Embassy of the United States of America
Election Meeting/Registering
Embassy welcomed a colleague from the Department of Defense who trained
local volunteers from the Republican and Democratic parties and other
civic groups how to register American voters to participate in
elections. Americans can reach out to local parties to learn more or they can register to vote absentee on their own.
How to Transmit U.S. Citizenship
Have you registered your child as an American citizen? Although
your child may not have been born in the United States, he or she still
may have acquired U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to U.S. citizen
parents. American Citizen Services in San Jose has created a video to help explain the process to obtain a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) and a U.S. passport. We recommend setting up an appointment to register your child as soon after birth as convenient.
IRS Now Offers Download of Prior Year Tax Filing
The IRS now allows U.S. citizens to download
their “tax transcripts,” which basically means all of their prior
years’ tax filings. This could be useful for applicants for Consular
Reports of Birth Abroad to assist them in proving physical presence in
the United States and gleaning other information. This might help speed things up a bit for applicants who may not be the best record keepers!
Travel.state.gov Relaunch
The State Department has relaunched its website, www.travel.state.gov, for Americans living and traveling abroad. Interested
travelers can learn about travel warnings, conditions in countries of
destination, applying for or renewing passports, and other important
information for potential travelers.
ACS In The Field: Let us speak to your student groups
Officers at the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica look forward to
opportunities to speak to U.S. citizen students who are studying in
Costa Rica. Presenters provide tips to help students avoid
becoming victims of crime, outline potential dangers, and provide
information on services provided by the U.S. embassy. If you are expecting a group of students and you would like them to receive a security briefing, please email ACSSanJose@state.gov.
It Is You, Our Citizens, Who Make the State of Our Union Strong
On January 28, President Barack Obama delivered the annual State of the Union address. Many did not have the opportunity to watch the address, but interested Americans can read the full text online. Costa
Rican Carlos Arredondo was a personal guest of First Lady Michelle
Obama for his role in helping victims of the Boston Bombings.
Please "Share" this with all U.S. Citizens living in Costa Rica
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