The last I heard, the NEW LAW about people that overstay their visa (even by 1 day) must pay $100 for each month they're over and if they can't afford to pay it, they MUST stay OUT of CR of 3 months for every month they're over - was to take effect
April 23, 2013
but I have not heard/seen ANYTHING about it and I've even asked some of the local journalists and posted on Migracion's Facebook page (as have others) but no one has responded.I want to help get the word out IF this latest April 23 is THIS COMING Tuesday and I KNOW there are MANY people that are WAY overdue and I want to share the info to help them get in integrity (I leave FAITHFULLY every 89 days or less [except 2 times when it was day 90!!]).
I know someone that was 2 years over that went to the Nicaragua border last week and they didn't blink an eye or say anything to her (she is a single mom that had a baby born here in that time and it wasn't possible for her to do that run till now).
We NEED FACTS NOW to HELP others NOW (I know - novel concept for some!!!)!!
PLEASE share my # if someone is LEGIT with CURRENT LEGIT info to HELP - 8-378-6679 - or email -
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