Saturday, June 21, 2014

BORDER CROSSING - TODAY at the SJO Airport Entrance into CostaRica - MY Experience

EVERYONE has different experiences in life (ESPECIALLY in CR & even more so on this board it seems).  I've been living in CR 9 years in July (as a "Perpetual Tourist" - anxiously awaiting the day CR FINALLY does an amnesty where I WILL IMMEDIATELY file since I don't fall into a category for residency at this point [I'm only 57 years YOUNG!!!]).

I just returned from a WONDERFUL 3 week trip to the Sarasota/Tampa Florida area (damn it's WAYYYYYYYYYYY CHEAPER in Florida than CR on 95% of things!!!  LOTS more on that later [I'm already going through withdrawals from the Dollar Trees that have freezer/fridge sections where EVERYTHING TRULY IS $1 or less]).

MY EXPERIENCE TODAY was - I walked up to the VERY NICE (& cute - a nice welcome home!) Immigration guy & he asked when I was leaving CR & I told him in 90 days & he did NOT even ask me for my proof of such & he gave me a 90 day stamp (I like to hold back on giving my proof to them to see if they will ask but I ALWAYS have it!!  I had $$ in my bank account in case they demanded I have a plane ticket vs the usual bus ticket that had been working for many before - though here some people were reporting they DEMANDED that proof of departure in 90 days be a plane ticket.  Sometimes they ask & sometimes they don't). (FYI - I did ALL my talking in Español!!! [well - more like VicLish!!]  BIG GIRL!!)

And at Spirit Air in Tampa (GRRRRR - another story on that later - at least the purchasing nightmare of them) they gladly accepted my ORIGINAL bus ticket as proof I was leaving.

NOTE:  Because these days Migracion is often tracking reservations of people that have COPIES of their tickets because some are making bogus tickets - I think it's smart for you to invest the whole fricking $27-$28 to BUY A REAL BUS TICKET!!  It's a small investment to have the opportunity to live in CR as freely as we can these days!!!

Just sharin' MY experience!!  You might have a different one tomorrow!!!

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