Wednesday, April 30, 2014

LIGHTENING STRIKE - How to Survive a Lightening Strike • How to Protect your Things

It's that time again - Rainy - aka LIGHTENING SEASON in Costa Rica!!!!

Hopefully you never have to deal with this problem, but if you think you might be struck by lightning, make sure to read this as it might help.

SILK FABRICS • Fashion • Decorations Imported from India, Thailand & the East in Costa Rica

La Ruta de la Seda • The Silk Road

2-296-3108  •  8-860-5240  •

Monday-Friday - 9am-5pm

Rohrmoser - Plaza La Amistad, Boulevard Rohrmoser, Geroma - 250 metros West•Oeste de Plaza Mayor

Boutique specializing in 100% natural silk Fabrics • Fashion and Decoration, imported from India, Thailand and East

The Silk Road is a specialized boutique Eastern silks. Their 100% natural silk can be used in decoration and fashion. They care about the quality, design and exclusivity of their textiles.

Sold per meter 10cm to 100m plus.

They have raw silk taffetas, dupiones, satins, chiflones, organza, tulle, crepes, jaqueares, devour 100% natural silk. The embroidered or woven plaid designs, stripes, flowers or soft.
In the line of personal accessories they have Shawls, scarves, ties, wallets, etc.

Home accessories - sofrecemos precious table runners, small tablecloths, throws, pictures, etc.

Their vocation is to travel to places that manufacture and bring pieces of fine texture and glamor makes our boutique, a place with Eastern soul, a space for the enjoyment of the Eastern textiles.



Boutique especializada en sedas 100% naturales para moda y decoracion, importadas de la India, Tailandia y Oriente
La Ruta de la Seda es una boutique especializada en sedas de oriente. Nuestras sedas 100% naturales pueden ser usadas en decoración y moda. Nos preocupa la calidad, el diseño y exclusividad de nuestros textiles.
Se venden por metro de 10cm en adelante hasta 100m en caso de necesitarlo.
La variedad de los diferentes textiles en seda nos hacen únicos en el país.
Tenemos seda cruda, taffetas, dupiones, satines, chiflones, organzas, tules, crepés, jaqueares, devorés en seda 100% natural. Los diseños bordados o tejidos a cuadros, rayas, flores o difuminados.
En la línea de accesorios personales tenemos chales, bufandas,corbatas, carteras, etc.
En accesorios para casa le sofrecemos preciosos caminos de mesa, manteles pequeños, throws, cuadros, etc.
Nuestra vocación por viajar a los lugares de manufactura y traer piezas de fina textura y glamour, hace de nuestra boutique, un lugar con alma de oriente, un espacio para el disfrute de los textiles del oriente.


Do you know of any other shops in Costa Rica that carry
SILK FABRICS • Fashions or Decorations from
India, Thailand and the East?

Email me at:


Monday, April 28, 2014

MOON CELEBRATIONS in Costa Rica - NEW MOON • FULL MOON • SOLSTICE Celebrations • Ceremonies • Parties • Events

Do you know anyone ANYWHERE in Costa Rica that does on-going

NEW MOON  •  FULL MOON  •  SOLSTICE (or others??)

I'm creating such a list here.  Note that it might not be current since the only constant thing in Costa Rica is change - so I'll share with you enough information to help YOU track it down to make sure it's current & if you can get back with me with any updates - that will be helpful to others!!! (I have over 2,700 entries on my blog 99.9% of them I have never made a penny on via donations or submissions - hence this is a labor of love & I only have so many hours in a day.  Any volunteers to help with updating the site would be greatly appreciated!!).

Please send DETAILS: 
•  a description of what you MIGHT do for each of them
•  Contact email • phone #
•  Website • Facebook Page • Twitter
•  Location (city and Directions and ideally Bus directions) where they're usually held
•  A jpg photo (NOT .doc or NOT pdf)
•  Whatever else you'd like to add 
(I LOVE DETAILS!!  To ME, there's no such thing as to much info!!)

Email me at:



Full Moon Drum Circle
(on-going as of April 4, 2015)

Gather with local crowds and vacationers.  
The emphasis is on drumming, playing rhythm instruments, dancing, hanging out with one another, meeting new people, bringing and sharing food and goodies, etc.Bring chairs or something for sitting and playing your drum, and of course your drums and rhythm instruments.
Don't know if we'll try to have our own bonfire or just enjoy the many others that will surely be going on

Gather at around sunset till ???
Nuevo Arenal - Bañadero Park
(or in someone's private home - so double check)

Oliver Duex



Marcos Pizza
Bon Fire (starts at 5pm - kids welcome)
Party with DJ (starts at 10pm)
(this seems more of a party than Spiritual)




Chantalananda for KIRTANA
Saturday December 6th - Sunset
to celebrate the full moon.
Meet at the 7 Palms, the far north part of Guiones Beach at Sunset.
Bring a picnic and stay for the arrival of the full moon.



Every Full Moon - After 5pm

Bring own refreshments.

Near Iguanas, across from anchor near Las Palmas. 
Chris Johnson started 



Moon Goddess Gatherings (Dominical Area)




Bring your instruments and jam and PARTY.


As I find things I'll share them here so make sure to BookMark this page and keep checking back!



Sunday, April 27, 2014

PROOF You're Leaving Costa Rica within 90 Days - What Choices do You Have??

To ENTER Costa Rica EVERYONE withOUT Residency•a Cedula MUST have
PROOF THEY ARE LEAVING Costa Rica within 90 days MAX of the date they are entering.



So far, most people I've heard from that have FLOWN into Costa Rica or that have entered Costa Rica via the Nicaragua LAND Border - a BUS TICKET worked just fine.

TicaBus now allows people to reserve a ticket via email. 
Check out my entry on that at:

Go downtown San Jose to TransNica& by a 1-way SJO TO Managua ticket

Get the ticket for 90 days before (though I do mine for 89 days - JUST in case)

around $28ish (depending on value of US$ at the time) but that is NOT refundable - but it IS CHANGEABLE.

If you want to extend the ticket for beyond that you'll need to cancel it 24 hours in advance for TicaBus or 3 days before for TransNica to avoid a penalty.


IF you are doing your next Visa Run to Panama, Panama now DEMANDS that ALL ENTERING Panama (though I'm mainly hearing this JUST of people entering by LAND at the Costa Rica•Panama border.  People that have flown into Panama so far have not shared the same experience).

An easy way to deal with that - IF you have the $$ - you can just call the airlines & book•pay for a FULLY 100% REFUNDABLE ticket (use those words) THAT MORNING BEFORE you go to the airport & purchase a ticket for SJO•San Jose (or Liberia), Costa Rica (make sure you don't accidentally get a San Jose, CALIFORNIA reservation.  It wouldn't be the first time that happened [that week!!]) to Orlando, Florida on JetBlue to depart within in 90 days. 

Personally, to be safe, I do Day 89 - THEN - BEFORE midnight - call to cancel it and ask for a refund and you should be ok as they most likely have not processed their tickets.

PLEASE do NOT waste a travel agents time for this (personally I don't see why a small Processing Fee wouldn't be ok since YOU ARE literally wasting their time•resources - but hey - as one that works for myself, I see life differently!!) - unless you're willing to pay them a fee to do it.

Actually, as I say that, since most airlines charge you a higher price if you book on the phone with a live person, vs doing it automated online, I wonder if they reimburse that part of the ticket which is around $20-$25 on average I think.

Hey - it's a small price to pay to get to return to Costa Rica and stay "longer"!!



Lately quite a few people have reported (and I have PERSONALLY SEEN it happen to people on myself) Immigrations officials at Peñas Blancas CALL the airlines when they suspected!Panama---Costa-Rica-Border-Now-Checking-Validity-of-Outgoing-Plane-Tickets/c1o7p/F0DB0F51-BE3C-4D5A-ACA8-CA88177B42C6


And do NOT NOT NOT - NOT do your Visa Run or Get it "Stamped" Illegally!
First off, Costa Rica is quite generous with us being able to come and go when we do things legally - especially compared to some countries - so do NOT BLOW IT!!  Leave every 90 days (or whatever your countries passport requires).

And do NOT find someone to "Stamp" it!!!!!!  A) it's HIGHLY ILLEGAL and you CAN get thrown in Immigration Jail (at least it's not as bad as the other jails in Costa Rica) AND DEPORTED for 5 years.  I have KNOWN / been in contact with a few people that that happened to.  Just DON'T do it!!!!!!!!!

SENIORS•RETIREES IN COSTA RICA - GOLD CARD • CIUDADANO de ORO (CR's Senior Citizens Discount Card) • Special treatment Seniors•Retirees get in Costa Rica including NO Waiting in Lines & FREE Bus Rides!

It's REALLY COOL how Costa Rican's treat Senior Citizens as they get to go to the front of the line most places (fyi - a Senior in Costa Rica is age 65).

It gives PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT to "Seniors" in Costa Rica.  It gives DISCOUNTS to pharmacies, appliances, hardware stores, book stores, bakeries, shoe stores, private clinics, clinical laboratories, opticians, supermarkets, travel agencies and LOTS MORE!!!

Request your ID card for the Senior Citizen Gold Card (Ciudano de Oro) program with your passport or Costa Rican residency card in the nearest office of the CAJA in your city or town.

(or being a Senior Citizen in Costa Rica)
Some people have shared that when they were wanting to visit someone in the hospital (in the government hospitals - Visiting Hours are VERY LIMITED), they could go at ANY TIME with their Gold Card•Ciudadano de Oro card or Cedula and information on the person one plans to visit.

Read what I wrote about this at:

This is a cool perk of being a senior!!  I believe in all cities you can sign up for a FREE BUS PASS for the area you live in. 


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Burning Spirit Festival (Costa Rica's version of Burning Man) - August 29-31, 2014

Burning Spirit Festival

The 3rd annual Burning Man for Costa Rica.

Friday-Sunday - August 29-31, 2014

Laughing Gecko Campgrounds
10.5k east of Quepos just prior to Londres, Costa Rica


Friday, April 25, 2014

Vicki's AVAILABLE for PET & HOUSE SITTING in FLORIDA May 30-June 24 (IDEALLY the Sarasota area)

I'M AVAILABLE for PET & HOUSE SITTING in FLORIDA as of May 30ish till June 24!!
(I need to go back to renew my Drivers License and would LOVE to stay longer in my old stomping grounds as I haven't been back in 6 years)
Ultimately I'd like to return to my old stomping grounds - the Sarasota or Venice island area - or anywhere along the West•Gulf Coast of Florida)

I've been Pet•House Sitting off and on for over 30 years BUT full time Professionally in Costa Rica for over 3 years.

Pet/House Sitting back in Costa Rica around the 2nd week of September +.

"LIKE" our Facebook page

(more details coming in the a.m.)

A More REAL • HONEST Commentary on the TOURISM situation in Costa Rica

Tourism industry says its 22,000 jobs are at risk without moratorium
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

When the new administration takes over, President Luis Guillermo Solís is going to have to look past job losses caused by the exit of Intel Corp. and Bank of America. The tourist industry says that 22,000 jobs are at risk there.

The Asociacion Para La Proteccion Del Turismo is coming forward now with statistics, in an effort to attract the attention of the new administration, including the new minister of Turismo, Wilhelm Von Breymann Barquero.

And the statistics are grim. Some 782 hotels are behind in payments to the Caja Costarricense de Seguridad Social. Some 100 other hotels have simply closed, and 100 more are facing auctions by various banking institutions, said the tourism association.

There has been a string of closures since the economic downturn hit in 2008, but no one has given a count until recently. The hotels and other places of accommodation in trouble are generally the small to medium operations.

The Asociacion Para La Proteccion Del Turismo renewed its call for some sort of freeze on the debts owned by tourism operations. Tourism operators are upset by soaring utility cost and, until recently, the low value of the U.S. dollar.

A minority of the association members also think that the general government is not telling the truth when it says the country has received 2.4 million annual tourists

That is a number that probably can be found in the business plan of every new tourism enterprise. The tourism association said that 5,000 new hotel rooms that can accommodate 10,000 persons have     been constructed in the last three years. The country needs nearly 400,000 more tourists who stay for more than 10 days to fill those rooms, it said.

What many in the industry do not know is that the figures released by the Instituto Costarricense de Turismo include as tourists nearly everyone entering the country. The figures include more than 400,000 persons each year who come from Nicaragua. When Nicaraguans return to their homes here and jobs after Semana Santa, they will be counted as tourists for purposes of the statistics.

In addition to hotel operators, rental car agency executives also are reporting low expectations for Semana Santa and the coming low season.

The tourism institute has made some unusual marketing decisions. For example, the institute invested $500,000 in NBC for advertising during the winter Olympics. The institute also put money into advertising on various social networks, Google and Yahoo/Bing, it said Feb. 9.

One goal was to raise the Internet ranking of the institute's Web site with the online ads. Alexa, the Amazon subsidiary, tracks Web site visits, and said that the Institute's Web site,, was in 155,605th place worldwide when the campaign started.

Tuesday that ranking was 183,018.

Some of those in the tourism industry also are urging the government to open the door wider for tourists. The Asociacion Para La Proteccion Del Turismo Facebook site recounts the story of a 40-year-old female company executive from Perú who was denied entry for a trip to Manuel Antonio last week because her passport was only valid for four months instead of the required six. She was put on a return flight, the site said.


FAX - Where to Send or Receive a Fax or Telegram to•from around the world to you in Costa Rica

Does anyone really use Faxes anymore?  Well, sometimes a need arises and it's not so easy to find one in Costa Rica. What can one do that's living in Costa Rica??

Did you know you can send and receive a FAX at the Post Office•Correo (including sending•receiving faxes international as well)?  I have a feeling they're going to be LOTS cheaper than going to any of the other options below!
Fax Nacional sin Distribucion (incluye apartados)
Send a fax within Costa Rica (no distribution needed)(includes sections??)

Fax Nacional con Distribucion Domiciliaria
Send a fax within Costa Rica & I THINK it means it could be delivered to your home??)

Acuse de Recibo (adicional) Proceso de Registro y Control • Acknowledgement (additional) Registration Process and Control
(with signature)

U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands
1st Page  =  1,440-c
Additional Pages - 680-c
(see above for other countries)

NOTA:  En el caso del servicio de Fax Nacional, la empresa padria establecer tarifas preferenciales para grandes clientes mediante previa autorizacion de la Gerencia General
NOTE: For National Fax service, the company Padria establish preferential rates for large customers by prior authorization of the General Management

Get the number of the Fax machine at your local Correo•Post Office at:

(I'd STILL double check that it's working before doing it/going over since it IS Costa Rica)

Also - receive or send a 

Just make sure they post your name and your phone number(S) (I'd give both landline and cell number - unless you check your voicemail) and I'd have the person sending an incoming fax•telegram call or email me to let me know it was done - otherwise it MIGHT sit around the post office for DAYS (and/or get lost!!  Better to be safe than sorry).


For a list of all the Post Offices•Correos services and
PRICES - go to:




MAYBE your local Office Supply•Stationary Store•Libreria • Copy Shop•FotoCopiadoras?

MAYBE a friends professional office?  A neighbor?
Post on some of the ExPat boards where you're located and what you have.

Do you get free calls to the U.S./Canada via Skype, Vonage or something similar & have a fax machine?
Let your friends/neighbors know since that will cost NOTHING (though I'd offer some money or lunch or something to thank them - especially if it's lots of pages &/or international &/or they're doing it for you)
(I used to do this often for people where I've lived)


Does your item HAVE to be faxed?  Other ways that might work:
•   Take a picture of the item with your camera or cell phone and email the jpg of it

•   Is it something on the internet?  You can make a
(I only know how to do it on a Mac.  Can anyone share the PC way of doing it??.  Note if what you want does not all show up on your screen - go into your "View" & "Zoom" & then "Zoom Out" to make the document smaller till all you need shows up [at least this is how it is on a Mac)
MAC - ScreenSave will copy ALL that is showing on your screen.  Hold down at the same time:
"Command" - "Shift" & "3"
To copy JUST a specific section of what's showing up on your screen (NOTE - if you're trying to ScreenSave a hole :
First bring your cursor to the top left section you want to save. 
Then hold down at the same time:
"Command" - "Shift" & "4".

Then a bulls-eye icon will show up where your cursor is and make a box around the area you want to Screen Save!
DONE!!  It's now a png photo image!!
Where it goes depends on where you have it saved so you might need to do a "Find" to find ScreenSave

•  Send it via some sort of internet fax service like
eFax -
You send the document via email and it goes to your designated fax machine.  Unfortunately it starts at $16.95/month but you get up to send and receive 150 FREE pages each


Has this DETAILED information been helpful to you - brought more ease into your life, saved you time and/or $$$/¢¢¢¢?

Please consider showing your appreciation for and helping keep this detailed blog going by making a

You can do it via PAYPAL (you do NOT need to have a PayPal account) - or send me an Gift Card!!!

ANY amount is appreciated since this is my ONLY source of "income" and VERY FEW people give back/donate!!!


Foreigners face barriers to open a bank account in Costa Rica

Foreigners face barriers to open a bank account
By Garland M. Baker
Special to A.M. Costa Rica

Expats are having a very hard time understanding the new rules and regulations set forth by national and private banks in Costa Rica. They were outlined in detail March 31.  They do not understand why they cannot open a bank account if they are on a tourist visa but own property or have other investments in the country.

It is the fault of the Banco Central de Costa Rica. The central bank issued a communication to all Costa Rican banks March 27, 2012, stating that the only people with valid acceptable documents can make interbank transactions via SINPE, the interbank system. The Banco Central is responsible for controlling inflation, printing and managing money and maintaining the stability of the Costa Rican currency.

It should not be confused with SUGEF, the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras, the organization that supervises the stability of the country’s financial system. In simplistic terms, the Banco Central manages the quantity and SUGEF the quality of Costa Rica’s finances.

Valid documents for foreigners are the following:

     1. Costa Rican cédula;

     2. Resident identification card, called a DIMEX;

     3. Company cédula obtainable from the
              Registro Nacional; and,

     4. Diplomat identification or DIDI. A
              passport does not qualify. 

Most interbank transactions in the country use SINPE or the Sistema Nacional de Pagos Electrónico. This means it is controlled by the Central Bank. The only way around the rule is to use cash or a check, which is not very efficient.

This means most banks will not open an account any more for a tourist who just walks in to do so. There are rare exceptions. Old accounts opened in more lenient times are being closed because they do not adhere to the new banking rules.

Companies like sociedad anónimas and S.R.L.s can open bank accounts. However, some banks themselves have interpreted the Banco Central’s ruling to mean everyone signing on the account must have one of the four documents listed above.
Digging deeper into the matter by visiting the Banco de Costa Rica and the Banco Nacional and speaking with supervisors, a reporter found they would open an account for a tourist. Nevertheless, it is not easy or common and the non-resident would need to have a valid Costa Rican company. They would also need at least one of the following requisites. Two would be better:

    1. A recommendation letter from their home
             bank, translated into Spanish, notarized
             and apostilled;

    2. A detailed outline of where all the funds
              in 1 originated, certified by a foreign
              certified public accountant, notarized                and apostilled; and/or,

    3. A local certified public accountant’s
           certification of funds.
There is an easier way. A representative at Banco Nacional said he would allow a tourist or otherwise non-resident to sign on an account if the primary account holder did have one of the required identifications. Banco de Costa Rica said it would not let a non-resident foreigner sign under any circumstances.

Some private banks are a little bit more flexible. However, they, too, must adhere to Law 8024 and the Banco Central’s policies. To do so, they require non-resident foreigners to have most of the things national banks are asking for to open a new account.

The obvious problem is most people do not want to have someone they do not know very well sign on their their bank account. Some expats opt for an attorney or CPA, but this is not a very good option either. The way Costa Rican laws work, most crooks get away with the bootie.

The problem is clear. How about a solution?
Expats with property should look to a reputable property manager to pay the bills. The key word here is reputable. To find one, good hard homework is necessary. Asking other expats, friends and other property owners can lead to finding the right person or company.

As for expats in business, they should have residency so they can manage their own banking needs or have a partner trustworthy enough to do so. If they cannot meet these criteria, they should not be doing business in Costa Rica.

Is there a possibility things will change, go back to the way they were? Very unlikely. Costa Rica is doing its very best to stay off the financial tax haven list. Being on it has hurt the country in the past.

Most countries with money do not want to give or lend money to any country not willing to play ball in the international financial community.

Other countries insist on transparency and financial data sharing so they can catch tax cheats.  All the new banking requirements are mandated by the world. Costa Rica is just complying.

Garland M. Baker is a 44-year resident and naturalized citizen of Costa Rica who provides multidisciplinary professional services to the international community.  Reach him at  Baker has undertaken the research leading to these series of articles in conjunction with A.M. Costa Rica.  Find the collection at, a complimentary reprint is available at the end of each article.  Copyright 2004-2014, use without permission prohibited.

ECOBIOSIS - el nuevo Portal Web de Biodiversidad Costarricense

ECOBIOSIS, el nuevo Portal Web de Biodiversidad Costarricense reúne información de las colecciones de botánica, zoología y vertebrados fósiles, acumulada en 127 años de investigaciones en el Museo Nacional. Le invitamos a la presentación el próximo martes 29 de abril, a las 9:30 a.m. 

ECOBIOSIS, the new Web Portal of Costa Rican biodiversity gathers information of the collections in Botany, zoology, and vertebrate fossils, accumulated in 127 years of research at the National Museum. 
We invite you to the presentation on Tuesday, April 29, at 9:30 a.m.

Maraton de la Salud - Manejo de mascotas en familias con embarazadas y niños. Su perro y gato son parte de la familia en Costa Rica
Maraton de la Salud:
Manejo de mascotas en familias con embarazadas y niños.
Su perro y gato son parte de la familia

FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN AND PREGNANT!, ADOPTION FAIR, AND MUCH MORE! CLINIC BIBLE-FOGAUS-DR. MOLINA. With the participation of Dr. Melissa Alvarado and Psychologist Esther Serrano!. expect them!!

Sabado - 10 de Mayo - 9am-12pm/m.d.

San Jose - Hospital Clinica Biblica.
6th Piso Torre de Estacionamiento

Costo de Entrada:  1,000-c por mascota

PARA FAMILIAS CON EMBARAZADAS Y NIÑOS!, FERIA DE ADOPCIONES, Y MUCHO MÁS! CLÍNICA BÍBLICA- FOGAUS- DR. MOLINA. Con la participación de la Dra. Melissa Alvarado y la Psicóloga Ester Serrano!. les esperamos!!!!!


Marathon of Health:
Handling pets in families with pregnant women and children.
Your dog and cat are part of the family

FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN AND PREGNANT!, ADOPTION FAIR, AND MUCH MORE! BIBLE-FOGAUS CLINIC-DR. MOLINA. With the participation of Dr. Melissa Alvarado and Psychologist Esther Serrano!. expect them!

Saturday - May 10 - 9am-12pm/m.d.

San Jose - Hospital Clinica Biblica.
6th Floor Parking Tower

Entry Fee: 1,000 pet-c

FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN AND PREGNANT!, ADOPTION FAIR, AND MUCH MORE! CLINIC BIBLE-FOGAUS-DR. MOLINA. With the participation of Dr. Melissa Alvarado and Psychologist Esther Serrano!. expect them!!


Monday, April 21, 2014

The ART of CHOCOLATE & WINE - an evening of Samaritan Xocolata Chocolate & Sabores Argentinos Wine Tasting at Joanna's Eatz•Cocina Eclectica in Escazu

What to do in San Jose this weekend! Worth making a special trip...go early, check out Feria Verde in Aranjuez, do some shopping, see a movie at VIP, or visit a volcano, and come see us in Escazu Saturday evening. It will be great fun, great food and great wine, not to mention the CHOCOLATE!

Saturday - April 26, 2014 - 6:30pm-?

a selection of Samaritan Xocolata Chocolates
and a
Wine Tasting pairing of selections from
Sabores Argentinos
fine Argentinian and Spanish Wine Tasting

you can purchase additional Wine by the Glass or Bottle, Joanna's Eatz•Cocina Eclectica yummy and unique Bocas•appetizers and additional Chocolate Products ala carte.

Escazu - Trejos Montelegre
Joanna's Eatz•Cocina Eclectica

Coming from Pista del Sol #27 - get off at the Escazu WALMART Exit. 
Go through 2 lights and pass Tony Romas and TGIFridays.  At the next street (at Exotica Vivero•Nursery and Rosti Pollos) TURN INTO it - entering Trejos Montealegre.
Take your first LEFT.
Pass through the intersection at ApartHotel Maria Alexandra. Keep going forward and it veers to your right. 
Go down about 800 meters.
They're the WHITE HOUSE with the Black Fence/Gates directly IN FRONT of the 2nd SPEED BUMP on the RIGHT.
Ring the Door Bell.


HELP! I (Vicki - owner of this site) URGENTLY NEEDS an Apple 60W MagSafe Power Adaptor for a 13" MacBook Pro!!!


With that said, if you're seeking one (ANY Apple•Mac part is NOT easy to find in Costa Rica and IS LOTS more $$$ to buy in Costa Rica AND if you have it shipped to you in Costa Rica, IF (yeah right - chances are REALLY GOOD it WILL) it gets caught up in Customs, you'll get to add the tax they want to charge you based on the value of the item HERE!!!

THANX to ALL that came to my rescue helping me find a Power Cord for my MacBook Pro that got fried!!  & THANX to all that offered to lend me one till I could get a new one (especially my former best neighbor Simon that once again helped me out by lending me his), those that searched Amazon/the internet to find cheap ones & that offered to bring me one from the U.S.

And ESPECIALLY my angels Ina & Stefan that are GIFTING me with one (by the way, they’re seeking contacts for ANYTHING ORGANIC around Costa Rica so if you have any ideas, send them to me & I’ll share it with them!!)

& THANX to Tao that’s bringing it up to from the Colibri's Corner International booth at the San Isidro de General Thursday Farmer’s Market (the BEST BOOTH there & a GREAT place to connect) who agreed to be the Connecting Point!!
(FYI - Tao’s coming up for her “The ART of CHOCOLATE & WINE - an evening of Samaritan Xocolata Chocolate & Sabores Argentinos Wine Tasting” this Saturday evening at Joanna's Eatz•Cocina Eclectica in Escazu

It’s SOOOO BEAUTIFUL to see the power of the internet & social media & COMMUNITY coming together helping each other as I had 22 people SO FAR offering some sort of help!!!

I’m TRULY BLESSED & it was another reminder that it’s NOT time for me to leave Costa Rica yet.  I’m REALLY HAPPY to be back in the Central Valley (well - La Guacima) after being away in Nicaragua (Matagalpa & Granada) for 5 weeks.


HELP!!!  I URGENTLY NEED an Apple 60W MagSafe Power Adaptor in GOOD CONDITION for a 13" MacBook Pro laptop (I think it was a late '11/early '12).

APPLE brand ONLY - no fake ones!!

(mine got fried in a power surge during one of the recent Nicaragua earthquakes. 

It looks like

ESSENTIAL OIL EXPERT in Costa Rica - Dr. Susan Lawton en Costa Rica. She has 40 years of using Essential Oils for Physical • Emotional Healing & Balance

Dr. Susan Lawton  •
is coming to Costa Rica!

She has 40 years of using Essential Oils for Physical • Emotional Healing & Balance

22- 26 Abril • April 22-26, 2014
*Cupo Limitado / Limited Space

*Con traducción simultánea al español
*In English with simultaneous translation

Martes•Tuesday - April•Abril 22

 "Aceites Esenciales como medicina alternativa"
"Essential Oils as Alternative Medicine"
Martes•Tuesday - April•Abril 22 - 6:30-9:15pm
Dra. Susan Lawton

Para profesionales en Medicina / For Medical Professionals  •

Miercoles•Wednesday - April•Abril 23  - 6-9pm

 "Sólo para Mujeres"
" For Women Only"

April•Abril 24

 "Tomando Control de la Salud de tu Familia"
"Taking Control of your Family's Healthcare"
April•Abril 25
"Viviendo Saludables y Felices para Siempre" 

 "Living Healthy and Happily Ever After"

AromaTouch Technique

April•Abril 26

 "Haga y Tome - Manos a la obra" 
"Make & Take - Hands On"

Viviendo Saludables y Felices para Siempre" 
Living Healthy & Happily Ever After"

La Dra. Susan Lawton, reconocida autora del libro "Viviendo Saludables y Felices para Siempre" viene a Costa Rica a compartir toda una vida de experiencia clínica en el uso de los Aceites Esenciales y sugerencias para una salud óptima!
Con Doctorados en Psicología Clínica y Química Celular Basal aparte de su título en Enfermería, la Dra. Susan ha trabajado en unidades de Oncología, Neurología y enfermedades Cardiopulmonares por muchos años y tiene más de 40 años de experiencia con aceites esenciales.

Dr. Susan Lawton, renowned author of "Living Healthy and Happily Ever After" is coming to Costa Rica to share a lifetime of clinical experience in the use of Essential Oils and suggestions for optimal health!With PhDs in Clinical Psychology and in Basal Chemistry (Cellular) besides her degree in RN, Dr. Susan has worked in Oncology, Cardio Pulmonary and Neurological units for many years and has over 40 years of essential oils experience.

** El AromaTouch Technique se impartirá el Viernes 25 de Abril, 2014.  Haga click aquí para más información.

** The AromaTouch Technique is on Friday April 25th, 2014.  Click here for more info.

Aceites Esenciales como medicina alternativa - Essential Oils as Alternative Medicine

Martes 22 de Abril / Tuesday April 22nd
Colegio de Médicos

*Abierto al público / Open to the public

Sólo para Mujeres • For Women Only

Hormonas durante la recuperación - embarazo - depresión - ansiedad.  Lo que se comparte en este evento se queda en este evento...secretos y respuestas para problemas de intimidad, recuperación de quimo, etc

Hormones thru recovery - pregnancy - depression - anxiety. What is shared in this event stays at this event....secrets and answers to intimacy issues, cancer chemo recovery, etc.

Miércoles 23 de Abril / Wednesday April 23rd


Costa Rica Tennis Club



Tomando Control de la Salud de tu Familia 
Taking Control of your Family's Healthcare

Protocolos, tips, sugerencias para los ronquidos, alergias, infecciones y curación personal.
Protocols, tips, suggestions snoring - thru allergies, infections, MRSA, and personal healing.

Jueves 24 de Abril / Thursday April 24th
9am-12pm/mid dia
Costa Rica Tennis Club


Haga y Tome - Manos a la obra 
Make & Take - Hands ON

Para continuar la buena salud y recuperación de lesiones en la cabeza, tinitus, problemas de audición, pérdida del sentido del gusto y el olfato, ansiedad, recuperación de derrames, fístulas, etc.   Carga de inhaladores, sprays y botellas de mezclas especiales incluídas... 
On EO for continuing good health and recovery from closed head injuries, tinitus, hearing issues, loss of sense of taste & smell, anxiety, MRSA, stroke recovery, fistulas, etc. Loading of Inhalers, spritzers and bottles of special blends are included....

Sábado 26 de Abril / Saturday April 26th
9am-12:30pm/mid dia
Costa Rica Tennis Club

Viviendo Saludables y Felices para Siempre 

Living Healthy & Happily Ever After 

Protocolos para la salud emocional y el balance durante transiciones, fijación de metas, alcanzar el éxito, identificación saludable de virtudes y talentos, etc.

Protocols for emotional health & Balance thru transitions, goal setting, success achieving, healthy identification of  virtues and talents, etc.

Sábado 26 de Abril / Saturday April 26th
Costa Rica Tennis Club

8-845-8369  •  8-814-0697  •
