Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WATER OUTAGES on the EAST Central Valley - SUNDAY August 10, 2013


Sala IV says power company picked wrong weekend for cutoffs
The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad and the Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados have called off work Sunday at the Río Macho hydro plant because the Sala IV constitutional court told them to do so.

The state power generator and the water company produced an extensive list of communities Wednesday where outages were planned for Sunday.

The Sala IV, however, said that thousands of persons would be in the Cartago area in the aftermath of the annual pilgrimage and for reasons of public health water should not be cut off.
The firm known as ICE and the water company known as AyA said that the work would be done Saturday, Aug. 10, and that water cutoffs would take place then.

The  Municipalidad de Cartago also was announcing cutoffs. That is the community where the Basilica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles is located.  Although Aug. 2, this Friday, is the feast day of the Virgin, many people come before and after to complete their pilgrimages.

The announcement suspending the work on the hydro plant did not mention the court ruling. The power company said that it would unblock a tunnel and make changes to pipes that feed some turbines while the water is shut off.

SOURCE:  -  August 1, 2013

SUNDAY AUGUST 10 MANY residents will face

on the East Side of San Jose, Costa Rica

Some residents of San José and those living in communities to the east will face a water cutoff Sunday

The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad and the Instituto Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados jointly announced that work at the Planta Hidroeléctrica Río Macho will cause rolling cutoffs.

The eastern barrios of San José will be without water from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday, the agencies said. So will much of Curridabat, and a portion of Montes de Oca.

Also from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. the following will be cut off in La Unión: Omega y Sofía, Montufar, Florencio del Castillo, Don Efraín, Villas de Ayarco, La Itaba, La Mariana, Paso Real, San Marino and La Araucaria.

Most of Desamparados will be cut off from noon until 5 p.m, as will Santiago del Monte, La Jeny and La Eulalia in La Unión, said the agencies.

These areas will be cut off from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., according to the announcement:

Curridabat: Granadilla Norte, Altamonte, Bosques de Altamonte, Montañas Rusas, Lomas de Granadilla, Granadilla Sur, Bosques de Catalán and Altos de Granadilla;

Montes de Oca: San Rafael, La Begonia, Salitrillos, La Europa, La Alameda, Alfred Nobel, Condominio Punta del Este, La Maravilla, La Españolita. San Rafael, La Begonia, Salitrillos, La Europa, La Alameda, Alfred Nobel, Condominio Punta del Este, La Maravilla and La Españolita;

Goicoechea: Urbinación Bruncas, Tepeyac, El Carmen, Las Hortensias, Yaranaba, Jardines de La Paz, Tejares, Calle La Cruz, Purral, Kurú, Las Heliconias, Los Castores, La Esmeralda, Mozotal, Ipís, Korobó, Río Alto, Las Violetas, La Facio, Zetillal and Nazareno;

Moravia: San Blas, Jardines, Los Girasoles, Calle Barro de Olla, Alta Moravia, Saint Clare, Llama del Bosque, La Isla Alta, Las Rosas and La Trinidad;

Vasquez de Coronado: Centro, San Antonio, Patalillo, Dulce Nombre, Los Angeles, Villa Margarita, Cataluña y La Fabiola, El Carmen, El Rodeo, La Y Griega, Villaflores, La Esmeralda, La Calabria and San Francisco;

La Unión: La Flor y Llanos de Concepción, Calle La Cabuya, Condominio Hacienda Imperial, La Floresta, Barlovento, Colinas de Montealegre, Monserrat VI Etapa, Monterán and Gregal.

The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad said workmen also would be making changes to the pipes that feed some turbines, The plant is undergoing a $122 million remodeling which is expected to be completed in 2015.

5 new generators are being installed.

The water company did not announce cutoff times for Cartago Centro and the canton of Paraíso., which are served by the municipal water system.

SOURCE:  July 31, 2013

INSPRIATIONAL MESSAGE - So you think YOUR life sucks - you have "challenges"?? When life takes your legs out from under you - go SURFING!

So you think YOUR life sucks - you have "challenges"?? When life gives you lemons - literally takes your legs out from under you - why not MAKE MARGARITAS and go SURFING!!

What would happen if you spent that energy to find the GIFT in it - find ANOTHER way to see it - to do things & MAKE THE MOST of your life - no matter how it seems to appear!!!

This gal and her pal sure have done this!!

This video is AWESOME & INSPIRATIONAL!!! Bookmark this for those days when you're feeling like being in a Pity Party!!


PLEASE "SHARE" - especially with friends/family feeling hopeless•helpless!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dr Doug Lehrer - FREE LECTURE - by this pioneer in Epigenetic medicine (mind-body-energy medicine) - Thursday, August 1 - 6pm - Escazu, Costa Rica

DR. DOUG MAY be coming back to Costa Rica around December 28-January 6, 2014 so check out this page for more info!!

Dr. Doug Lehrer, Pioneer in Epigenetic medicine (mind-body-energy medicine -, visits Costa Rica and will give a


Janine Fafard  -  Stressful to Soulful  •
Doc Harmony  -  Harmony's Ear Candles

Thursday  -  August 1, 2013  -  6-8pm

Escazu - Janine Fafard's Turya Yoga Studio
(call for reservation and directions)

“I help people notice and clear the blockages in their life that have kept them stuck in the past.  Once we clear the unconscious memory held in the brain and soul-spirit, the body can heal itself for the client's optimal well-being.  This healing transforms the body and emotions at the cellular DNA level.” Dr. Doug Lehrer

With Dr. Doug Lehrer's Epigenetic medicine techniques he can find the stress induced, memory retained, physical and emotional blockages that cause pain, inflammation and aging issues, and chronic health, weight and injury issues that opens the abundant flow to vital health, happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, inner peace, personal success, financial and even spiritual well-being.

Based on a simple strength and resistance test on arms and legs, Dr. Lehrer reads the brain and body for information about where the person is stuck in “Survival Mode”, which occurs when we afraid and stressed.  When we are trying to survive, our body creates pain and the physical and emotional symptoms of disease.  Dr. Lehrer gently applies light pressure on specific points on the head and back, which turns on the body's ability to heal itself and to balance the energy systems and emotions that are controlling the person.

This healing process updates, clears and resolves issues at the physical DNA-cellular and emotional-energetic levels.  It heals painful, chronic and difficult health conditions and emotional stress patterns.  As a result, the survival physiology - the reason people lack health, happiness and success - within the brain, body and soul, disappears.

Internationally known doctor and Bio Energetic Medicine healer, best selling author, speaker and host of his own radio show on CBS radio, Dr. Lehrer now lives in Los Angeles, California. He has treated thousands of clients, including many A list Entertainers and Film industry.  Dr. Doug Lehrer travels the world, training practitioners in mastering the epigenetic/energy medicine called, "Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique"™.

For the past 3 years, as Director of his non-profit foundation, "Richin-Health",  Dr. Lehrer has trained hundreds of practitioners in Israel and Palestine. He and his practitioners help children heal the physical and emotional wounds of war, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  Dr. Lehrer's Bio Energetic Medicine and Healing has been studied at major university medical schools and colleges. It is a proven and effective system for turning on the body's own ability to heal and improve physical and emotional functions.

 “I am in Costa Rica to check out locations for my health, youth and longevity retreats.  Since I have been here, I have been asked to speak, treat and work with those who would like to create healing and transformational miracles in their lives.  I am especially gratified by helping children to resolve stressful family situations.  Adults can expect quantum leaps in personal mastery and professional success. They can also expect to live in a healthier, younger and more vital body”, says Dr. Lehrer.

Many clients come to Dr. Lehrer for help with stubborn weight & belly fat, aging related complaints, addictions, eating disorders, chronic pain & inflammation, allergies, fatigue, sleep problems, digestive problems, depression, anxiety, low resistance to stress, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, relationship, success and failure issues, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, Lymes, ADD, ADHD, ASD, chronic& other serious health conditions.  People even come to see Dr. Lehrer when they don't know what's wrong with them. They discover many problems they have given up on soon heal, change and transform their life deeply.

Dr. Lehrer states, "The healing changes are potentially immediate and permanent. Chronic issues may take more visits to correct deeply engrained patterns that keep them stuck in survival (non-healing)mode. The more patterns you clear out from your subconscious brain, the more self-confidence and self-worth you have, the better and more loving your relationships become, and the better the overall quality of your life."

To contact Dr. Lehrer for appointment in the San Jose and Escazu area.  Dr. Lehrer is also giving some complimentary workshops.
8-972-3564 or email Dr. Lehrer at for time and location.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

GLASS BOTTLES•JARS - Where to find Glass Bottles & Jars in Costa Rica - Brown•Amber Medicinal Bottles, Mason Jars+

Finding glass BOTTLES and JARS in Costa Rica is NOT easy and is NOT cheap.  And FORGET finding Mason Jar LIDS!! 

So far the only place I've found that carries glass bottles and jars in quantity is:

Negocios Tropicales seems to be IT if you're seeking more quanitity at a better price!!  They say they're the only company in Costa Rica with the complete distribution of Glass products for Restaurants, Bars and Sodas+.  They have everything from jars for Preserves (Mason Jars - at least 3 different sizes), restaurant grade Stemware (hence sturdier), brown • amber Medicinal Bottles, LOTS of different shape bottles, Vases+++
NOTE:  I looked at their site on July 2013 and did not see Mason Jars so I'll check with them


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life
Please consider showing your appreciation by making a DONATION to keep this detailed blog going (top left corner)


Guadalupe - in Del Centro Comercial de Guadalupe, 75 mts Oeste/West of Edificio de Vidrio. 
OR . . 
From San Pedro Mall:  Continue following the Cirunvalacion going past Mall San Pedro on your left. Keep going staight until you hit a Rotunda that has TGIFriday's on the right (about 700-800 meters). At the Rotunda, follow the sign for Calle Blancos and stay in the left lane. That lane will turn into a turning lane at WalMart on the right. Go left onto Calle Blancos and continue down about 500-600 meters. Just after the intersection with Enersol Gas Station, you will see Negocios Tropicales on your right hand side.
PARKING:  They have an elevated parking lot (meaning you have to drive up a ramp to get to their office but you can park directly outside. You have to order with the agents in the office, pay your invoice, and then pick up your goodies...
THANX Jasona!!


though in the U.S. but it's BEYOND CHEAP compared to in Costa Rica!!

Do YOU know of any place to find Glass Bottles, Jars, Mason Jars?
Please email me DETAILS at


Saturday, July 27, 2013

MATT DAMON & Terrence Howard in Costa Rica

Matt Damon heading out of Costa Rica today after spending 12 days in the Santa Teresa/Malpais - Pacific/Guanacaste area with Terrence Howard (Terrance played Colonel “James Rhodes” in the movie “Iron Man”)

Friday, July 26, 2013

TASTINGS•Degustaciones - Vino, licor, queso y carne Degustaciones • Wine, Liquor, Cheese & Meat TASTINGS - Viernes-Sabado - Julio de 26-27 - M&N - San Jose, Costa Rica

Liquors•Spirits Verduleria Cheese Carniceria 
TASTINGLicores  •  Verduleria  •  Quesos  •  Carniceria 

Viernes-Sabado - Julio de 26-27  -  11am-6pm

M&N - San Jose, Costa Rica

MONSANTO in Costa Rica - Gains Made by Monsanto Could Soon Disappear

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 10:35 AM PDT
Source: Flickr Creative Commons

Monsanto, the global agro-industrial corporate giant that is used to having its way around farming operations around the world in the name of big profits, is experiencing one setback after another. The next disappointment for Monsanto in the near future could arrive in Costa Rica via the country’s Constitutional Chamber (informally known as Sala Cuarta).

A few weeks ago, Costa Rica’s highest court accepted a request for judicial review by several concerned parties over the gains Monsanto had made in the country with the approval of some of their transgenic corn seeds for cultivation. It all started in early July, when the acting Head of General Procurement of Costa Rica, Ana Lorena Brenes, issued a report that echoed the sentiments of citizens’ groups and organizations opposed to the spread of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our country.

Pulling a Fast One
The report by General Procurement Officer Brenes indicated the strong doubt cast by the decision of Costa Rica’s National Technical Committee on Bio-security (CTNBio in Spanish), which essentially approved a request by an agricultural company to plant several hectares with the GMOs MON-603, MON-88017 and MON-89034. It is important to note that the company in question, PL Semillas, is a subsidiary of Delta Pine Land, which itself is a shell company that acts a subsidiary of Monsanto. Using this corporate hodgepodge is part of Monsanto’s modus operandi since the company is not welcome in Costa Rica and therefore lacks an office here.

Although there is a strong possibility that Monsanto used corporate obfuscation and bastardy, as well as greasing of palms, to get the uncharacteristic CTNBio approval, the report by Brenes omitted such speculation and got straight to the heart of the matter: The people of Costa Rica were denied their fundamental right to access important administrative information about the nature of the request by PL Semillas. It is inconceivable that CTNBio would have so easily approved a request to plant MON-603, a transgenic corn strain that France has strongly opposed to due to concerns about what the crop does to the soil in the long run.

What Comes Next
Those who signed the appeal against Monsanto before Sala Cuarta, who include indigenous people of Costa Rica, environmental activists, farmers, and legislator Jose Maria Villalta from the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) political party -who is also a presidential candidate, are confident that their the court will rule in their favor. After all, they have legislation against transgenic crops on their side, as well as the fact that 59 out of 81 municipalities in Costa Rica have adopted ordinances to prevent cultivation of harmful GMOs on their jurisdictions.
Costa Rica is not the only nation that has proactively rejected Monsanto. In mid-July, the company confirmed that it will retreat its efforts of marketing new engineered seeds in Europe; this was confirmed by a press release from Greenpeace International. An investigative journalism report by Chris Parker in the Miami New Times, “How Monsanto is Terrifying the Farming World,” concludes that despite the company’s stronghold in the United States agricultural industry, things are turning around and opposition to transgenic crops is gaining momentum from Florida to California.


RENTAL LAWS in Costa Rica - Currently they overall benefit the TENANT!

Costa Rica Property Rental Laws 

Tenant laws in Costa Rica are pro-tenant in that even if a tenant refuses to pay rent they can continue to live in the property until the landlord exhausts all of his or her legal hurdles to evict them, a process than can take years in the worst case scenario.

But that may soon change with the passage in first debate of a reform to the Landlord-Tenant law that expedites the process of eviction, allowing the Landlord to bring a non-paying tenant to court in as little as two months.

In Costa Rica the Landlord-Tenant Law (Law 7527, called “Ley General de Arrendamientos Urbanos y Suburbanos”) regulates all aspects of the relationship between a property owner and their rental tenant.

The process of evicting a tenant for not paying his rent seems simple enough: the landlord files an action under the Summary Process provided for by the Code of Civil Procedure (Codigo Procesal Civil), the tenant is served and has five days to respond. After the evidential period, the court will issue a final judgement and writ of possession and the police is called in to evict the tenant.

As with all litigation processes in Costa Rica the time frame can vary significantly depending on the court and the location, a process than can take as little as several months to a year or more, depending on the circumstances.

Let’s say that the minimum term of a rental agreement in Costa Rica is three years (this applies to both oral and written agreements). If the tenant wants to terminate the lease before this time expires, he/she must send the landlord a three month prior notice, unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties may agree on a penalty for early termination by the tenant.

If the term of the agreement expires, it is automatically renewed for three years more, unless the landlord gives the tenant a three month period prior notice, stating he/she will not renew the agreement. The landlord may give notice if the landlord or their family need the premises for themselves or intends to undertake major construction work.

For housing, if the rental is in colones (Costa Rica’s currency), there is an automatic yearly increase but cannot be higher than 15% of the fixed rent. In most cases the landlord will increase the rent by 15% without providing an explanation. For the increase to be more than 15%, the country’s inflation must be higher than 15%, and the rent increase must be based on a certification of the inflation issued by the State.

If the rent for housing is agreed in US dollars or other foreign currency, no yearly increase is allowed unless it is called for in the rental agreement and it will not exceed the agreed to amount.

Law 7527 has been effective and enforceable since August 17, 1995. Before then, there was another law that did not fully cover many of the issues that arise in a tenant-landlord relationship. Case law helped to regulate many of the aspects and issues not covered by such legislation. No change is expected in the near future.

Law 7527 does not cover or regulate hotel rooms or bungalows, car parking, or company housing for employees. The Civil Code regulates farms and tourism leases.

Security deposits to cover pending rent payments or any other obligations of the tenant can be freely agreed between the parties with no legal maximum, but in practice, landlords request one month as security deposit. Advance payments of rentals are in contrast limited to just one month’s rent (an exception applies to social housing).

In Costa Rica, the security deposit, typically the amount of the last month’s rent, is not the last month’s rent. The landlord can and will insist on payment for the last month and then uses the security deposit to make repairs to the property after the tenant leaves. In a perfect world, the landlord will refund the deposit after inspecting the property, in full if there are no damages or in part, deducting expenses for the repairs. In the real word, however, the tenant can kiss the security deposit goodbye.

In conclusion, Costa Rica’s tenant law was designed to protect the tenant, which makes it almost impossible for a landlord to evict even the worst tenant. Many lawyers in Costa Rica have made a fortune in tenant evictions or “desalojo” in Spanish.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Festival de la Tortilla - Nicoya, Costa Rica - July 23, 2013

tortilla lady
Servicios Periodisticos photo  
Magdalena Gómez Obando of Corralillo, 69,
shows how to handle a tortilla.
Airborne tortillas featured
at festival starting today - July 23, 2013

Making a corn tortilla in the air is not as easy as throwing a pizza. There is a certain technique for what Costa Ricans call  palmeadas al aire.

So at the Festival de la Tortilla today at the  Colegio Técnico Profesional in Corralillo de Nicoya 12 local women will complete to see who does it best.

The event begins at 2 p.m. A second day of the festival is Wednesday.

Organizers said that the tortilla has an important role in the basic diet of people in Nicoya.  Marco Jiménez, mayor of the Municipalidad de Nicoya, agrees and notes that this festival is in its seventh year. He credited the long lives of some residents to the tortilla.

The festival will begin with a street parade involving traditional street bands and masks. Ox carts and drivers also are expected to attend, said organizers.

SOURCE:  -  July 23, 2013

WARNING on the PACIFIC OCEAN - Nuclear contaminated Pacific Ocean may become a global threat

Alarming rate of Thyroid cancer in Fukushima while tourism continues

Nuclear contaminated Pacific Ocean may become a global threat

It has been officially confirmed. The crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan is leaking highly contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. This is continuing by the minute causing great concern not only for Japan, but for all nations bordering on the Pacific Ocean, including the United States, Canada, Russia and most Pacific Island nations. Officials finally admitted this alarming news for the first time.

Earlier this month the tourism industry in this Japanese regions seemed to be doing fine.A new scheduled Asiana Airlines Charter Flight arrived with Korean tourists at Fukushima Airport on July 13.

Tourists are supposed to enjoy playing golf and participants in the Oze trekking tour.
In the meantime there are more serious worries reported for this region and beyond.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, admitted the leakage to the ocean for the first time since a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami damaged the plant’s reactors in 2011.

The operator made the acknowledgement after steam was seen at one of the plant's reactors on Tuesday.

TEPCO has come under criticism for its delay in the announcement, since experts had harbored strong suspicions about a possible leak for a long time.

Previously, the company had denied reports suggesting that contaminated water was leaking into the ocean.

TEPCO spokesman Masayuki Ono said that radioactive water leaking from the wrecked reactors is likely to have run into the underground water system, before joining the ocean, and might therefore be the result of initial leaks to the underground system spotted in 2011.
Ono added that officials believe a leak is possible as underground water levels fluctuate in accordance with tide movements and rainfall.

Meanwhile, the operator said the number of plant workers with thyroid radiation exposures exceeding threshold levels for increased cancer risks was noticeably higher than earlier reports.


Monday, July 22, 2013

JAZZ FESTIVAL - Costa Rica International Jazz Festival 2013 - July 23-August 3

The Costa Rica International Jazz Festival begins Tuesday July 23, 2013 with the Joel LaRue Smith Jazz Trio performing at 7 pm in the Center Jose Figueres Ferrer, San Ramon. This is the first performance by the invited group of musicians from the United States, Guatemala, Switzerland and Costa Rica.

The event is an annual one sponsored twice a year by the Costa Rican-North American Cultural Center. Performances are planned in San Jose, Santa Ana, Manuel Antonio, Jaco and Guápiles as well as the metro area.

Smith and his fellow musicians are coming here as the U.S. State Department's Cultural Ambassador Program. He is, Among other positions, the director of the jazz orchestra and jazz studies at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

Smith is a pianist, arranger and composer. The U.S. Embassy said That his music builds on diverse influences, treats including Afro-Cuban rhythms, classical music and jazz, creating a mosaic of musical themes in his compositions and interpretations. His music is full of rich sounds and unpredictable delights, imagination, rich textures and passion, all the while looking for ways to redefine the musical experience, it added.

The Trio has been all over the world, and Smith has played at Carnegie Hall in New York, Lincoln Center and the Whitney Museum, also in New York, The White House. Symphony Hall in San Francisco and The Royal Albert Hall in London.

The only appearance in the San Jose area will be Wednesday at the Nursing Home Carlos Maria Ulloa, que is in Guadalupe, Goicoechea. That will be at 10 am

Thursday the Trio plays at 5 pm in Parque Vargas in Limón Centro and then Friday at 11:00 a.m. in the American Corner, in the public library in Limon at 11:00 a.m.

Also is the final concert Friday at the Black Star Line in Limon at 7 pm

But there is much more. The Cutural Center gave this outline:

Wednesday: The Kansas State University Jazz Sextet will play at 11:00 a.m. in front of the National Post Office in San Jose, at 4 pm at the Automercado in Guachipelín, Escazú, and at 7 pm in the Studio Hotel, Santa Ana
Thursday: The Centre is holding a conference at its Los Yoses location to discuss studying music in the United States at 2 pm At 5 pm the Kansas State University Jazz Sextet performs at the Automercado in Plaza del Sol, Curridabat.

Friday: The Kansas State University Jazz Sextet will give a master class at 3 pm in the Center's Eugene O'Neill Theatre. Then at 8 pm, the sextet will give a concert at the same place.

Saturday: The Kansas State Sextet has two concerts, one at 11:00 a.m. in Morazan Park in San Jose and at 7:30 pm in the Hotel Club del Mar Jaco. The Frank Salis Jazz Trio from Switzerland will be performing at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre at 8 pm, and the Juilliard School's New York Jazz Quartet will perform at the Gaia Hotel in Manuel Antonio at 7:30 pm

Monday, July 29: The New York University Jazz Quintet will play at 11:00 a.m. on the steps of the Central Bank Museums at Culture Plaza downtown. The Juilliard School Jazz Quartet will give a master class at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre from 2 to 5, and then it will perform at 6 pm at the Center.

Tuesday, July 30: The Frank Salis Jazz Trio performs at Costa Rica Costa Rica Country Club, Escazú, at noon. The New York University Jazz Quintet Also performs at noon at the National Theatre. Later the group has a concert at 7 pm at the Studio Hotel, Santa Ana At the Eugene O'Neill Theatre the Guatemalan group, the Imox Jazz Trio, performs at 8 pm

Wednesday, July 31: The New York University Jazz Quintet will play at 10:30 am in front of the downtown post office in Costa Rica. At 11:30 a.m. will Imox Jazz Trio performs in the lobby of the Center in Los Yoses. At 7 pm The Frank Salis Jazz Trio performs at the Museo Juan Santamaria in Alajuela. Also at 7 pm, the Costa Rican group, The New Jazz Project, will be part of the entertainment for pilgrims at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels in Cartago.

Thursday, Aug. 1: The Imox Jazz Trio plays at 6 pm in the lobby of the Center's facilities in Heredia. The New York University Jazz Quintet will play at the Center's facilities in Guápiles at 7 pm The Juilliard School Jazz Quartet Gives an 8 pm concert at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre.

Saturday, Aug. 3: On this, the last day of the jazz festival, the New York University Jazz Quintet plays at 1:30 pm at the Center facilities in La Sabana and end Gives a concert at 8 pm in the Theatre Eugene O ' Neill

SOURCE: - July 22, 2013


Viene el Costa Rica International Jazz Festival 2013, y este año no hay escusa, hay conciertos gratuitos en San José, Limón, Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, San Ramón, Escazú y San Pedro.

También estaremos haciendo una RIFA DE ENTRADAS para el concierto estrella, de la famosa Escuela Juilliard de Nueva York, el 1 de agosto en San José. ¡Permanezcan atentos para detalles!

23 JULIO 7PM Trío de Jazz de Joel LaRue Smith en el Centro Cultural Figueres Ferrer. SAN RAMON.

24 JULIO 11AM Kansas State University en Edificios Correos. SAN JOSE.

24 JULIO 4PM Kansas State University en el Automercado de Guachipelín de Escazú. ESCAZU.

25 JULIO 5PM Kansas State University  en el Automercado Plazo del Sol. CURRIDABAT.

25 JULIO 5PM Joel LaRue en el Parque Vargas. LIMON.

26 DE JULIO 7PM Joel LaRue en el Liberty Hall “the Black Star Line”. LIMON.

27 JULIO 11AM Kansas State University  en el Parque Morazán. SAN JOSE.

29 JULIO 11AM New York Uni. en las gradas del Museo del Oro Banco Central, Plaza de la Cultura. SAN JOSE.

31 JULIO 10:30AM New York University  en el Edificio Correos de San José. SAN JOSE.

31 JULIO 11:30AM IMOX trío de Jazz, Guatemala, Lobby del CCCN San Pedro. SAN PEDRO.

31 JULIO 7PM Frank Salis Jazz Trío, Suiza en el Museo Juan Santamaría. ALAJUELA.


31 JULIO 7PM New Jazz Project en el temple de la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles. CARTAGO.

1 AGOSTO 6PM IMOX Trío de Jazz en el Lobby del CCCN de Heredia. HEREDIA.

1 AGOSTO 7PM New York University, en la sede del CCCN Guápiles. GUAPILES.

3 AGOSTO 1:30PM The Backyard, New York University en la sede del CCCN Sabana. SAN JOSE.

También hay una clase maestra gratuita:

23 de julio, 3pm. Clase maestra, Trío de Jazz de Joel LaRue Smith. Centro Cultural Figueres Ferrer. SAN RAMON.

Ésta es una oportunidad excelente de disfrutar de música de clase mundial, ¡no la dejen pasar!



Sunday, July 21, 2013

FOOD DEHYDRATORS - Where to find Food Dehydrators in Costa Rica

Over the years I've had MANY people inquire to me on where to find a

in Costa Rica

I just found this
Aroma Food Dehydrator

for $83!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

CENTRAL VALLEY - What are the parameters that make up the Central Valley in Costa Rica?

Does anyone know OFFICIALLY what are the parameters that make up the CENTRAL VALLEY in Costa Rica?

North/West to:
South/West to:
North/East to:
South/East to:
North to:
South to:

Are Grecia, Atenas and San Ramon considered part of the Central Valley? 

If not - what would that clump be called?

Please "Comment" below!


FREE TrackIt GPS App in Costa Rica!

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Waze App and Internet connection is require for this app to work.

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iPhone is currently pending to publish (should be live in August 2013)

Pura vida!

Wirlan Delgado
TrackIt GPS Costa Rica

Ph: 4052-2000

Friday, July 19, 2013

Medicines from the Edge: a Tropical Herbal Convergence - March 28-31, 2014

An herbal gathering to celebrate the diverse abundance of medicines from the tropics. Termales del Bosque Hot Spring Resort, Aguas Zarcas
To celebrate and educate herbalists and plant enthusiasts about the diverse and abundant medicinal plants found in Costa Rica.

March 28-31, 2014

Termales del Bosque, Hot Spring Resort
Aguas Zarcas, San Carlos, Costa Rica

David Winston, Rosemary Gladstar, Rosita Arvigo

In permaculture, the Edge is the most diverse and abundant place. It is where the species from two differnt zones meet and where life develops. Whether it is along a water front, where the meadow meets the forest or where the continents meet, here is where we find the most life! Costa Rica is located in between North and South America and in between two oceans. With many microclimates Costa Rica is home to hundreds of tropical and temperate medicinal plants, trees, fruits and fungi! Abundant wildlife, inspiring landscape, diverse population all helped develop the country's most beloved phrase... Pura Vida... Pure LIFE!

Join us for a gathering of herbalists from the Americas to celebrate our diversity and learn about the abundant medicines from the Neo-Tropics. Costa Rica, a bridge between North and South America has diverse micro-climates where we can find temperate familiars and exotic rainforest healers. Explore the range of ethnobotanically significant plants from indigenous and Afro-Caribbean, Costa Rica as well as other plants from the Americas.

The conference will cover a broad range of practical topics as well as focusing on tropical plant identification, medicine making, permaculture and functional tropical foods Enjoy horseback riding, zip-lining through the canopy, excursions to gorgeous waterfalls and Finca Luna Nueva, a biodynamic medicinal plant collection.

The workshops will be bi-lingual, Spanish and English, with a profound focus on the unique micro-climates and various eco-systems of Costa Rica, a bridge between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres!


Termales del Bosque, Aguas Zarcas, San Carlos, Costa Rica
Hot springs and geothermal rivers, Termales del Bosque has accomodations for up to 125 people as well as on site camping (must provide your own tent and bedding). Activities include horseback riding, bird watching and excursions to the Arenal Volcano. Hotsprings are included in the Convergence.

Termales del Bosque is about 2 hours outside of San Jose, Costa Rica (airport code SJO). Transportation is not included, though there will be available shuttles, public buses, taxi's and private drivers available.

Off site accommodations available at El Tucano, 5 minutes away via car, shuttles provided

Includes all workshops, activities and 8 organic, jungle gourmet organic meals and unlimited hot spring access.  Intensives are not included

$300: Adult (16+)
$225: Senior Citizen (over 65)
$225: Student (with ID)
$150: Kids (under 16)
$150: Costa RIcans & Central Americans

Single or Double Cabin $85/ night
Triple $110/ night
Quadruple $135/ night
Camping $15/ night (Tent not included)

FENG SHUI Clases con Iside Sarmiento in Costa Rica

Si usted nació en 1974 y es mujer, su éxito y riqueza le llegan desde el noroeste

Siéntense viendo hacia esa dirección cardinal cuando trabaja o hace una llamada importante.  
El "Sheng Chi" es distinto para todos dependiendo del año de nacimiento. Recuerde que hay fuerzas tangibles, como los muebles, e intangibles, como la señal inalámbrica. Que no las veamos no significa que no están. Las aves por ejemplo ven el ultravioleta y los mosquitos el infrarojo. 
Existen y aunque no las veamos, las sentimos y nos influyen.

Aproveche sus mejores direcciones para su bienestar general!
Próximas clases y charlas gratuitas 
Impartidas Iside Sarmiento

Este Domingo 21 de Julio!
Charla Gratuita: "Feng Shui para la prosperidad".  
En la I Feria Holística Sánate a ti mismo. De 2 a 3pm en la Galería 1887 del Cenac, Ministerio de Cultura. Entrada gratuita a todas las actividades de la Feria.

Sábado 27 de Julio. 
Clase: "Feng Shui y la limpieza de espacios con aceites esenciales". De 2 a 6 pm en Casa Lamat. Col. 18.000. Incluye materiales y refrigerio. Inscripciones e info al 22813646 o a

Lunes 29 de Julio. 
El Colegio de Arquitectos de Costa Rica presenta el taller: "Xuan Kong: el Feng Shui clásico a través de la Escuela de la Estrella Voladora"
De 6:30 a 9:30pm.  Taller práctico de 12 horas  en 4 días. Lunes 29 y miércoles 31 de Julio y Lunes 5 y miércoles 7 de agosto 2013. Inversión: Col. 60.000 Agremiados / Col. 65.000 Público en General. Incluye cena, material didáctico y Certificado de Participación del Colegio de Arquitectos. 
Inscripciones directamente con Katia Leiva del Colegio de Arquitectos
  al 2202-3900 ext 4039 ó 

Martes 6 de agosto. 
Charla Gratuita: "Feng Shui para espacios Prósperos y Saludables" en Expo Oficina. De 2 a 3:45pm. Hotel Real Intercontinental, Salón Roble.
 Info al 70143610. 

Miércoles 11 de setiembre. 
Inicia cuatrimestre en la UACA. "Feng Shui para el diseño de espacios saludables y construcción". Todos los miércoles de 6 a 8:30 pm. Taller 8 de la Carrera de Arquitectura. Abierto a público en general. Col. 26.000. Inscripciones e información de esta clase directamente el la UACA y al teléfono 22729100 ext 1500 y 1507.

Jueves 19 de setiembre.
 Clase "Feng Shui Express". La primera clase de 3 horas para saber lo básico de este arte-ciencia y ponerlo en práctica en un dos por tres! 
De 6 a 9pm en Krama Yoga, Escazú. Col. 11.000. 
Inscripciones e info en Krama al 22153535 o a

Con cariño, Iside
Info complementaria, videos y mucho más en 


Música orquestal tendrá su primer festival en Costa Rica

Música orquestal tendrá su primer festival en Costa Rica

I Festival de Orquestas Unidas
  • Conciertos se realizarán del 16 al 23 de julio, con 12 presentaciones en Teatro Nacional, Teatro Melico Salazar y Liberia 
  • Participan ocho orquestas sinfónicas del país con integrantes de todas las edades; además la Orquesta de las Américas (YOA) como invitada especial 
San José, 4 de julio de 2013. Ocho orquestas sinfónicas costarricenses, más la Orquesta de la Américas, conocida como YOA, por sus siglas en inglés (Youth Orchestra of Americas), ofrecerán doce conciertos en el país, en el marco del I Festival de Orquestas Unidas que organiza el Centro Nacional de la Música (CNM) del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud (MCJ), del 16 al 23 de julio.

Los conciertos sinfónicos tendrán como escenarios el Teatro Nacional y el Teatro Popular Melico Salazar, en la capital; así como la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción, en Liberia.

Así lo comunicó Guillermo Madriz, el director del Centro Nacional de la Música (CNM), quien junto a representantes de las orquestas sinfónicas participantes brindaron detalles del repertorio de los conciertos y de la actividad, este 4 de julio, en el Teatro de la Danza.

“Más de 800 músicos de toda América Latina estarán participando de los conciertos junto a sus respectivos ensambles, los cuales brindarán al público costarricense lo mejor del repertorio nacional, latinoamericano y universal. La idea del CNM fue continuar con la promoción de nuestra música, no solo con los conciertos de la YOA y la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional, sino hermanar a todas las orquestas que realizan un trabajo importante en el país”, manifestó Madriz.

Los ensambles costarricenses que participarán son la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional (OSN), Orquesta Sinfónica Manuel María Gutiérrez y la Orquesta Sinfónica Isidro Fernández Mora, del SINEM; además, la Orquesta Sinfónica Intermedia del INM, Orquesta Sinfónica Infantil del INM, Orquesta Sinfónica de Heredia, la Orquesta Sinfónica Municipal de Cartago, la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Orquesta Sinfónica del Conservatorio de Castella.

Según informaron sus representantes, en cada concierto se presentará un repertorio musical diferente, donde destacan obras de importantes compositores costarricenses, latinoamericanos y europeos, tales como Shostakóvich, Beethoven, Verdi, Bach, Ginastera y Mora, entre otros. El repertorio de cada uno de los conciertos se puede consultar en el siguiente enlace:

YOA invitada especial del Festival. La Orquesta de las Américas es una orquesta sinfónica compuesta por 100 músicos entre los 18 y 30 años, provenientes de 25 países del continente. Sus integrantes se renuevan cada año para realizar una gira, que en esta ocasión será por la región centroamericana.

Además, durante la gira, músicos, profesores, directores y artistas invitados, se reúnen para dar y recibir clases magistrales con sus homólogos locales.

La gira de la YOA por los países centroamericanos dio origen al I Festival de Orquestas Unidas. “Para aprovechar su paso por Costa Rica y fomentar un espíritu de unión entre los diferentes ensambles orquestales del país”, indicó el director del CNM.

“Los primeros días acá algunos miembros de la facultad de la YOA trabajarán con estudiantes del Sinem en Liberia, otros estarán en ensayos con la OSN, para luego iniciar con los conciertos. La última presentación será muy emocionante, pues se integrarán 40 músicos costarricenses de todas las orquestas, bajo la dirección de Carlos Miguel Prieto, lo que me parece una ocasión muy especial”, manifestó Jody Steiger, representante de la YOA.

Prieto también será encargado de dirigir a la OSN en el VI Concierto de Temporada Oficial, el 19 y 21 de julio, junto con la pianista venezolana Gabriela Montero, quien llega al país como solista invitada y también compartirá el escenario con la YOA para la grabación de un disco “en directo”, en el Teatro Nacional.

Según manifestó Jorge Duarte, director académico del Instituto Nacional de la Música, hace ya varios años que esta institución tiene relación con la YOA, ya que muchos de los estudiantes del INM, han participado como músicos activos de esta orquesta.

“Ha sido muy valiosa la experiencia que adquieren gracias a la calidad de la agrupación, ya que son talentos del continente. Especialmente esta ocasión me parece muy significativo tener a estos músicos y sus directores, impartiendo clases maestras en el INM. Vamos a invitar a las escuelas de música para que se nutran de estas charlas, las que van a estar abiertas a toda la comunidad”, indicó Duarte.

Las orquestas sinfónicas del INM que participarán serán la Orquesta Sinfónica Infantil, cuyos integrantes son de edad escolar; y la Orquesta Sinfónica Intermedia, con jóvenes de edad colegial.

Participación del Sinem. Por su parte, el Sistema de Educación Musical (Sinem) tendrá una participación muy activa en cuanto a la capacitación y a la participación de dos de sus orquestas.

La Orquesta Sinfónica Isidro Fernández Mora, del Sinem de Liberia, compuesta por cien niños, entre los 8 y los 14, será telonera de la YOA en el concierto que ofrecerán en la ciudad guanacasteca. Además, en el Festival participará la Orquesta Sinfónica Manuel María Gutiérrez, bajo la dirección de Olga Gabriela Mora, máster en Dirección Musical, según informó Miguel Ángel Peña, director general de esa instancia.

Las entradas para estos 12 conciertos tendrán un costo de 3000 colones en cualquier localidad, excepto las presentaciones de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional (OSN) y la Orquesta de las Américas (YOA), que mantendrán los precios de temporada, es decir, entre ¢4000  y ¢17000 colones, según ubicación; así como el de la Orquesta Sinfónica Manuel María Gutiérrez, que se realiza el 16 de julio, que tendrá precios de “Teatro al Mediodía”, es decir, ¢1500 colones.

Calendario de conciertos
Teatro Nacional
17 de julio
-Orquesta del Conservatorio de Castella, director: Manuel Mora, 12 m.d.
-Orquesta Sinfónica de Heredia (OSH), director: Eddie Mora, 8 p.m.
18 de julio
-Orquesta de las Américas YOA, director: Carlos Miguel Prieto (México), 8 p.m.         
19 de julio
-VI Concierto de Temporada Oficial de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional, 8 p.m., director invitado: Carlos Miguel Prieto, solista invitada: Gabriela Montero (piano)
20 de julio
-Orquesta Sinfónica Municipal de Cartago, director: Luis Diego Piedra 12 m.d.
-Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Costa Rica (OSUCR), 8 p.m., director: Juan Manuel Arana.
21 de julio
-VI Concierto de Temporada Oficial de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional, 10:30 a.m.
Teatro Popular Melico Salazar
22 de julio
-Concierto Celebración, 8 p.m. YOA, ex miembros costarricenses e invitados especiales de las orquestas participantes en el Festival.
Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción, Liberia
23 de julio
-YOA y Orquesta Sinfónica Isidro Fernández Mora (SINEM), 7:30 p.m. Fuente: CNM

Contacto de prensa
Danny León
Centro Nacional de la Música
Tel.: 2240-0333, ext. 206, 217 y 204
Producción - Oficina de Prensa MCJ /Consecutivo 345 / LLV / 4-7-2013



Orchestral music will have its first festival in Costa Rica
July 4, 2013 at 3:32 pm
I United Orchestra Festival
Concerts will be held from 16 to 23 July, with 12 presentations at National Theatre, Salazar and Liberia Melico
Involves eight symphony orchestras in the country with members of all ages, plus the Orchestra of the Americas (YOA) special guest
San Jose, July 4, 2013. Eight Rican symphony orchestras, Orchestra plus Americas, or YOA, for its acronym in English (Youth Orchestra of Americas), will offer twelve concertos in the country, I under the United Orchestras Festival organized by the National Center Music (CNM) of the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ) from 16 to 23 July.
The symphony concerts will stage the National Theatre and the Teatro Popular Melico Salazar, in the capital, and Immaculate Conception Church in Liberia.
This was communicated Guillermo Madriz, director of the National Music Centre (CNM), who along with representatives of the participating orchestras gave details of the concert repertoire and activity, this July 4th in Dance Theatre .
"More than 800 musicians from across Latin America will be participating in the concert with their respective assemblies, which provide the public the best of Costa Rican national repertoire, Latin American and universal. The CNM idea was to continue promoting our music, not only with the concerts of the YOA and the National Symphony Orchestra, but unite all the orchestras that perform an important job in the country, "said Madriz.
Assemblies are participating Rican National Symphony Orchestra (NSO), Manuel María Gutiérrez Symphony Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra Isidro Fernández Mora, the SINEM; also the Intermediate Symphony Orchestra INM, INM Children's Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Hall, the Cartago Municipal Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Costa Rica and the Symphony Orchestra of the Conservatorio de Castella.
As reported by their representatives, at every concert will present a different repertoire, which include works by important composers Rican, Latin America and Europe, such as Shostakovich, Beethoven, Verdi, Bach, Ginastera and Mora, among others. The repertoire of each concert is available at the following link:
YOA special guest of the Festival. The Orchestra of the Americas is a symphony orchestra composed of 100 musicians between 18 and 30 years, from 25 countries of the continent. Its members are renewed every year for a tour, which this time will be for the Central American region.
Also during the tour, musicians, teachers, principals and guest artists come together to give and take master classes with local counterparts.
YOA's tour of Central American countries I originated the United Orchestra Festival. "To make their way through Costa Rica and foster a spirit of unity among the various orchestral ensembles in the country," said the director of the CNM.
"The first few days here, some members of the faculty of the YOA Sinem work with students in Liberia, other tests will be in the OSN and then begin with the concerts. The final presentation will be very exciting, because it integrated 40 Costa Rican musicians of all orchestras, under the direction of Carlos Miguel Prieto, what I find a very special occasion, "said Jody Steiger, representative of the YOA.
Prieto also be responsible for leading the NSO in the Official Season Concert VI, 19 and July 21, along with Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Montero, who arrives in the country as a soloist and also share the stage with the YOA for recording a disc "Live" at the National Theatre.
As stated by Jorge Duarte, academic director of the National Institute of Music, for several years that this institution is related to the YOA, as many of INM students have participated as active musicians of the orchestra.
"It was very valuable experience they gain through the quality of the group, as they are talents in the continent. Especially this time seems very significant to have these musicians and their directors, teaching master classes at the INM. We will invite music schools that draw upon these lectures, which will be open to the entire community, "said Duarte.
INM Symphony orchestras participating will be the Children's Symphony Orchestra, whose members are school age, and the Intermediate Symphony Orchestra with college age youth.
Sinem participation. For its part, the Music Education System (Sinem) will have a very active in the training and participation of two of their orchestras.
The Symphony Orchestra Isidro Fernández Mora, Sinem of Liberia, composed of one hundred children between 8 and 14, will be opening for the YOA in concert offered in the city of Guanacaste. Also participate in the Festival Symphony Orchestra Manuel María Gutiérrez, under the direction of Olga Gabriela Mora, master in Orchestra, said Miguel Angel Peña, president of that body.
Tickets for these 12 concerts will cost 3000 colones at any location except the presentations of the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) and the Orchestra of the Americas (YOA), which will keep the prices of season, ie between ¢ 4000 and ¢ 17,000 colones, depending on the location, and the Symphony Orchestra Manuel Maria Gutierrez, held on 16 July, taking prices "Theater at Noon", ie ¢ 1,500 colones.
Concert Calendar
National Theatre
July 17
-Castella Conservatory Orchestra, director: Manuel Mora, 12 noon
Heredia-Symphony Orchestra (OSH), Director: Eddie Mora, 8 pm
July 18
-YOA Orchestra of the Americas, director Carlos Miguel Prieto (Mexico), 8 pm
July 19
-Official Season Concert VI of the National Symphony Orchestra, 8 pm, guest conductor Carlos Miguel Prieto, guest soloist Gabriela Montero (piano)
July 20
-Cartago Municipal Symphony Orchestra, director: Luis Diego Stone 12 noon
-Symphony Orchestra of the University of Costa Rica (OSUCR), 8 pm, Director: Juan Manuel Arana.
July 21
-Official Season Concert VI of the National Symphony Orchestra, 10:30 am
Popular Theatre Melico Salazar
July 22
-Concert Celebration, 8 pm YOA, former Costa Rican members and special guests of the participants in the Festival orchestras.
Immaculate Conception Church, Liberia
July 23
-YOA and Isidro Fernández Mora Orchestra (SINEM), 7:30 pm Source: CNM

Press Contact
Danny Leon
National Music Centre
Tel: 2240-0333, ext. 206, 217 and 204