It's a country where EVERY STEP YOU TAKE you MUST BE 101% FULLY AWARE on what is in FRONT of you - otherwise - DOWN YOU GO!!!
(which doesn't help when there's a sharp metal overhang at a bus stop that's level with your head)
(these things sticking out of the grounds are some metal pieces - left over from some sort of signs perhaps - or bars used to block the entrance of the parking lot when this bank on Calle Vieja was closed. I went down here - ended up face down on the asphalt on the street!! Scrapped up my face & right hand!!)
(this is a metal overhang at a popular
bus stop that was LOW!! I can't believe a BUNCH of people haven't
gouged their heads open. Ahhh - life in Costa Rica!!!)
(the mold and moss on many sidewalks in Rainy Season [ESPECIALLY worse June-November/December-ish])
(make sure you have a flashlight with you when walking at night!)
(yet ANOTHER drop [this one is about 4 feet down] on THE major street in Escazu. More proof you MUST be looking down ALL the time when you're walking in Costa Rica!!)
Jo Ann share THIS reminder - "As well as looking ahead, also be aware of hazards behind you!! I'm always very careful when walking, but recently, I was taking to someone as I stepped backward...uneven sidewalk behind me & I fell backward! Broke a bone in my wrist since I tried to catch myself. One more thing to watch for next time!!"
Even when driving - you MUST have ALL your eyes WIDE
OPEN AND FOCUSED (even those on the sides AND back of your head) -
otherwise - DOWN YOUR CAR GOES - into that 6' deep open manhole where
the 2 guys are walking away with the cover - or while you're in that
left turning lane, a motorcycle comes up along your LEFT side and you
hit him and YOU'RE responsible - or some fool insecure unconscious
insecure driver that's never taken a driving class comes out of no where
- or goes through his red light - or as you go over that little
puddle in the road - down you go into a DEEP POTHOLE - breaking your
front end - or you go to parallel park your car and you don't realize there's a (ALL these are things that have happened to people I've
encountered that have shared their experiences!) . . .
(Potholes in Paradise!! This was the road going to Tamarindo [at least now it's paved]. In Rainy Season - even in the best of areas Potholes come out BIG TIME and you WILL be weaving in and out - EVEN on the MAIN ROADS and HIGHWAYS THROUGHOUT Costa Rica
(remember when you're backing up what's behind you!! With all the LOW cars in Costa Rica - this could do some serious damage to your car!!)
(NOTE: I speak from LOTS of experience on this topic in my nearly 9 years living in Costa Rica and I have plenty of scars, torn ligaments & even a torn meniscus in my knee [from when I didn't see that one step that came out of no where - that reminds me of how CRUCIAL it is for me to be CONSCIOUS with EVERY step I take - otherwise - DOWN I go!!).
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