Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zapote Festival BullFighting in Costa Rica

HOW MANY PEOPLE DID THE CRUZ ROJA•RED CROSS TREAT THAT SUSTAINED INJURIES RELATED TO BULLS (either informal bull fighting - "toreros improvisados" or bull riders):  257 (between Christmas Day and Sunday, January 6, 2013).

Ring = Rondel

Be sober
Pay ____

The operators of the rondel at the Zapote fairground charges admission for spectators to watch the antics with the bulls. Some of the toreros improvidados dress in elaborate costumes. One Christmas day had on a Batman costume. Some wear capes as a way of distracting the bull.

The rondel also hosts traditional bull riding in which participants try to stay on the animal, which is trained to cast them off.

And at Zapote the same day the Fiestas de San José 2012-2013 will be in full swing. This is the big carnival with the unique version of Costa Rica bullfighting in the rondel there and on television nationally and internationally.

They have amusement park rides, typical food, bars, concerts•entertainment, fireworks and the bullfights.

It kicks off the annual fair season that includes Palmares in January and Puntarenas in February among others.

NOTE:  It seems like just about every year the organizers go through this threatening song and dance with the Ministerio de Salud (ahhhh - life in Costa Rica!!  It's things like this that get Costa Rica sinking going LOWER and LOWER in WORLD rankings of countries that are easy to do business in!!!)
Hundreds of Costa Ricans, male and female, crowd into the ring to challenge a fighting bull. Some make hasty airborne exits. Spectators pay to see their favorite participants trampled or worse.

The commission running the Zapote festival already has auctioned off 58 booths for food merchants, beer vendors operators of carnival rides and even providers of pay toilets. 

I will also be ILLEGAL to smoke there as of this year!!!


Fiestas Zapote es el sitio web donde se reúnen todos los fans de las Fiestas de Zapote. Actualizaciones de las Fiestas de Zapote, videos, fotos y mucho más.
Llevar la diversión de las Fiestas de Zapote a todo el mundo.

Habrá un total de 26 corridas de toros en Zapote que serán transmitidas por televisión gracias a Teletica y Repretel. Esos canales se alternarán las transmisiones. Repretel inaugurará la transmisión el 25 de diciembre a las 3:00 pm. no participa de la venta de entradas, pero se pueden comprar en taquilla o mediante reservación telefónica al teléfono 22262189.

En los esperamos con todas las novedades de las Fiestas de Zapote 2012-2013. Síganos en Facebook, Twitter y Pinterest y esté atento a todas las actualizaciones que les traerémos.

Los adjudicatorios del redondel de toros de Zapote dieron a conocer que las entradas para ver en vivo los toros en las Fiestas de Zapote 2012-2013 tienen un valor que va desde los 8000 a los 15 mil colones. Las entradas para palcos valen 25 000 colones en el turno de la tarde y 30 000 colones para la corrida de toros de la noche.

The adjudicatory the ring of bulls Zapote disclosed that tickets for live bulls in the Fiestas de Zapote 2012-2013 have a value ranging from 8,000 to 15,000 colones. Tickets for 25,000 colones worth boxes in the afternoon shift and 30,000 colones to the bullfight of the night.

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