Thursday, February 7, 2013

We can use YOUR HELP NOW!! Make a DONATION here PLEASE!!

Has my blog (now getting OVER 37,000 Page Views a month!) helped you in ANY way or someone you know?

Has it brought more ease into your life? Found something/someone FABULOUS/that's helped you (like a computer repair person?  That hard to find Bio-Identical doctor?  An English-speaking person?  Where to celebrate the Super Bowl or Christmas? . . . )

Has it brought your business some biz/connections? 

Has it brought your event some extra exposure and/or attendees?

Have I helped you in any way personally?  Has a message/quote I've shared here or in Facebook hit you at JUST the right moment?  Helped you look at something differently?  Heck - have I triggered something within that got you going deeper and unpeeling yet ANOTHER one of those darn layers that we've been calling us?? 

The blog is
currently my ONLY source of $$•income so I WELCOME you to consider giving back•showing YOUR appreciation by making a
"DONATION" - of ANY size!!

(it's my Visa Run time so it's ESPECIALLY welcome NOW
and I NEED to get out of Dodge NOW!!)

You can send your DONATION via:
• (attention - though the account name is under Doin It Right [you don't need to have a PayPal account - just a credit/debit card and I can send you an invoice - just give me the email you'd like to send it to
and the amount]) •  Bank of America 
•  Banco Nacional (only if you have an account there or walk it in)
OR if you have a MasterCard DEBIT card
and a U.S. or Canadian Zip Code (via a Cash Advance through my USAA). (contact me at 8-378-6679 or the gmail address above for those instructions)

I'm also now accepting "INFORMATION ADS" here on the blog and currently it's just by "DONATION" - Plus 10% of any business that comes in!  Inquire!

I REALLY APPRECIATE you're showing me you appreciate what I do/share
and am SOOOO GRATEFUL I have ya'll in MY life - sharin' a part of you!!!


Vicki Skinner

Perhaps you can "Share" this link with anyone you know that I've helped:


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