Friday, August 9, 2013

BURNING SPIRIT FESTIVAL - August 31, 2013 - Costa Rica

EOM August 2013.The burn will be on

Sat. Aug. 31
, 2013 - after dark 
RSVP  here.

In keeping the vision of creating creative community, Laughing Gecko Campgrounds (near Quepos) has been chosen as the venue for the 2nd annual BURNING SPIRIT FESTIVAL.   In the spirit of Burning Man, this is YOUR opportunity to create YOUR festival.  It will be the last weekend of Aug. (following the BM 10 principals, with 'leave only a positive trace').  Well be providing the space and the music. 

We ask you to provide your own tent and meals, and beverages. (or donate food for the community) Those who wish to really "create community"  may arrive a  week (or 2)  early and help build the "dance temple" or the effigy, and there is lots of bamboo if you wish to create a tepee village. Please bring black plastic or tarps as the rains seem to have come early this year.   Come early and help create..... Who would like to sculpt Mother Nature?   if you have the time and creativity, we have the space and I have been growing 3 types of grass for the sculpture. . 

We ask everyone to pay a 3,000 colone daily "membership fee" to the commUNITY. ($5.00 if paid in advance )   This helps buy food for the crew preparing the site,  pays the electric and equipment rental for the festival, and it keeps it a NON-commercial (member only)  event, meaning less gov. permits.  NO VENDING, but there are stores and
restaurants  and rooms for rent in Londres. Rooms are available nearby at Finca Amanecer, and 2 or 3 other locations.. 

Directions:  there are 7 buses a day from Quepos to Londres.  for early volunteers.

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