Just when parents of public school children are struggling to make ends
meet for the start of classes February 6, 2013, the Imprenta Nacional has come to
the rescue.
The national printing operation is better known for the La Gaceta official newspaper and even the election ballots. But Tuesday the agency announced that it has placed all the required books for the coming school year online in digital format. The books can either be read online or downloaded. And the books are free.
Jorge Vargas, director of the Imprenta Nacional got the credit for putting the books online. And also included are some of the legal books, including the "Ley de Cobros Judicial," the new system for demanding payment, and even the country's constitution.
Of course, all the books are in Spanish, giving expats a chance to improve their language skills and cultural knowledge. There is a section on books by Costa Rica writers, including the famous "Los Cuentos de mi Tía Panchita" by Carmen Lyra, the pen name of María Isabel Carvajal Quesada.
The Imprenta, in an announcement, said that all the texts are available legally. They are either government works or long out of copyright. For example, Ms. Carvajal died in 1949, and her book was published in 1920.
Other selections include "City of God," the Fifth century book by St. Augustine of Hippo. It is called "La Ciudad de Dios" in Spanish. Victor Hugo's work, called "Los Miserables" in Spanish is there, too, as well as the picaresque adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes, a must for any student of Spanish literature and perhaps even more so because it was banned by the Inquisition.
Also available are a selection of children's books as well as "Sherlock Holmes" in Spanish. The menu is at
The national printing operation is better known for the La Gaceta official newspaper and even the election ballots. But Tuesday the agency announced that it has placed all the required books for the coming school year online in digital format. The books can either be read online or downloaded. And the books are free.
Jorge Vargas, director of the Imprenta Nacional got the credit for putting the books online. And also included are some of the legal books, including the "Ley de Cobros Judicial," the new system for demanding payment, and even the country's constitution.
Of course, all the books are in Spanish, giving expats a chance to improve their language skills and cultural knowledge. There is a section on books by Costa Rica writers, including the famous "Los Cuentos de mi Tía Panchita" by Carmen Lyra, the pen name of María Isabel Carvajal Quesada.
The Imprenta, in an announcement, said that all the texts are available legally. They are either government works or long out of copyright. For example, Ms. Carvajal died in 1949, and her book was published in 1920.
Other selections include "City of God," the Fifth century book by St. Augustine of Hippo. It is called "La Ciudad de Dios" in Spanish. Victor Hugo's work, called "Los Miserables" in Spanish is there, too, as well as the picaresque adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes, a must for any student of Spanish literature and perhaps even more so because it was banned by the Inquisition.
Also available are a selection of children's books as well as "Sherlock Holmes" in Spanish. The menu is at
(THANX for sharing this link I forgot Anonymous!!)
For any of you wondering, the website being talked about is: