people in a town with one hotel listed on TripAdvisor.
Upon realizing their housing predicament, the municipal government decided putting tourists with families was a potential option.
So, when I stepped off the bus in Palmar, I tried to look past its unremarkable grayness and instead tried to see the mystery beneath.
The home where I was staying belonged to María Gómez and her husband, José Angeles. María is the teacher for one of the farm schools in Palmar Sur, and she and her husband live in the teacher’s residence for Finca 12.  
María and José rushed out of the house to greet me upon my arrival, and immediately began a tour of their simple farmhouse. The house was typical of the region. No unnecessary frills, but clean and welcoming.  
It may not have been much, but the welcome I received from María and José could not have been kinder. I arrived in the middle of breakfast and was immediately sat down with a plate of gallo pinto and some of the best juice I have ever had in my life. 
The couple then began excitedly questioning me about what I thought of Costa Rica in slow, patient Spanish, which María pointed out, “not everyone is understanding enough to do.”
Families who participate in the program get their homes painted by the municipality, but families like that of María and José are much more interested in the cultural exchange associated with hosting foreign guests.
“We just enjoy the opportunity to share our culture with people,” María said. “We like to hear what people have to say about our country.”
María and José spent the whole day showing me around the area, seeming to want nothing more than for me to walk away with a positive impression. Our first stop was Finca 6, a banana plantation and home of one of the area’s largest collection of spheres.   
The spheres themselves are not particularly impressive, in fact they just look like giant rocks, but collectively they exude a mystical air. The spheres are clustered in different areas throughout the farm, and something about their placement will make anyone with a shred of curiosity wonder about their purpose. Some spheres are half-buried, while others sit ceremoniously on top of man-made mounds. Still more are arranged in perfect triangles.
At one point, María reached down near the base of a sphere and pulled out shards of pottery. She handed them to me and said, “a pre-Colombian souvenir.”
I must have looked shocked, because she hastily began explaining that, even now, there is very little in place for preservation of the spheres. There is a long-standing tradition of people taking things from the area, a contributing factor as to why the spheres are just now beginning to get serious international attention.
Following the visit to the spheres, we took a bus into Sierpe, where we got coffee along the river. In typical small-town fashion, María and José waved to everyone and seemed to know every person we came across by name. We did not linger, instead headin
g to a gift shop with shelves full of more pre-Colombian artifacts.
“Those could have been pulled out of some of the spheres sites,” she said. “It’s really common to find things like this all over the area.”
After heading back to the house, José promised that he would be cooking a special dinner in honor of my visit. The meal was amazing: pork slow-cooked over an open flame, accompanied by the traditional Costa Rican rice-and-beans. It was a meal, José assured me, that he usually reserved for family.
I left early the next morning, with a feeling of contentment. It was not an overly luxurious visit, or even a particularly eventful one, but the kindness of my host family and the chance for a real taste of pura vida small-town living had me looking at Palmar with new eyes.
So as I watched out the bus window at María, waving as she receded with gray and dusty buildings of Palmar, I decided that at least one traveler has found a reason to come back.

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